Hillary Clinton, Sorest Loser in History

The Clinton foundation should be going as strong as ever if Hillary was not corrupt. All those multimillion dollar foreign donations had nothing to do with buying influence after all.
Agreed that, if it was honest, it would still be going strong.


The Top Donors Backing Hillary Clinton's Super PAC

...the foundation is still grappling with its place in the era of President Trump. It faces some daunting challenges: a drop in fund-raising during the campaign; uncertainty about the scale of the former president’s ambitions; and questions about leadership, including how long its president, Donna E. Shalala, will stay, and whether Mrs. Clinton might rejoin the charity.....Ms. Shalala, in an interview on Thursday, acknowledged the difficulties. “Last year was a tough year,” she said, “because people were beating on us with nonsense,” a reference to bruising political attacks claiming that donors were using the foundation to curry favor with the Clintons.

Revenues were down for 2016, Ms. Shalala acknowledged, in part because of voluntary restrictions and the fact that the charity’s major fund-raisers — the former president and his daughter, Chelsea — were campaigning for Mrs. Clinton. Revenues “dropped during the economic downturn, too,” Ms. Shalala said....
GOD bless them Any figures on what they gave to poor people in poor countries? Their foundations were rated highly
So why are their revenues down again?
Hillary should be upset. It was her turn to be president because she has a vagina. She was suppose to be the first woman president.
Which explains why she's such a sore loser about it. Bill had his turn and, after standing by his adulterous corrupt administration, then losing to Obama, she felt she'd earned her right to be President. American voters disagreed.
WRONG WINDY voters voted for her but states didn't The will of the majority of all Americans was NOT followed
If the Electoral College system is so bad, why didn't Bill Clinton say so during his 8 years or Obama during his 8 years? Why wait until after Hillary loses to complain?
Simple Because they won popular vote too
I believe that the Republican lie machine was very successful in handing down loads of BS about her Yes,, some dems believed it ,,some dems were pissed because they thought Bernie was robbed BUT theres no doubt in my mind she would have made a far superior president than the cur there now
Since you don't believe she was corrupt and, as you admitted, you think most "dems" are fucking morons for believing, as you claim, "the Republican lie machine" and, as you also admitted, "Bernie was robbed" (by who?), no doubt you think she would have been the greatest President ever. Since I do believe she is corrupt, regardless of how qualified she is for the position, her corruption is a cancer and it was good that the Clinton cancer was removed from Washington. Power to the People! LOL
More moron repubs believed trump and other repub BS than dems did and now you've reaped the whirlwind
This too shall pass. Trump is old and his political power is weak. Still, he's better than Hillary and, by virtue of being elected, Trump has done the #1 best thing for the nation: Breaking the Clinton Dynasty.
You deserve Ivanka as your President
LOL Ivanka is better than Hillary.
The Clinton foundation should be going as strong as ever if Hillary was not corrupt. All those multimillion dollar foreign donations had nothing to do with buying influence after all.
Agreed that, if it was honest, it would still be going strong.


The Top Donors Backing Hillary Clinton's Super PAC

...the foundation is still grappling with its place in the era of President Trump. It faces some daunting challenges: a drop in fund-raising during the campaign; uncertainty about the scale of the former president’s ambitions; and questions about leadership, including how long its president, Donna E. Shalala, will stay, and whether Mrs. Clinton might rejoin the charity.....Ms. Shalala, in an interview on Thursday, acknowledged the difficulties. “Last year was a tough year,” she said, “because people were beating on us with nonsense,” a reference to bruising political attacks claiming that donors were using the foundation to curry favor with the Clintons.

Revenues were down for 2016, Ms. Shalala acknowledged, in part because of voluntary restrictions and the fact that the charity’s major fund-raisers — the former president and his daughter, Chelsea — were campaigning for Mrs. Clinton. Revenues “dropped during the economic downturn, too,” Ms. Shalala said....
GOD bless them Any figures on what they gave to poor people in poor countries? Their foundations were rated highly
So why are their revenues down again?
Because they're relatively faceless now I'm sure trump is making millions as we speak only because he's the president
I wonder just which states our tax dollars get taken away from and which are the benefitted

I wonder which states have a far bigger population and have far more electoral votes?

