Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

I remember when exit polls predicted a John Kerry landslide but the pollsters intentionally skewed the data by interviewing only targeted demographics that their and throwing out the rest. When you consider that the (once venerable) N.Y. Times admits to skewing data and editorials during the Trump campaign and later promised to behave in a more honest way in the future and the rest of the mainstream media admitted that they either created or relied on polls that had no basis in reality, what do you think a handful of current "exit polls" indicates?
What makes you think Trump voters were interested in talking to pollsters?

Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Early voting only counts republican and dems that voted, not who they voted for, many many dems voted for Trump, how the hell do you think he flipped dem states.
the election was rigged, the problem is that the democrats forgot to factor in the EC votes and how they would dilute the millions of extra votes by the illegals. They should have spread those votes to some of the smaller states too instead of trying to make the big run in California.
The EC is genius, it keeps mob rule at bay.

Exactly. The Foubding Fathers were smarter than 99% of today's Americans. They DID NOT want a Democracy, and that is what you would have without the EC.

The definition of a democracy:

Two wolves and a lamb, voting on what's for dinner.

The Founding Fathers made no distinction between a democracy and a republic, goober. Only in your unsophisticated Repug goober mind did the Founding Fathers give some bizarre, all-powerful meaning to the word "republic".

In the minds of the Founding Fathers, "democracy" and "republic" were synonymous.

Your ignorance of US history explains why you believe the stupid shit you believe.

That's right, goober. A racist troll dumb fuck like you, who has probably never read a book during his miserable life, is going to educate me on the fantasy distinction between democracy vs republic according to the Founding Fathers. How fucking laughable.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect and we both know it. You just repeat what other idiot Repug fuckholes write on this board because you simply know nothing and are just a total poseur. You camp out on this Repug toxic sewer of a message board and post hate-filled horse shit all day....what a great life you've made for yourself.

Fuck off before I take another giant shit on your unremarkable, unsophisticated stupid fucking ass.

What we have here is another fine example of the product generated by the Liberal Indoctrination Centers known as public schools and most universities.
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

Silly stuff. Clinton did worse in states she won, New Jersey and Virginia, than the exit polls predicted she would, so were the states she won rigged?
What makes you think Trump voters were interested in talking to pollsters?

Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Early voting only counts republican and dems that voted, not who they voted for, many many dems voted for Trump, how the hell do you think he flipped dem states.

That statement took critical thinking.

Something our lil boy Dubya is severely lacking.

And he'll start whining again in 3.......2.......1........
Let me help you with your ass ache a bit. Exit polls do not poll early voters. Ergo, you are not getting a good cross section of voters.

I think that might be the smartest observation I've ever seen by a Republican on this toxic sewer of a message board. However, I don't think it's correct.

By most indications, Democrats voted in larger numbers than Republicans during early voting periods in most of the battleground states.

Therefore, Trump supporters should have been over-represented in the exit polls on election day, not under-represented.

What makes you think Trump voters were interested in talking to pollsters?

Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

Dubya, little fella, you're missing the colossal point. It was the democrats who crossed over that gave the trumpet the win. The polls were wrong, and your MIT professor is a professor for a reason, he can't exist outside of academia in the real world. I know that is hard to hear, but you need to accept the facts- Hellary lost and you're a loser....no offense.
the election was rigged, the problem is that the democrats forgot to factor in the EC votes and how they would dilute the millions of extra votes by the illegals. They should have spread those votes to some of the smaller states too instead of trying to make the big run in California.
The EC is genius, it keeps mob rule at bay.

Exactly. The Foubding Fathers were smarter than 99% of today's Americans. They DID NOT want a Democracy, and that is what you would have without the EC.

The definition of a democracy:

Two wolves and a lamb, voting on what's for dinner.

The Founding Fathers made no distinction between a democracy and a republic, goober. Only in your unsophisticated Repug goober mind did the Founding Fathers give some bizarre, all-powerful meaning to the word "republic".

In the minds of the Founding Fathers, "democracy" and "republic" were synonymous.

Your ignorance of US history explains why you believe the stupid shit you believe.

That's right, goober. A racist troll dumb fuck like you, who has probably never read a book during his miserable life, is going to educate me on the fantasy distinction between democracy vs republic according to the Founding Fathers. How fucking laughable.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect and we both know it. You just repeat what other idiot Repug fuckholes write on this board because you simply know nothing and are just a total poseur. You camp out on this Repug toxic sewer of a message board and post hate-filled horse shit all day....what a great life you've made for yourself.

Fuck off before I take another giant shit on your unremarkable, unsophisticated stupid fucking ass.

You post things like THAT...and then can't understand why voters in an exit poll would not be honest with people like you? It's liberals like you, DubyaDa...that made millions of Americans hide their true feelings because they didn't want to be viciously attacked for voicing them! But you can't SEE that...can you?
The EC is genius, it keeps mob rule at bay.

Exactly. The Foubding Fathers were smarter than 99% of today's Americans. They DID NOT want a Democracy, and that is what you would have without the EC.

The definition of a democracy:

Two wolves and a lamb, voting on what's for dinner.

The Founding Fathers made no distinction between a democracy and a republic, goober. Only in your unsophisticated Repug goober mind did the Founding Fathers give some bizarre, all-powerful meaning to the word "republic".

In the minds of the Founding Fathers, "democracy" and "republic" were synonymous.

Your ignorance of US history explains why you believe the stupid shit you believe.

