Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

It just goes to show just how brainwashed her faithful followers really are. She could say anything, no matter how stupid it is they would still applaud her. :cuckoo:

So what's the difference between her supporters and Trump's?
Hers are cheering on someone who will continue the same policies that helped put them in the situation about which they are complaining.

Trump constantly says stupid shit and the tards clap for him.
It just goes to show just how brainwashed her faithful followers really are. She could say anything, no matter how stupid it is they would still applaud her. :cuckoo:

So what's the difference between her supporters and Trump's?
Hers are cheering on someone who will continue the same policies that helped put them in the situation about which they are complaining.

Trump constantly says stupid shit and the tards clap for him.
It's the state of American politics. Trump, however, is not advocating the status quo.
Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

Well, we all know she will
Report: Hillary Clinton would hike taxes by $1.3 trillion

Hillary Clinton comes up $2.2 trillion short in paying for her policy agenda, despite hiking taxes by $1.3 trillion, according to a new analysis of the Democratic nominee’s campaign platform.

In fact, the amount of debt held by the public alone would reach $25.825 trillion in 2026 under Clinton’s plan. The amount of debt held by the public today is $13.968 trillion.

It just goes to show just how brainwashed her faithful followers really are. She could say anything, no matter how stupid it is they would still applaud her. :cuckoo:

So what's the difference between her supporters and Trump's?

Her supporters don't care if she corrupt, they just want to see history made. :cuckoo:

His supporters are sick and tired of politics as usual.
Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

Queen Hillary will have no choice
crony capitalism can only provide so much economic input
the rest will have to come from people and bushiness that
did not give her money

This is it, folks. This video is the end of Hillary Clinton's campaign. All Trump has to do is convince about 50 million people that Hillary intended to say that she wants to raise taxes on the middle class at that campaign event. That should be easy.

How hard is it to pretend to be so happy about something that you know isn't true? You guys make it seem easy.
20 trillion in debt
Queen Hillary plans to spend even more
tax all money on people making 250k/year - won't even fund gov't for 6 months
her economic policies will stagnant growth like Obama's
There is a lot more people who are not rich but middle class
It is where the money is at

When the Democrats came for the corporation money
I remained silent;
I was not a corporation.

When they locked up the millionaires and billionaires monies,
I remained silent;
I was not a millionaire or billionaire.

When they came for the people making 200,000 a year ,
I did not speak out;
I was not a person making 200,000 a year .

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.​
Hard to believe she FINALLY told the truth.... but we have it on video!

Okay any idiot can tell this was a gaffe. She misspoke. You know it's true. Quit being a disingenuous dweeb. Why would she immediately pivot to this after complaining about tax cuts on the wealthy?
Considering that Democrats need to lie in order to win

For example,
Both Papa Obama and Queen Hillary stated they did not believe in gay marriage
they lied

The Democrat's MSM likes to say for Democrats
"they evolved"

sounds better than lying
The mask is finally off the Democrats. They believe they have enough poor black Americans and Hispanics who will gladly vote to raise taxes on the middle class so they can get a better iPhone from the government.
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.
WhaT is happening is that the Republican progressives are being outed. These bastards let Obama have everything he wanted . They are the reason the American people who normally vote GOP are revolting against the party and nominated Donald Trump. They'll come back into the fold if they want any power in the Trump presidency.
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.
WhaT is happening is that the Republican progressives are being outed. These bastards let Obama have everything he wanted . They are the reason the American people who normally vote GOP are revolting against the party and nominated Donald Trump. They'll come back into the fold if they want any power in the Trump presidency.
There are no Republican progressives but there are republicans who care that their party is being dragged down by someone who isn't even a republican. Trump may end up being the best thing to happen to democrats in twenty years.
Hillary supporters are literally the dumbest fucks on the planet.
Get out of our way? My what a beautifully blatant fascist sentiment. Not a chance bucko, When you know you are in the right you plant your feet, look the bullies and the haters like you straight in the eye and say: "No, you move"
We've got the guns. You assholes are going down with His Excellency Donald J Trump leading the charge.

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