Hillary Clinton's prison conga-line

Enjoy the show. Because that is all it is..........

The Establishment............aka Swamp.......aka the Deep State are full of political whores who have lined their own pockets in the Gov't. We have the best politicians money can buy now. Both sides. Hillary is one of them and has the goods on many. If she goes down she may take some with here. So they will give us a show and find a few pawns for the media to feed the people of this country and nothing more.

BTW........Hillary is guilty as sin of many crimes. If hauled before a real court and jury she would get buried under the jail

That's not going to happen with the corrupt system we have today.

You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................
Enjoy the show. Because that is all it is..........

The Establishment............aka Swamp.......aka the Deep State are full of political whores who have lined their own pockets in the Gov't. We have the best politicians money can buy now. Both sides. Hillary is one of them and has the goods on many. If she goes down she may take some with here. So they will give us a show and find a few pawns for the media to feed the people of this country and nothing more.

BTW........Hillary is guilty as sin of many crimes. If hauled before a real court and jury she would get buried under the jail

That's not going to happen with the corrupt system we have today.

You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
Enjoy the show. Because that is all it is..........

The Establishment............aka Swamp.......aka the Deep State are full of political whores who have lined their own pockets in the Gov't. We have the best politicians money can buy now. Both sides. Hillary is one of them and has the goods on many. If she goes down she may take some with here. So they will give us a show and find a few pawns for the media to feed the people of this country and nothing more.

BTW........Hillary is guilty as sin of many crimes. If hauled before a real court and jury she would get buried under the jail

That's not going to happen with the corrupt system we have today.

You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
She is in the gang of the establishment that has abused their power. One of many and they are of both parties. The Tea Party was and still is trying to take out RINO'S. from the GOP side. The sooner we remove these career politicians the better.

I was in the service. I signed Classified paper documents. And they were point blank clear on the law on Confidential, Classified, Secret, and Top Secret documents. You disclose them you are going to prison. And many for a fraction of what Hillary did have gone to prison.

Our laws need to apply to ALL................or the Republic is damaged....................She knew exactly what she was doing..........and knew this was illegal and did it anyway. And should be prosecuted the same as others for the crimes.
Enjoy the show. Because that is all it is..........

The Establishment............aka Swamp.......aka the Deep State are full of political whores who have lined their own pockets in the Gov't. We have the best politicians money can buy now. Both sides. Hillary is one of them and has the goods on many. If she goes down she may take some with here. So they will give us a show and find a few pawns for the media to feed the people of this country and nothing more.

BTW........Hillary is guilty as sin of many crimes. If hauled before a real court and jury she would get buried under the jail

That's not going to happen with the corrupt system we have today.

You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
She is in the gang of the establishment that has abused their power. One of many and they are of both parties. The Tea Party was and still is trying to take out RINO'S. from the GOP side. The sooner we remove these career politicians the better.

I was in the service. I signed Classified paper documents. And they were point blank clear on the law on Confidential, Classified, Secret, and Top Secret documents. You disclose them you are going to prison. And many for a fraction of what Hillary did have gone to prison.

Our laws need to apply to ALL................or the Republic is damaged....................She knew exactly what she was doing..........and knew this was illegal and did it anyway. And should be prosecuted the same as others for the crimes.

I won't get into whether the things you accuse her of are true. I only acknowledge that you claim they are true. She is the only one who is attacked so consistently, and it seems a little silly considering there are so many current Democratic politicians who could be in a position to cause you some real disappointment. Are you sure she isn't just a focal point to keep Trump supporters riled up and engaged? A focal point who has no real ability to effect anything anyway?
Enjoy the show. Because that is all it is..........

The Establishment............aka Swamp.......aka the Deep State are full of political whores who have lined their own pockets in the Gov't. We have the best politicians money can buy now. Both sides. Hillary is one of them and has the goods on many. If she goes down she may take some with here. So they will give us a show and find a few pawns for the media to feed the people of this country and nothing more.

BTW........Hillary is guilty as sin of many crimes. If hauled before a real court and jury she would get buried under the jail

That's not going to happen with the corrupt system we have today.

You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
She is in the gang of the establishment that has abused their power. One of many and they are of both parties. The Tea Party was and still is trying to take out RINO'S. from the GOP side. The sooner we remove these career politicians the better.

