Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

This is it, folks. This video is the end of Hillary Clinton's campaign. All Trump has to do is convince about 50 million people that Hillary intended to say that she wants to raise taxes on the middle class at that campaign event. That should be easy.

How hard is it to pretend to be so happy about something that you know isn't true? You guys make it seem easy.
Arf, arf, arf!
Clearly she said "aren't"

How stupid do they have to be to believe this stuff?

Is it stupidity or do they just hate her so much that they want to believe?
Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

so all can agree she will raise taxes
the disagreement is on who
Clearly she said "aren't"

How stupid do they have to be to believe this stuff?

Is it stupidity or do they just hate her so much that they want to believe?

You may have gotten away with that 20 years ago but not no more. She clearly did not say aren't.

I am sure didn't meant to say aren't but she didn't, she just had a short circuit. Besides even mentioning the middle class was out of place. She must have meant upper class or some other progressive demography.

On Edit, To further prove she didn't say Are'nt, snopes is trying to protect her the best they can. They are actually saying what I said. But that doesn't change the fact that Buffet nodded in agreement and the crowd cheered. A house full of Pavlov dogs. No wonder her crowds are so small, only so much money to pay people.
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Q. Why do today's conservative lie

A. The truth will bury them & their foolish dogma

Q; Why do conservatives engage in character assassination

A. There leaders are all character flawed
Clearly she said "aren't"

How stupid do they have to be to believe this stuff?

Is it stupidity or do they just hate her so much that they want to believe?

You may have gotten away with that 20 years ago but not no more. She clearly did not say aren't.

I am sure didn't meant to say aren't but she didn't, she just had a short circuit. Besides even mentioning the middle class was out of place. She must have meant upper class or some other progressive demography.

On Edit, To further prove she didn't say Are'nt, snopes is trying to protect her the best they can. They are actually saying what I said. But that doesn't change the fact that Buffet nodded in agreement and the crowd cheered. A house full of Pavlov dogs. No wonder her crowds are so small, only so much money to pay people.

Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

Well to be fair
it is going to take extra money to prepare the White House for her
if she wins

Clearly she said "aren't"

How stupid do they have to be to believe this stuff?

Is it stupidity or do they just hate her so much that they want to believe?

You may have gotten away with that 20 years ago but not no more. She clearly did not say aren't.

I am sure didn't meant to say aren't but she didn't, she just had a short circuit. Besides even mentioning the middle class was out of place. She must have meant upper class or some other progressive demography.

On Edit, To further prove she didn't say Are'nt, snopes is trying to protect her the best they can. They are actually saying what I said. But that doesn't change the fact that Buffet nodded in agreement and the crowd cheered. A house full of Pavlov dogs. No wonder her crowds are so small, only so much money to pay people.

Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

Well to be fair
it is going to take extra money to prepare the White House for her
if she wins


For you it's clear, the election has nothing to do with experience or policy, it's all about hate. The Q. is, why? Do you hate Women? All non conservatives? People in general? All Democrats?

Or do you want to feel accepted by the majority of buffoons who demean HRC? I suspect you believe your too many posts are clever. They are not. But I enjoy reading posts from fools, so please don't spin my comments to believe I hope to censor you. Much like CrusaderFrank, Willow Tree, Mudwhistle and Stephanie you have something to offer, nothing of substance but insight into how the brain of fools act.

Only fools BTW actually believe HRC meant to say she wants to raise the tax on the middle class, fools or damn liars that is. Which are you?

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