Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.

1. She did not authorize or do any waterboarding.

2. While I respect Sen. John McCain as much as anyone, I do not believe that someone who has been tortured, using methods much more severe than waterboarding is not the best person to ask about what is or is not torture nor whether or not it is effective.

In my opinion, we should never, ever take anything off the board, using the tired old cliche. It doesn't mean we would or would not use something but, unlike failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, telegraphing what we will or will not do is simply outrageous.

I tend to agree with you on some of that, but the point is they were trying to use her being a woman as the reason some Democrats objected to her becoming CIA chief when that's not the case. They don't want her because of the waterboarding.

Let's be honest. They don't want her because she's a Trump appointee.

Which makes the whole thing misogynist, because if they REALLY cared about women advancing and breaking the glass ceiling, they'd be considering her regardless of the politics.[/QUOTE\\

There are some Democrats that do want her, and there are some Republicans like John McCain that don't want her. Let's be real honest, for the last 8 years Republicans fought about every appointee of Barack Obama.

This is the division in this country. It used to be that Democrats and Republicans could work together, and that hasn't happened in nearly a decade now, and it's very bad for this country.
It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.

1. She did not authorize or do any waterboarding.

2. While I respect Sen. John McCain as much as anyone, I do not believe that someone who has been tortured, using methods much more severe than waterboarding is not the best person to ask about what is or is not torture nor whether or not it is effective.

In my opinion, we should never, ever take anything off the board, using the tired old cliche. It doesn't mean we would or would not use something but, unlike failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, telegraphing what we will or will not do is simply outrageous.

I tend to agree with you on some of that, but the point is they were trying to use her being a woman as the reason some Democrats objected to her becoming CIA chief when that's not the case. They don't want her because of the waterboarding.

Let's be honest. They don't want her because she's a Trump appointee.

Which makes the whole thing misogynist, because if they REALLY cared about women advancing and breaking the glass ceiling, they'd be considering her regardless of the politics.[/QUOTE\\

There are some Democrats that do want her, and there are some Republicans like John McCain that don't want her. Let's be real honest, for the last 8 years Republicans fought about every appointee of Barack Obama.

This is the division in this country. It used to be that Democrats and Republicans could work together, and that hasn't happened in nearly a decade now, and it's very bad for this country.

This is coming from you? Wow, unbelievable.
Or maybe it's because she neglected states that she should not have. There are probably at least a dozen good reasons for why she lost. I'd say "misogyny" is pretty low on the totem pole. It's more of an excuse than a valid reason.

I would say it's fairly high on the totem poll.

I've heard Hillary called a "Witch", a "Bitch" and the dreaded C-word we can't even use on USMB a lot more than I heard, you know, legitimate criticisms of her policy stances (which were actually pretty moderate compared to where most of her base was.).

I've heard all sorts of comments about her physical appearance, clothing, hair, nicknames like "Cankles' which are all apparently things you say about a female candidate, but a male, not so much.

A strong, assertive woman subverts our expectations.
Yet the Trump Admin has appointed many more women to leadership positions than Obama, and just got a women confirmed as CIA Director.

And absolutely no one gives a crap that they're women until some joker pops up and makes a story out of it.
It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.

1. She did not authorize or do any waterboarding.

2. While I respect Sen. John McCain as much as anyone, I do not believe that someone who has been tortured, using methods much more severe than waterboarding is not the best person to ask about what is or is not torture nor whether or not it is effective.

In my opinion, we should never, ever take anything off the board, using the tired old cliche. It doesn't mean we would or would not use something but, unlike failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, telegraphing what we will or will not do is simply outrageous.

I tend to agree with you on some of that, but the point is they were trying to use her being a woman as the reason some Democrats objected to her becoming CIA chief when that's not the case. They don't want her because of the waterboarding.

Let's be honest. They don't want her because she's a Trump appointee.

