Hillary Clinton's Latest TV Ad Touches On The Nation's Wage Gap (VIDEO)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Hillary Clinton's Latest TV Ad Touches On The Nation's Wage Gap (VIDEO)
Hillary Clinton's Latest TV Ad Touches On The Nation's Wage Gap (VIDEO)
A day after apologizing for using a private email server, Hillary Clinton released a television ad about her plan to raise the incomes of families, which she called the "defining economic issue of our time."

The 30-second ad, titled "Stretched," is part of a $2 million ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire markets, MSNBC reported. The ad is Clinton's fourth spot.

"Families today are so stretched," Clinton said in the ad. "We've got to get back to making it possible for anymore in America to go as far as their hard work will take them."

She is right as the rich are taking most of the wealth and paying as little as possible to the workers. We need a higher minimum wage and higher taxes on the greedy fucks at the top!
How she so misses Bill's dick. If only it hadn't spent so much time in another women's cvunt.

The Clinton's are free to start a few businesses with their wealth and pay their lowliest employees $15 an hour and let us all know how that works for them.

Might I suggest a chain or two of fast food restaurants to start them out...


Hillary Clinton's Latest TV Ad Touches On The Nation's Wage Gap (VIDEO)
Hillary Clinton's Latest TV Ad Touches On The Nation's Wage Gap (VIDEO)
A day after apologizing for using a private email server, Hillary Clinton released a television ad about her plan to raise the incomes of families, which she called the "defining economic issue of our time."

The 30-second ad, titled "Stretched," is part of a $2 million ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire markets, MSNBC reported. The ad is Clinton's fourth spot.

"Families today are so stretched," Clinton said in the ad. "We've got to get back to making it possible for anymore in America to go as far as their hard work will take them."

She is right as the rich are taking most of the wealth and paying as little as possible to the workers. We need a higher minimum wage and higher taxes on the greedy fucks at the top!
If you owned your own business you wouldn't pay people more than they're worth. If you did, you would not be in business long.
I wonder if she put her and Billy wages up to show the wage gap?

they've made 160 MILLION between the two of them since he left off being Hillary's puppet President and just what have they done to earn so much money? anyone know? some of it while she in the office of SOS. Working high up in Government sure pays well anymore.

if she really cared she could DONATE all that money to us. but you know they don't do that. they want to FORCE others to give you all more money. like forcing a business to give hamburger flippers $15 an hour. and you want that woman to be your Master.

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