That's right, goober. A racist troll dumb fuck like you, who has probably never read a book during his miserable life, is going to educate me on the fantasy distinction between democracy vs republic according to the Founding Fathers. How fucking laughable.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect and we both know it. You just repeat what other idiot Repug fuckholes write on this board because you simply know nothing and are just a total poseur. You camp out on this Repug toxic sewer of a message board and post hate-filled horse shit all day....what a great life you've made for yourself.

Fuck off before I take another giant shit on your unremarkable, unsophisticated stupid fucking ass.

You post things like THAT...and then can't understand why voters in an exit poll would not be honest with people like you? It's liberals like you, DubyaDa...that made millions of Americans hide their true feelings because they didn't want to be viciously attacked for voicing them! But you can't SEE that...can you?

Yes, you Repug pussies are scared of big bad liberals like me. I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

It doesn't change the fact that you KKK and Alt Right Repug racist fucks are the party of intimidation, not us liberals. That's why the Southern Poverty Law Center has reported a marked increase in violence against minorities by Trump supporters since the election:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

And nobody buys the "reluctant Trump supporter" horse shit. Look how stupid you idiots acted at Trump's rallies, for fuck's sake. The only reason you all say this bullshit is that you don't want to admit that Repugs stealing this election is a distinct possibility.
I remember when exit polls predicted a John Kerry landslide but the pollsters intentionally skewed the data by interviewing only targeted demographics that their and throwing out the rest. When you consider that the (once venerable) N.Y. Times admits to skewing data and editorials during the Trump campaign and later promised to behave in a more honest way in the future and the rest of the mainstream media admitted that they either created or relied on polls that had no basis in reality, what do you think a handful of current "exit polls" indicates?

John Kerry did win. The exit polls were not wrong. The truth is that no Repug presidential candidate has legitimately won since Bush defeated Dukakis in 1988.
Exit polls :p

I heard there was a coordinated effort to screw the media by lying to them in the exit polls. :p
I think that might be the smartest observation I've ever seen by a Republican on this toxic sewer of a message board. However, I don't think it's correct.

By most indications, Democrats voted in larger numbers than Republicans during early voting periods in most of the battleground states.

Therefore, Trump supporters should have been over-represented in the exit polls on election day, not under-represented.

What makes you think Trump voters were interested in talking to pollsters?

Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

Dubya, little fella, you're missing the colossal point. It was the democrats who crossed over that gave the trumpet the win. The polls were wrong, and your MIT professor is a professor for a reason, he can't exist outside of academia in the real world. I know that is hard to hear, but you need to accept the facts- Hellary lost and you're a loser....no offense.

I get it, goober. I should just listen to your unremarkable dumb ass instead of a MIT professor.

Keep deluding yourself, dipshit.
Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Early voting only counts republican and dems that voted, not who they voted for, many many dems voted for Trump, how the hell do you think he flipped dem states.

Trump DID NOT flip any dem states, dumb ass. That's the whole fucking point of this thread.
Jill Stein admitted in an interview today that the reason she wants a recount is because HILLARY WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN.

She is paying $3.5 million for a recount because she is a butthurt snowflake who can't accept the results. :p
Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Early voting only counts republican and dems that voted, not who they voted for, many many dems voted for Trump, how the hell do you think he flipped dem states.

Trump DID NOT flip any dem states, dumb ass. That's the whole fucking point of this thread.
No, the point of this thread is Jill Stein isn't the ONLY butthurt snowflake who can't accept the election results. :p
Because, historically, Republicans do participate more in exit polls than Democrats. As I explained a little while ago.

And there is not a shred of evidence that Trump supporters were reluctant to participate in exit polls. Your speculation is not evidence.

Neither are your lame assed assertions without links.

See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.


Early Voting Results: Who Leads in Battleground States Nov. 4
Jill Stein admitted in an interview today that the reason she wants a recount is because HILLARY WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN.

She is paying $3.5 million for a recount because she is a butthurt snowflake who can't accept the results. :p

How is that even relevant? It doesn't change the fact that you Repugs most likely stole the election.
See post #1, fuck hole. There is a lot more data in that post than your unremarkable brain can ever comprehend, simpleton.

Read Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Then you will know what I'm talking about regarding Republican participation in exit polls vs Democrat participation in exit polls. If you read that book, you will be 500% smarter than you are now.

You realize that the record number of early votes made exit polling nearly worthless.

You get that, right Sunshine?

See, with a record number of voters NOT showing up to the polling place, it is impossible to ask those not present, the questions within the exit poll questionnaire.

Get it?

Or will you supply us with even more evidence that our public schools are failing students such as you?

If that were true, then the exit polls from election day should show Trump doing much better than he did. By most indications, Hillary did much better during the early voting period than Trump did. Therefore, the exit polls should show Trump having a kick-ass day on Nov 8, but they don't show that at all.

Early voting only counts republican and dems that voted, not who they voted for, many many dems voted for Trump, how the hell do you think he flipped dem states.

Trump DID NOT flip any dem states, dumb ass. That's the whole fucking point of this thread.
No, the point of this thread is Jill Stein isn't the ONLY butthurt snowflake who can't accept the election results. :p

Wrong again, Repug goober boy. Better luck next time.

Regardless of Jill Stein's recount efforts, the exit polls don't lie.
Snowflakes can't understand or accept how WRONG the all-in media's projections were.

They don't understand how the same supporters ho rigged the primaries rigged the early voting reporting, claiming Hillary would win handily. The reason to do so was to counter the low Hillary Turnout and High Trump turnout by discouraging Trump voters from going out and voting, believing 'why bother - Hillary is going to win'.

It was a ploy, a ruse, a political gambit - it failed. Trump won. And those who pulled the scam were left looking stupid because their numbers were so far off.

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