That is why Democrats have an advantage going into a presidential election because of "the big blue wall"
Hillary should be upset. It was her turn to be president because she has a vagina. She was suppose to be the first woman president.
Which explains why she's such a sore loser about it. Bill had his turn and, after standing by his adulterous corrupt administration, then losing to Obama, she felt she'd earned her right to be President. American voters disagreed.
WRONG WINDY voters voted for her but states didn't The will of the majority of all Americans was NOT followed
If the Electoral College system is so bad, why didn't Bill Clinton say so during his 8 years or Obama during his 8 years? Why wait until after Hillary loses to complain?
Simple Because they won popular vote too
Gore won the popular vote and lost. So why didn't the Democrats, including Obama, say anything about "fixing" the Electoral College system for 8 years?

Simple; it worked for them. When it didn't they whine, when it does, they do nothing. It's just like election reform in general, the only one's clamoring for it are the losers. When the Democrats win, they don't bring it at all.
Hillary should be upset. It was her turn to be president because she has a vagina. She was suppose to be the first woman president.
Which explains why she's such a sore loser about it. Bill had his turn and, after standing by his adulterous corrupt administration, then losing to Obama, she felt she'd earned her right to be President. American voters disagreed.
WRONG WINDY voters voted for her but states didn't The will of the majority of all Americans was NOT followed
If the Electoral College system is so bad, why didn't Bill Clinton say so during his 8 years or Obama during his 8 years? Why wait until after Hillary loses to complain?
Simple Because they won popular vote too
Gore won the popular vote and lost. So why didn't the Democrats, including Obama, say anything about "fixing" the Electoral College system for 8 years?

Simple; it worked for them. When it didn't they whine, when it does, they do nothing. It's just like election reform in general, the only one's clamoring for it are the losers. When the Democrats win, they don't bring it at all.
The EC is ours No denying it Just how many times have those who won pop vote lost in the EC ? It just brings on more of a divide and that's not good for the country,,, anyway the pleasure has been all yours Brunch time
did hillary call the election fixed ? did she say 3 million illegal immigrants voted for her?? etc etc Trump is the "lyingest" pos ever to enter our wh and repubs swallow it all with a smile You're all sick and btw when did trump tear up the iran deal ? On his first day like he promised you deplorables?
Yes, Trump is deplorable but he's still better than having Hillary Clinton in office.

While I strongly doubt Trump will run for a second term, the Clintons are a cancer of corruption. The best way to treat that form of cancer is to cut it out. Yes, there's a chance of some bad things, but corruption is something we just cannot have in government.
and I guess you don't believe any of the trump russia connections happening? Speaking of high level corruption
Yes breeze I'm breaking up laughing knowing how Russia the repubs friend, infiltrated our election and now France's too. Real funny Are all repubs stupid or just most?,
They didn't infiltrate our election. Perhaps they hacked/phished the DNC's emails. The airing of the dirty laundry from those emails may have had some effect on the voting decisions made by the voters, but so did a million of other things. The truth shall set us free.
But nothing from repub e mails Oh So now your repubs have clean hands???
Maybe the head of the RNC didn't use "Password" as a password.
The EC is ours No denying it Just how many times have those who won pop vote lost in the EC ? It just brings on more of a divide and that's not good for the country

Actually the divide isn't big enough. We have adults and uneducated children everything they want is a right.

The divide wouldn't be as great if we gave education back to the states (per the 10th amendment) so maybe kids can get an actual education. We have now two generations who don't know basic civics, history, or much else that matters. So when they get to college the professors tell them how everything is a right and they have no knowledge to contradict that.