I was in the service. I signed Classified paper documents. And they were point blank clear on the law on Confidential, Classified, Secret, and Top Secret documents. You disclose them you are going to prison. And many for a fraction of what Hillary did have gone to prison.

Our laws need to apply to ALL................or the Republic is damaged....................She knew exactly what she was doing..........and knew this was illegal and did it anyway. And should be prosecuted the same as others for the crimes.

I won't get into whether the things you accuse her of are true. I only acknowledge that you claim they are true. She is the only one who is attacked so consistently, and it seems a little silly considering there are so many current Democratic politicians who could be in a position to cause you some real disappointment. Are you sure she isn't just a focal point to keep Trump supporters riled up and engaged? A focal point who has no real ability to effect anything anyway?
The focal point for the last 3 years has been the attack of Trump for supposed crimes that the Dems are guilty of themselves.............Look up Admiral Rogers just for a taste...............and the FISA court ruling that our gov't abused the powers in FISA Warrants under Obama. He found it...........reported it to FISA and the courts agreed with him. They had been using the FISA Warrants to attack political opponents and abused their powers. Clapper wanted him fired at the time but it did not happen...........That is a matter of FACT. Backed by a court ruling. As an example.

The 2016 and the last 3 years have ALL HINGED on how Hillary lost because of Trump. When the DNC used Foreign operatives and officials to dig up dirt on a political opponent. The same thing they are accusing Trump of now as they ignore their abuses.

The screaming about how she was robbed and years of investigation are FOCAL to Hillary.........why she is hit so much.

I didn't like her hubby either. I served in Somalia and I've been ticked at him since he ordered the withdrawal of our forces from there without going after those that had killed our people. Didn't support them when they begged for more support and weren't given any. I was there and that will always be there. I didn't get it from propped up BS media.
You understand that Hillary holds no office, and is running for no office, don't you. Why are you so afraid of a person who has no ability to harm you in any way?
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
She is in the gang of the establishment that has abused their power. One of many and they are of both parties. The Tea Party was and still is trying to take out RINO'S. from the GOP side. The sooner we remove these career politicians the better.

I was in the service. I signed Classified paper documents. And they were point blank clear on the law on Confidential, Classified, Secret, and Top Secret documents. You disclose them you are going to prison. And many for a fraction of what Hillary did have gone to prison.

Our laws need to apply to ALL................or the Republic is damaged....................She knew exactly what she was doing..........and knew this was illegal and did it anyway. And should be prosecuted the same as others for the crimes.

I won't get into whether the things you accuse her of are true. I only acknowledge that you claim they are true. She is the only one who is attacked so consistently, and it seems a little silly considering there are so many current Democratic politicians who could be in a position to cause you some real disappointment. Are you sure she isn't just a focal point to keep Trump supporters riled up and engaged? A focal point who has no real ability to effect anything anyway?
The focal point for the last 3 years has been the attack of Trump for supposed crimes that the Dems are guilty of themselves.............Look up Admiral Rogers just for a taste...............and the FISA court ruling that our gov't abused the powers in FISA Warrants under Obama. He found it...........reported it to FISA and the courts agreed with him. They had been using the FISA Warrants to attack political opponents and abused their powers. Clapper wanted him fired at the time but it did not happen...........That is a matter of FACT. Backed by a court ruling. As an example.

The 2016 and the last 3 years have ALL HINGED on how Hillary lost because of Trump. When the DNC used Foreign operatives and officials to dig up dirt on a political opponent. The same thing they are accusing Trump of now as they ignore their abuses.

The screaming about how she was robbed and years of investigation are FOCAL to Hillary.........why she is hit so much.

I didn't like her hubby either. I served in Somalia and I've been ticked at him since he ordered the withdrawal of our forces from there without going after those that had killed our people. Didn't support them when they begged for more support and weren't given any. I was there and that will always be there. I didn't get it from propped up BS media.

No Opposition to Trump is because of Trump's behavior. He did cheat to get in, but that is water under the bridge, and he has had every opportunity correct some of his behavior. Anger over the election would have faded quickly if the fool was even marginally competent as president. He isn't.
Afraid......................lol..................I want her and the other politicians who have abused their power thrown in jail. She is only one.............the day the corrupt career politicians are thrown out of office will be a great day for this country. Biden is corrupt but only another one of many. They all get to the millionaires club because of their positions.............and that is why they are protecting there own..................