Which makes the whole thing misogynist, because if they REALLY cared about women advancing and breaking the glass ceiling, they'd be considering her regardless of the politics.[/QUOTE\\

There are some Democrats that do want her, and there are some Republicans like John McCain that don't want her. Let's be real honest, for the last 8 years Republicans fought about every appointee of Barack Obama.

This is the division in this country. It used to be that Democrats and Republicans could work together, and that hasn't happened in nearly a decade now, and it's very bad for this country.

I never said that ALL Democrats didn't want her. I said that those who don't want her don't because she's a Trump appointee.

I also never said that Republicans didn't reject Obama's appointees, or that the fact that they WERE Obama appointees didn't play a large role in that. I can say, however, that the justifications they offered were generally more sensible and less transparently hypocritical. If you're going to object to someone on the basis that they represent a furtherance of an agenda you don't agree with, that's okay. But for the love of God, be HONEST about it!
Colin Powell and Condi Rice used private sector email servers for the same reason Hillary used a personal one... because the government one was about 15 years behind on the technology.

And, no, it's not a big deal... It truly isn't.

What garbage! It is ILLEGAL!

I have to admit, I've not seen that particular excuse used before. Behind on technology? THIS about Hillary Clinton who responded to a question about THEIR PRIVATE SERVER being WIPED said: "You mean with like a cloth"?
For some people. There were also a bunch of people who just wanted to vote for the "first woman president" without considering anything else. All in all, I'd say it was probably a wash. It's not why she lost. Not even close.

Meh, here's the thing.

Trump got all the same assholes who voted for McCain and Romney. He really didn't move that needle.

What happened was that a lot of people voted for third party candidates. Some of them were pissing and moaning because the Democrats didn't nominate Commie Bernie, some were just so misogynistic they couldn't stand to vote for a woman, and a few were being "Too Cool for School" because they were told Hillary had this in the bag and they didn't think we'd get the disastrous result we got.

Here's what really happened. Next, to Hillary, Donald Trump got more of your beloved Socialist votes than did "Others".

AGAIN, your utter desperation duly noted. The spectacular job President Donald Trump is doing must be frightening to you. Knowing you have been so wrong.


Bernie Sanders voters helped Trump win and here's proof
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What garbage! It is ILLEGAL!

I have to admit, I've not seen that particular excuse used before. Behind on technology? THIS about Hillary Clinton who responded to a question about THEIR PRIVATE SERVER being WIPED said: "You mean with like a cloth"?

Gee, you mean a 69 year old woman does't know that much about computer technology...


Okay. YOu know, there are these old people who grew up in a world where computers were the stuff of Science Fiction.

Point was, Hillary didn't trust the State Department server, because it was kind of crap. Nethier did Condi Rice nor Colin Powell.

When Colin Powell was asked to produce the emails discussing why we went to war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist, he didn't have them.

He's still a free man.
Or maybe it's because she neglected states that she should not have. There are probably at least a dozen good reasons for why she lost. I'd say "misogyny" is pretty low on the totem pole. It's more of an excuse than a valid reason.

I would say it's fairly high on the totem poll.

I've heard Hillary called a "Witch", a "Bitch" and the dreaded C-word we can't even use on USMB a lot more than I heard, you know, legitimate criticisms of her policy stances (which were actually pretty moderate compared to where most of her base was.).

I've heard all sorts of comments about her physical appearance, clothing, hair, nicknames like "Cankles' which are all apparently things you say about a female candidate, but a male, not so much.

A strong, assertive woman subverts our expectations.

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Maybe they subvert your expectations. I run into them on a fairly regular basis. Like when I go to work. Or the grocery store. Or my grandmother's house on Sundays.
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

Had nothing to do with her being a woman. Had everything to do with her pandering to every far left group in the country.
What garbage! It is ILLEGAL!

I have to admit, I've not seen that particular excuse used before. Behind on technology? THIS about Hillary Clinton who responded to a question about THEIR PRIVATE SERVER being WIPED said: "You mean with like a cloth"?

Gee, you mean a 69 year old woman does't know that much about computer technology...


Okay. YOu know, there are these old people who grew up in a world where computers were the stuff of Science Fiction.

