Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

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Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.
Really, where and when did he say that? From some "anonymous" source?
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
Hillary Clinton tells crowd she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

Wow- first time she has not lied in a long time
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.
Is it only my impression or does anyone here seriously take the position of middle class tax raise as unwanted?
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Many specific details of her tax hike proposals remain undisclosed (guess you gotta elect her to really find out ), but this is what can be gleaned thus far:

- is okay with a payroll tax hike for everybody, even tho' she pledged not to raise taxes for those earning less than 250K/yr. How much and for whom remains a mystery, but this is a biggie.

- is open to a carbon tax. Al Gore must be continually tapping on her shoulder.

- a 25% national gun tax. Now that's a specific one, isn't it?

So far, no mention of a corporate tax rate cut. As the link states below, 31 of 34 countries have cut their corporate tax rates since 2000, and we ain't one of 'em.

Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes
Hillary Says She Will "Raise Taxes On The Middle Class", Look What Crowd Does INSTANTLY...

Too F'in funny how many stupid drones there are. If they got a swift kick in the nutsacks, they'll gladly ask, "I'll take more, please."
It just goes to show just how brainwashed her faithful followers really are. She could say anything, no matter how stupid it is they would still applaud her. :cuckoo:

Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.
Shedding? He is decimating you liberals and GOP fucks.....it's,great!!
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.

He's shedding RINO'S and ESTABLISHMENT scum!!!!....You left wing idiots just don't understand that is EXACTLY why we voted for him...get rid of YOUR DEBRIS and OURS at the same time!
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.

FUCK "prominent republicans"....a/k/a Pussys.

They are almost as disgusting as Bill Clinton's wife.
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

Hillary threatened Iran with complete destruction so I guess just asking about using nukes is much worse.
Horrifying, meanwhile your guy is innocently asking: "Why can't we use nukes?" Face it, no matter what Hillary says Trump is going to say something the same day that is so shocking that it totally overshadows her. Don't like it? Maybe you guys should not have nominated a continuous train wreck of a candidate.

You assholes STILL don't understand SARCASM OR the Donald's sense of humor... Just too nuanced for the low 2 digit IQ crowd!
You say it's his sense of humor that makes him sound like a loony? He's running for president, everything he says is taken seriously because being president is all serious all the time. If he cannot understand this simple concept then he is horribly unfit to occupy the oval office. Sarcasm itself is something a president should never, ever engage in. Humor in a president should be diplomatic, in good taste and never spiteful or mean. In short I am talking about dignity, something Trump knows little about.

Again, left wing,and Establishment TALKING POINTS...They just DON'T KNOW what to do about the Donald, as he easily dispatched 16 OTHER decent men, and women going for the nomination...he's playing a NEW POLITICS for the presidency and will surely win once the October surprise takes place...that will be 2 possibly 3 things that will fuck the Hildebeast where she falls!....We seen what a pansy, coward, and muslim enabler has done for almost 8 years....and we don't need to continue THAT SHIT!
Dude, he is shedding an alarming number of prominent republicans and it is still early. This ain't no left-right thing anymore, it's a sane-insane thing. Put down the partisan blinders for two seconds and realize that the man you nominated in haste will make you regret it at your leisure.

He's shedding RINO'S and ESTABLISHMENT scum!!!!....You left wing idiots just don't understand that is EXACTLY why we voted for him...get rid of YOUR DEBRIS and OURS at the same time!
Yeah? You kind of need as many people to vote and afterward support your agenda as you can get. If he costs you the election and possibly control of the senate, what on earth can you say he accomplished? The party will be in shambles and politically diminished to have presented this man as their candidate.

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