Hillary Clinton’s pollster Benenson Strategy Group says she is tanking; Trump supporters unstoppable

Your quoting the NBC cesspool that has over-sampled dems by 24%.....


Toto, I was polled today. It was the usual automated number pushing answer system. What my input was follows:
35 yo, Latino female, 4 years college, strong democrat (there were different levels) strongly disapprove Clinton, strongly disapprove Obama, strongly approve Trump and will vote for Trump.
How is that for accurate polling....?

Which is why automated polling - i.e. Rasmussen Reports - is less accurate than live-calling polls. People are less likely to lie to people than they are to machines.
As my phone rings continuously, I take these live polls and lie to them every single time.
On October 18, 2016, the hacker(s) Anonymous claims that “a source inside the [Hillary] Clinton campaign has leaked an internal polling document that shows her support is gone”.

The document is a report titled Salvage Program from the Benenson Strategy Group, the pollster and strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The report looks professional and credible. It’s called Salvage Program because its goal is to “salvage” — to rescue, save, recover, restore — Hillary’s campaign, which is tanking.

In the words of the report (my words are in green):

“At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust in the mainstream media is blunting the impact of the collective polling narrative [which implies that the polls we are told are fraudulent — their data manufactured to favor Hillary]. As Election Day approaches, Hillary Clinton’s favorable ratings have crashed to historic lows (12%) in non-partisans and Donald Trump is consolidating support (97% of LV Republican-identifying respondents are either enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for Trump).”

(Excerpt) Read more atfellowshipoftheminds.com ...

  1. feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.

What does somebody's age have to do with how they vote? They are people from all age groups who will vote Left or Right.

Because pollsters try to estimate an accurate cross-section of the population.

If you have a sample population only of teenagers or women or black people, you will not have a good estimate of the entire population and how the population will vote, which is what pollsters are trying to create. How teenagers are going to vote is not an accurate estimate of how seniors will vote.

Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to vote, in an ideal world voting would begin at 21 years-old.

This is from earlier in the thread:

"The latter result is more in line with Gallup polling in 2010 that found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats (tying a 22-year low), 29% as Republicans, and 38% as independents. Nevertheless, more American independents leaned to the Republican Party when compared to the Democratic Party."

So 31% Democratic, 29% Republican and 38% Independent, the largest block are the Independents who lean Republican.

It changes over time.

Party Affiliation

It also changes at a faster and more erratic pace than demographics.
What does somebody's age have to do with how they vote? They are people from all age groups who will vote Left or Right.

Because pollsters try to estimate an accurate cross-section of the population.

If you have a sample population only of teenagers or women or black people, you will not have a good estimate of the entire population and how the population will vote, which is what pollsters are trying to create. How teenagers are going to vote is not an accurate estimate of how seniors will vote.

Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to vote, in an ideal world voting would begin at 21 years-old.

This is from earlier in the thread:

"The latter result is more in line with Gallup polling in 2010 that found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats (tying a 22-year low), 29% as Republicans, and 38% as independents. Nevertheless, more American independents leaned to the Republican Party when compared to the Democratic Party."

So 31% Democratic, 29% Republican and 38% Independent, the largest block are the Independents who lean Republican.
The companies that conduct these polls have been doing so for years. They know much more about doing them than you do. They also do a lot of market research outside of elections. They have no incentive to not get the most accurate numbers.
Your quoting the NBC cesspool that has over-sampled dems by 24%.....


Toto, I was polled today. It was the usual automated number pushing answer system. What my input was follows:
35 yo, Latino female, 4 years college, strong democrat (there were different levels) strongly disapprove Clinton, strongly disapprove Obama, strongly approve Trump and will vote for Trump.
How is that for accurate polling....?

How would an Independent even be able to respond to such a poll?
There was an independent option also. I gave a short version to Toto. Before this one, I was a 20 yo black female Democrat voting for Trump.
Your quoting the NBC cesspool that has over-sampled dems by 24%.....


Toto, I was polled today. It was the usual automated number pushing answer system. What my input was follows:
35 yo, Latino female, 4 years college, strong democrat (there were different levels) strongly disapprove Clinton, strongly disapprove Obama, strongly approve Trump and will vote for Trump.
How is that for accurate polling....?
Rush says thus happens a lot
That is because LimpBoy thinks everyone is lying scum like him.
Hillary is a good teacher... I listen to her.
On October 18, 2016, the hacker(s) Anonymous claims that “a source inside the [Hillary] Clinton campaign has leaked an internal polling document that shows her support is gone”.

The document is a report titled Salvage Program from the Benenson Strategy Group, the pollster and strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The report looks professional and credible. It’s called Salvage Program because its goal is to “salvage” — to rescue, save, recover, restore — Hillary’s campaign, which is tanking.

In the words of the report (my words are in green):

“At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust in the mainstream media is blunting the impact of the collective polling narrative [which implies that the polls we are told are fraudulent — their data manufactured to favor Hillary]. As Election Day approaches, Hillary Clinton’s favorable ratings have crashed to historic lows (12%) in non-partisans and Donald Trump is consolidating support (97% of LV Republican-identifying respondents are either enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for Trump).”

(Excerpt) Read more atfellowshipoftheminds.com ...

  1. feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.