Point was, Hillary didn't trust the State Department server, because it was kind of crap. Nethier did Condi Rice nor Colin Powell.

When Colin Powell was asked to produce the emails discussing why we went to war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist, he didn't have them.

He's still a free man.
You mean a 69 year old woman doesn’t know that a hammer can smash cell phones to hide evidence of a crime?
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Maybe they subvert your expectations. I run into them on a fairly regular basis. Like when I go to work. Or the grocery store. Or my grandmother's house on Sundays.

Whatever, guy... but frankly, I've yet to hear you guys tell me why a Hillary Presidency would have been worse that the batshit crazy we go through now. You know, where a President calls people "Animals" and you all try to rationalize he was only talking about certain people he never mentioned.
You mean a 69 year old woman doesn’t know that a hammer can smash cell phones to hide evidence of a crime?

How else do you get rid of old electronic devices with personal information on them.

What do you think actually was on a circa 2010 cell phone. The phone I had back then was kind of crappy, I don't imagine hers was much better.
You mean a 69 year old woman doesn’t know that a hammer can smash cell phones to hide evidence of a crime?

How else do you get rid of old electronic devices with personal information on them.

What do you think actually was on a circa 2010 cell phone. The phone I had back then was kind of crappy, I don't imagine hers was much better.
Daaaa...Hillary did nuttin wong...:aug08_031:
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Maybe they subvert your expectations. I run into them on a fairly regular basis. Like when I go to work. Or the grocery store. Or my grandmother's house on Sundays.

Whatever, guy... but frankly, I've yet to hear you guys tell me why a Hillary Presidency would have been worse that the batshit crazy we go through now. You know, where a President calls people "Animals" and you all try to rationalize he was only talking about certain people he never mentioned.
Hillary would have us into a PC fucked up world where white guilt would be taught in all public schools and white men would be cast as villains. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s already here. She would have been the last nail in the coffin for liberty and states rights. She is just a scowl faced hateful bitch. Oh, and don’t forget about turning our nation into a bunch of socialist.
Daaaa...Hillary did nuttin wong...

You guys have spent 100 million investigating her for stuff over 25 years,and have come up with.. nothing.

So either she is a criminal mastermind on the level of Keyser Soze and Professor Moriarty all rolled up into one...

Or she did nothing wrong.

Sorry, smashing up old electronic devices (which is what most of us do in this age of identity and data theft) isn't a crime.

Hillary would have us into a PC fucked up world where white guilt would be taught in all public schools and white men would be cast as villains. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s already here. She would have been the last nail in the coffin for liberty and states rights. She is just a scowl faced hateful bitch. Oh, and don’t forget about turning our nation into a bunch of socialist.

Yup, she was a "Socialist" who most of Wall Street wanted to win, because they just love them some socialism.
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Maybe they subvert your expectations. I run into them on a fairly regular basis. Like when I go to work. Or the grocery store. Or my grandmother's house on Sundays.

Whatever, guy... but frankly, I've yet to hear you guys tell me why a Hillary Presidency would have been worse that the batshit crazy we go through now. You know, where a President calls people "Animals" and you all try to rationalize he was only talking about certain people he never mentioned.

I didn't say she would be worse than Trump. Where did you get that from ?
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Maybe they subvert your expectations. I run into them on a fairly regular basis. Like when I go to work. Or the grocery store. Or my grandmother's house on Sundays.

Whatever, guy... but frankly, I've yet to hear you guys tell me why a Hillary Presidency would have been worse that the batshit crazy we go through now. You know, where a President calls people "Animals" and you all try to rationalize he was only talking about certain people he never mentioned.
Hillary would have us into a PC fucked up world where white guilt would be taught in all public schools and white men would be cast as villains. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s already here. She would have been the last nail in the coffin for liberty and states rights. She is just a scowl faced hateful bitch. Oh, and don’t forget about turning our nation into a bunch of socialist.

Not to mention that we'd have had to listen to that screeching cackle of a voice of hers on the news every night for four years. *shudder*

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