I'm just trying to get a better understanding. If all the animosity for her is strictly for what you perceive as her past crimes, instead of any damage you think she might be able to do in the future, what is the purpose of bringing her up at every Trump rally, and often in between those rallies?
She is in the gang of the establishment that has abused their power. One of many and they are of both parties. The Tea Party was and still is trying to take out RINO'S. from the GOP side. The sooner we remove these career politicians the better.

I was in the service. I signed Classified paper documents. And they were point blank clear on the law on Confidential, Classified, Secret, and Top Secret documents. You disclose them you are going to prison. And many for a fraction of what Hillary did have gone to prison.

Our laws need to apply to ALL................or the Republic is damaged....................She knew exactly what she was doing..........and knew this was illegal and did it anyway. And should be prosecuted the same as others for the crimes.

I won't get into whether the things you accuse her of are true. I only acknowledge that you claim they are true. She is the only one who is attacked so consistently, and it seems a little silly considering there are so many current Democratic politicians who could be in a position to cause you some real disappointment. Are you sure she isn't just a focal point to keep Trump supporters riled up and engaged? A focal point who has no real ability to effect anything anyway?
The focal point for the last 3 years has been the attack of Trump for supposed crimes that the Dems are guilty of themselves.............Look up Admiral Rogers just for a taste...............and the FISA court ruling that our gov't abused the powers in FISA Warrants under Obama. He found it...........reported it to FISA and the courts agreed with him. They had been using the FISA Warrants to attack political opponents and abused their powers. Clapper wanted him fired at the time but it did not happen...........That is a matter of FACT. Backed by a court ruling. As an example.

The 2016 and the last 3 years have ALL HINGED on how Hillary lost because of Trump. When the DNC used Foreign operatives and officials to dig up dirt on a political opponent. The same thing they are accusing Trump of now as they ignore their abuses.

The screaming about how she was robbed and years of investigation are FOCAL to Hillary.........why she is hit so much.

I didn't like her hubby either. I served in Somalia and I've been ticked at him since he ordered the withdrawal of our forces from there without going after those that had killed our people. Didn't support them when they begged for more support and weren't given any. I was there and that will always be there. I didn't get it from propped up BS media.

No Opposition to Trump is because of Trump's behavior. He did cheat to get in, but that is water under the bridge, and he has had every opportunity correct some of his behavior. Anger over the election would have faded quickly if the fool was even marginally competent as president. He isn't.
Baloney. The Dems are attempting a Coup to overturn an election. 62 million people voted him in..stop crying and beat him at the voting booth as is intended in our system. No one is listening to those who have wolf too many tiimes
Skooter Libby went to prison for much less than Hillary's crimes
He was convicted, but W gave him a reprieve which kept him out of prison. W should have pardoned him.

Shameful that he didn't.

And you're correct. It was a political prosecution to an innocent man, convicted of mis-remembering an appointment of a person 100% innocent of the charge that person was accused of.
No Opposition to Trump is because of Trump's behavior. He did cheat to get in, but that is water under the bridge, and he has had every opportunity correct some of his behavior. Anger over the election would have faded quickly if the fool was even marginally competent as president. He isn't.
BS... Democrats tried to steal the 2000 election from W by vote counting fraud, and never apologized.

Democrat Leaders like Waters called for Trump's impeachment before he took office. The MSM and other Democrats started in on impeachment the 1st week of Trump's presidency.

Your Fascist Democrat Leaders have been trying to undo the election consistently with one Lie after another for the entire time Trump has been in office.

The POTUS is attempting to do everything he was elected to do, and has so kept the economy high and unemployment at historic lows.

Democrats hate Trump BECAUSE he's competent.
violations are not crimes.... disciplinary actions if the employee still works for the gvt ... not prison, silly one!

nothing mentioned on any violations of Hillary???

the 30,000 personal emails were never under subpoena, they were hers, to do with whatever she wanted.

ONLY Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena by congress... they could not subpoena her personal emails without probable cause..., but anyone who bel;ieve what Trump sasys id=s a fucking idiot.,

her server was not asked to be turned over to the FBI until 5 months after the personal emails were deleted and removed.....