Huma, is that really you?...lolololololo!!!!!
Your bitch is down by almost 4 points.... and all you got is being the grammar police.. Classic..

View attachment 94829


I know, it looks impossible. I figured they would "fix" one swing state (VA) and it is over. The Clintonite GOV put EO to allow 200K felons to vote. step 1 in place.

None of these polls matter, the only poll that matters is the one on the day of the election, there can be a late surge on the day of the election when one candidates supporters are more motivated to go and vote.

On another thread although the topic was different than Hillary, I posted the below.

All opinion polls in the 2015 Israeli Election had Labor winning and Yitzhak Herzog to be the next Prime Minister and when on Election Night the votes were counted every opinion poll had been wrong and Likud and Bibi won.

The final result was Likud 30 and Labor 24.

Opinion polling for the Israeli legislative election, 2015 - Wikipedia
On October 18, 2016, the hacker(s) Anonymous claims that “a source inside the [Hillary] Clinton campaign has leaked an internal polling document that shows her support is gone”.

The document is a report titled Salvage Program from the Benenson Strategy Group, the pollster and strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The report looks professional and credible. It’s called Salvage Program because its goal is to “salvage” — to rescue, save, recover, restore — Hillary’s campaign, which is tanking.

In the words of the report (my words are in green):

“At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust in the mainstream media is blunting the impact of the collective polling narrative [which implies that the polls we are told are fraudulent — their data manufactured to favor Hillary]. As Election Day approaches, Hillary Clinton’s favorable ratings have crashed to historic lows (12%) in non-partisans and Donald Trump is consolidating support (97% of LV Republican-identifying respondents are either enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for Trump).”

(Excerpt) Read more atfellowshipoftheminds.com ...

  1. feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.


I'm not noticing that many Trump supporters freaking out, but I do notice a lot of the Hillary supporters freaking out and becoming increasingly unhinged in some cases.
When you start seeing the shitposts about internal polls then you know the election is over. Hillary has won.
When you start seeing the shitposts about internal polls then you know the election is over. Hillary has won.
have fun dodging the splatter..
On October 18, 2016, the hacker(s) Anonymous claims that “a source inside the [Hillary] Clinton campaign has leaked an internal polling document that shows her support is gone”.

The document is a report titled Salvage Program from the Benenson Strategy Group, the pollster and strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The report looks professional and credible. It’s called Salvage Program because its goal is to “salvage” — to rescue, save, recover, restore — Hillary’s campaign, which is tanking.

In the words of the report (my words are in green):

“At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust in the mainstream media is blunting the impact of the collective polling narrative [which implies that the polls we are told are fraudulent — their data manufactured to favor Hillary]. As Election Day approaches, Hillary Clinton’s favorable ratings have crashed to historic lows (12%) in non-partisans and Donald Trump is consolidating support (97% of LV Republican-identifying respondents are either enthusiastic or very enthusiastic about voting for Trump).”

(Excerpt) Read more atfellowshipoftheminds.com ...

  1. feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.


I'm not noticing that many Trump supporters freaking out, but I do notice a lot of the Hillary supporters freaking out and becoming increasingly unhinged in some cases.
Three other polls, one being the one that was right the last two elections, has Hillary down 3.7 points tonight.. A 6 point fall in 10 days..

If you look at the internals in these polls, they're oversampling Hillary voters and Lean Hillary voters by about 8%-10% depending on the poll, they're undersampling Trump voters and Lean Trump voters, so with polls loaded in this way of course they show Hillary leading.

Also the number of people, they're not big polls, they're all 500 people, under 500 people and few over 1,000 people, so the smaller the people polled the higher the MOE is.

To get a proper poll, you'd sample 40% Hillary voters, 40% Trump voters, 20% Independents and you'd poll something like 5,000 people, this would give a more accurate poll and also a smaller MOE.
In a four way race the correct way is to sample 25 % voters of each candidate.
Three other polls, one being the one that was right the last two elections, has Hillary down 3.7 points tonight.. A 6 point fall in 10 days..

If you look at the internals in these polls, they're oversampling Hillary voters and Lean Hillary voters by about 8%-10% depending on the poll, they're undersampling Trump voters and Lean Trump voters, so with polls loaded in this way of course they show Hillary leading.

Also the number of people, they're not big polls, they're all 500 people, under 500 people and few over 1,000 people, so the smaller the people polled the higher the MOE is.

To get a proper poll, you'd sample 40% Hillary voters, 40% Trump voters, 20% Independents and you'd poll something like 5,000 people, this would give a more accurate poll and also a smaller MOE.
In a four way race the correct way is to sample 25 % voters of each candidate.
Election News
Electoral College Projections as of October 21st
October 21, 2016
Several forecasters have updated their electoral college projections since our last review just two days ago. Those are highlighted in bold in the table below. You can find all the associated maps, as well as a few others, on our 2016 Presidential Election Forecasts page.

Vote...go out and vote for Trump no matter what they throw out...that is the only way to stick it to hilary and the asshole democrats who call themselves journalists....

Vote for Trump, Save America...
This explains the last two weeks of Obama and every other left wing operative out trolling for Clinton.. She is in free fall... and they are dam scared!
Obama even stopped campaigning for her and instead is trying to salvage down ticket elections.....

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