Then you have the adults who are now becoming grandparents and great grandparents who grew up learning civics and other actual important things who are no being called backwards because they don't believe everythingis a right.
The incessant whining by the Left about the Electoral College is simply a fabricated excuse. If they really thought it was a bad system, they've had numerous chances in history, including this century, to try to change it. Why didn't they? There are multiple reasons why not, but all just go to show that the Democrats are simply whining on this issue with no real intention or ability to change the system. Hillary lost. Not because of Comey and not because of the fucking Russians, but because she was disliked by many on her own side and regularly was rated as unfavorable in national polls. Her main campaign promises were "more of the same" when, as all polls prove, most Americans believe our nation is headed in the wrong direction. Does this mean they believe Trump is headed in the right direction? No. It simply means Hillary's direction was worse.
Jeff is correct. Her whining about this, even when she claims she "accepts full responsibility" just proves she's not only a liar, unfit to be President.

Hillary Clinton, Sorest Loser in History
....Obviously, Hillary Clinton prefers fantasy to the harsh political reality of her disastrous campaign. She said, "I was on the way to winning” until these supposedly disastrous circumstances united to derail her candidacy. It is quite convenient for Hillary to blame everyone else but herself.

Hillary claimed that Comey’s letter and WikiLeaks disclosures were critical factors that “raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off," For good measure, she also blamed misogyny, using the sexism card once again.

Of course, this is pure nonsense, a web of fantasy woven by a sore loser. The day after the interview, President Trump tweeted “FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds!” Comey could have recommended an indictment of Clinton, but he refused to pursue charges, even though he castigated her for “extremely careless” handling of top secret email communications.

The WikiLeaks disclosures exposed the Clinton campaign using improper influence with the Democratic National Committee and the media to steal the party’s nomination away from U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT). Without such unfair advantages, Clinton may have lost the nomination to a 74-year old socialist, an amazing situation for a candidate with so many advantages, including having a former President as a husband.

In her imaginary world of victimhood, Clinton now wants to galvanize opposition to Donald Trump. Reports have surfaced that next week she will officially launch a new organization called “Onward Together.” She wants to capitalize on the motivated left-wing activism protesting the President. Her supposed new mission can be summarized in her recent statement to supporters, “let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country.”.....

If she had actually taken full responsibility for her loss, she wouldn't be blaming anyone but herself. ;)
did hillary call the election fixed ? did she say 3 million illegal immigrants voted for her?? etc etc Trump is the "lyingest" pos ever to enter our wh and repubs swallow it all with a smile You're all sick and btw when did trump tear up the iran deal ? On his first day like he promised you deplorables?

Repeat after me ... Mister President Trump


Enjoy the next 2,800 days.
The POS con man is the republitards hero Watch while he makes millions and you repubs have 5,6,7 kids
The POS con man is the republitards hero Watch while he makes millions and you repubs have 5,6,7 kids
Are you still in High School, Edward?

I'm not a Trump fan nor did I vote for him, but he's still a better choice than Ms. "Deplorables". When you graduate HS, hopefully you will have learned there are a lot of rules of about office holders profiting off their service. I have no kids and fully support abortion at cost & on demand. It's a good way to get rid of LWLs.
The POS con man is the republitards hero Watch while he makes millions and you repubs have 5,6,7 kids
Are you still in High School, Edward?

I'm not a Trump fan nor did I vote for him, but he's still a better choice than Ms. "Deplorables". When you graduate HS, hopefully you will have learned there are a lot of rules of about office holders profiting off their service. I have no kids and fully support abortion at cost & on demand. It's a good way to get rid of LWLs.
A college grad windy probably graduated before you were born You do seem a little slow
I'd venture to say that Al Gore was the sorriest loser in modern history and the Hildabeast comes in a close second.
The POS con man is the republitards hero Watch while he makes millions and you repubs have 5,6,7 kids
Are you still in High School, Edward?

I'm not a Trump fan nor did I vote for him, but he's still a better choice than Ms. "Deplorables". When you graduate HS, hopefully you will have learned there are a lot of rules of about office holders profiting off their service. I have no kids and fully support abortion at cost & on demand. It's a good way to get rid of LWLs.
A college grad windy probably graduated before you were born You do seem a little slow
If that is true, you should ask for a refund.

If you were as confident as you claim, you'd list the year and the college. You didn't, so it appears you're just bullshitting.....again. What's next? You'll claim to be a Harvard business grad with a billion dollars in the bank and graduated in 1943?

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