HOW many times are ya'll going to repeat that made up, LIE, Franky?
How many times are you going to talk out your backside about things you never saw and were not involved in and had no knowledge of?
it's at your fingertips kiddo, the subpoena itself from Congress...what was subpoenaed and when the subpoena was issued.... along with the info of why her server was turned over to the FBI when they asked for it 5 months later...

her 30,000 personal emails were NEVER UNDER subpoena.... they were never asked for by Congress via subpoena...

Stop believing bullshit. Anyone who believes any media in regards to politics is a fool.
Sorry Mikey, Anyone who believes Donald Trump is just plain stupid. And mikey, we know how fucking stupid you are.
geeez dood, you actually believe that Hillary deleted 30,000 email about her yoga classes lol
she was a little busy being Secretary of State. Her security team handled all her emails along with several lawyers who also agreed that they were personal. What the hell do you think she was covering up- there is no story here, you start out knowing she's a criminal. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, oh right now you are a conspiracy Nut Job who believes the entire government is conspiring against your lying bought off Heroes and the big-time assholes. Super duper! All your scandals are phony garbage propaganda dumbass. Our law enforcement system is a Wonder. your propaganda is the worst thing that has happened to the country in memory.
No Opposition to Trump is because of Trump's behavior. He did cheat to get in, but that is water under the bridge, and he has had every opportunity correct some of his behavior. Anger over the election would have faded quickly if the fool was even marginally competent as president. He isn't.
BS... Democrats tried to steal the 2000 election from W by vote counting fraud, and never apologized.

Democrat Leaders like Waters called for Trump's impeachment before he took office. The MSM and other Democrats started in on impeachment the 1st week of Trump's presidency.

Your Fascist Democrat Leaders have been trying to undo the election consistently with one Lie after another for the entire time Trump has been in office.

The POTUS is attempting to do everything he was elected to do, and has so kept the economy high and unemployment at historic lows.

Democrats hate Trump BECAUSE he's competent.
His a lying con man fraud and he amuses me until he does criminal mobbed-up stupid crap. I'm also sick of the greedy idiot GOP rich getting away with murder the last 35 years. And big Health and big Pharma ripping us off forever.
No Opposition to Trump is because of Trump's behavior. He did cheat to get in, but that is water under the bridge, and he has had every opportunity correct some of his behavior. Anger over the election would have faded quickly if the fool was even marginally competent as president. He isn't.
BS... Democrats tried to steal the 2000 election from W by vote counting fraud, and never apologized.

Democrat Leaders like Waters called for Trump's impeachment before he took office. The MSM and other Democrats started in on impeachment the 1st week of Trump's presidency.

Your Fascist Democrat Leaders have been trying to undo the election consistently with one Lie after another for the entire time Trump has been in office.

The POTUS is attempting to do everything he was elected to do, and has so kept the economy high and unemployment at historic lows.

Democrats hate Trump BECAUSE he's competent.
That's his claim to fame so far, that he has not wrecked the Obama recovery. Yet. All this chaos and tariff Wars and trade Wars could ... His tax returns from 1984 to 94 showed he was the worst businessman in America by far LOL not to mention a terrible cheater. Stiffing vendors etc...
Notice that the OP only reports the part liked, omits the parts clearing Hillary. never says a word about Republicans or Trump family's using personal for government. best guess we could if being honest find a hundred government people from both party's that incorrectly used emails or phones. love the pick & chose instead of all the Facts.
she was a little busy being Secretary of State. Her security team handled all her emails along with several lawyers who also agreed that they were personal. What the hell do you think she was covering up- there is no story here, you start out knowing she's a criminal. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, oh right now you are a conspiracy Nut Job who believes the entire government is conspiring against your lying bought off Heroes and the big-time assholes. Super duper! All your scandals are phony garbage propaganda dumbass. Our law enforcement system is a Wonder. your propaganda is the worst thing that has happened to the country in memory.
She was so busy being SoS almost 1/2 of her meetings were with donors.
she was a little busy being Secretary of State. Her security team handled all her emails along with several lawyers who also agreed that they were personal. What the hell do you think she was covering up- there is no story here, you start out knowing she's a criminal. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, oh right now you are a conspiracy Nut Job who believes the entire government is conspiring against your lying bought off Heroes and the big-time assholes. Super duper! All your scandals are phony garbage propaganda dumbass. Our law enforcement system is a Wonder. your propaganda is the worst thing that has happened to the country in memory.
She was so busy being SoS almost 1/2 of her meetings were with donors.
Link to that garbage? What year? Another conspiracy!!! LOL
Notice that the OP only reports the part liked, omits the parts clearing Hillary. never says a word about Republicans or Trump family's using personal for government. best guess we could if being honest find a hundred government people from both party's that incorrectly used emails or phones. love the pick & chose instead of all the Facts.
It seems like none of them including Powell and rice thought about security too much before the Russians stole the damn election. Gave hacked DNC emails to Fox and CNN etc. Something to fill the endless punditry that takesthe place of news.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action.

Will Hillary get away with her crimes?
Will she go to prison?
Or will Hillary pull a Hermann Göring at the last minute before going to prison?

38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe
A multiyear State Department probe of emails that were sent to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s private computer server concluded there was no systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees, according to a report submitted to Congress this month.
How many times are you going to talk out your backside about things you never saw and were not involved in and had no knowledge of?
it's at your fingertips kiddo, the subpoena itself from Congress...what was subpoenaed and when the subpoena was issued.... along with the info of why her server was turned over to the FBI when they asked for it 5 months later...

her 30,000 personal emails were NEVER UNDER subpoena.... they were never asked for by Congress via subpoena...

Stop believing bullshit. Anyone who believes any media in regards to politics is a fool.
Sorry Mikey, Anyone who believes Donald Trump is just plain stupid. And mikey, we know how fucking stupid you are.
geeez dood, you actually believe that Hillary deleted 30,000 email about her yoga classes lol
she was a little busy being Secretary of State. Her security team handled all her emails along with several lawyers who also agreed that they were personal. What the hell do you think she was covering up- there is no story here, you start out knowing she's a criminal. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, oh right now you are a conspiracy Nut Job who believes the entire government is conspiring against your lying bought off Heroes and the big-time assholes. Super duper! All your scandals are phony garbage propaganda dumbass. Our law enforcement system is a Wonder. your propaganda is the worst thing that has happened to the country in memory.
lol you believe that Hillary deleted 30,000 emails, destroyed her hard-drives and cellphones because she was innocent?
it's at your fingertips kiddo, the subpoena itself from Congress...what was subpoenaed and when the subpoena was issued.... along with the info of why her server was turned over to the FBI when they asked for it 5 months later...

her 30,000 personal emails were NEVER UNDER subpoena.... they were never asked for by Congress via subpoena...

Stop believing bullshit. Anyone who believes any media in regards to politics is a fool.
Sorry Mikey, Anyone who believes Donald Trump is just plain stupid. And mikey, we know how fucking stupid you are.
geeez dood, you actually believe that Hillary deleted 30,000 email about her yoga classes lol
she was a little busy being Secretary of State. Her security team handled all her emails along with several lawyers who also agreed that they were personal. What the hell do you think she was covering up- there is no story here, you start out knowing she's a criminal. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, oh right now you are a conspiracy Nut Job who believes the entire government is conspiring against your lying bought off Heroes and the big-time assholes. Super duper! All your scandals are phony garbage propaganda dumbass. Our law enforcement system is a Wonder. your propaganda is the worst thing that has happened to the country in memory.
lol you believe that Hillary deleted 30,000 emails, destroyed her hard-drives and cellphones because she was innocent?
Innocent of what. That's what Powell and rice did too and those are personal emails not even picked by Hillary. She is not a criminal and she has nothing to cover up you dick head dupe.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action.

Will Hillary get away with her crimes?
Will she go to prison?
Or will Hillary pull a Hermann Göring at the last minute before going to prison?

38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe
A multiyear State Department probe of emails that were sent to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s private computer server concluded there was no systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees, according to a report submitted to Congress this month.
They had a new report just today. 38 people who sent classified emails to Hillary mayb in trouble but probably not because everybody did. this is total Monday morning quarterbacking after the Russian hacking of the DNC and other servers, but not Hillary's.

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