Hillary Collapsing at 9/11 Video Removed By User

Hadnt seen that shot before, in the other one you couldnt tell if she just stepped of the curb wrong, but here she clearly looks in trouble well before she takes the step. What the hell is going on here? There is something seriously wrong with her. If thats Pneumonia as they claim, she should be in bed! but it looks like some othe rproblem

from what i have read

she even lost her shoe

not good
Her Cinderella moment.

If she's Cinderella, I hate to see the evil step-sisters

The vid of this posted on drudge showing it from a different angle was removed by the user. Why? Clintons making more threats? Google doing more shenanigans?

We can't get too giddy over hillarys latest health challenge. CNN is reporting that she was "alert and awake" on her way to Chelsea's place. Alert and awake...just as she was when Ambassador Stevens was choking to death.

The vid of this posted on drudge showing it from a different angle was removed by the user. Why? Clintons making more threats? Google doing more shenanigans?

We can't get too giddy over hillarys latest health challenge. CNN is reporting that she was "alert and awake" on her way to Chelsea's place. Alert and awake...just as she was when Ambassador Stevens was choking to death.

Yea, she's already "recovering" too. They were saying that 90 minutes after the fact, right after they just got word from Clinton staffers.
Perhaps Hillary was afraid that her 2001 tax return would appear on the screen, and document that she loaded up on defense and oil stocks in the first half of 2001... after all, Tenet was a Bill Clinton appointee, and the most important figure in 911.
The woman has very serious health problems. But her and the corrupt MSM continue to lie about it. And now you know why the NWO Globalist Elites are working very hard to seize complete control of the Internet. It's the only real freedom of information left. How many MSM Outlets are showing this?

The Elites are desperate to make the Internet like their Government/Corporate-owned Mass Media. It's down to only a handful of large Corporations controlling most information Americans receive. The Internet's the last hope for real freedom of information. But the People are gonna have fight to preserve it.
Here's the video, and here is the top rated comment posted by the uploader:

"this channel is from Brazil , but I sent this video here because youtube of north america , are removing this video , and also facebook"

American Government/Corporate Media has no interest in this. They must continue lying. It's what they do.
Hadnt seen that shot before, in the other one you couldnt tell if she just stepped of the curb wrong, but here she clearly looks in trouble well before she takes the step. What the hell is going on here? There is something seriously wrong with her. If thats Pneumonia as they claim, she should be in bed! but it looks like some othe rproblem

It's likely far more serious. She has some sort of brain damage. She had a very bad fall which resulted in serious head trauma. I'm not buying their 'Pneumonia' farce.
Hadnt seen that shot before, in the other one you couldnt tell if she just stepped of the curb wrong, but here she clearly looks in trouble well before she takes the step. What the hell is going on here? There is something seriously wrong with her. If thats Pneumonia as they claim, she should be in bed! but it looks like some othe rproblem

Looks like they had all they could do to hold her upright till the van pulled up. Very unstable woman. And about an hour or so later, she was on the street hugging people and saying everything was fine. Pneumonia doesn't come and go like that. I want to know what drug they are giving her to revive her like that.

And the excuses are all over the board- allergies, overheating, pneumonia, etc.... The head injury excuse was used to explain why she couldn't remember security rules.

She's in serious trouble and there are rumors that some Dems are meeting to discuss whether they should ask her to step down and get Biden or someone else in there before this goes further. Hillary must be scared at the thought of a live debate. She can't function and has a whole crew to keep her going, not to mention the dedicated PR people masquerading as media. A live debate could be a disaster for her.

The videos are frightening. And the excuse that she was diagnosed on Friday before heading off to give her nasty speech just doesn't pass the smell test.

Some of her supporters in the media are trying to pretend this didn't happen and you can bet that her camp wants these videos gone now. I hope there are no more strange suicides over this. I think she can be one scary bitch considering the way she treats military, secret service and others who had the misfortune of working for her and Bill. Of course, Soros is looking out for her and likely has henchmen to handle those who could threaten her career.

Their 'Pneumonia' claim is a lie. Period, end of story.
Here's the video, and here is the top rated comment posted by the uploader:

"this channel is from Brazil , but I sent this video here because youtube of north america , are removing this video , and also facebook"

Hadnt seen that shot before, in the other one you couldnt tell if she just stepped of the curb wrong, but here she clearly looks in trouble well before she takes the step. What the hell is going on here? There is something seriously wrong with her. If thats Pneumonia as they claim, she should be in bed! but it looks like some othe rproblem

Looks like they had all they could do to hold her upright till the van pulled up. Very unstable woman. And about an hour or so later, she was on the street hugging people and saying everything was fine. Pneumonia doesn't come and go like that. I want to know what drug they are giving her to revive her like that.

And the excuses are all over the board- allergies, overheating, pneumonia, etc.... The head injury excuse was used to explain why she couldn't remember security rules.

She's in serious trouble and there are rumors that some Dems are meeting to discuss whether they should ask her to step down and get Biden or someone else in there before this goes further. Hillary must be scared at the thought of a live debate. She can't function and has a whole crew to keep her going, not to mention the dedicated PR people masquerading as media. A live debate could be a disaster for her.

The videos are frightening. And the excuse that she was diagnosed on Friday before heading off to give her nasty speech just doesn't pass the smell test.

This looks like more Hillary Lies, she just cant let go, she's been waiting for her whole political career for this but now she's putting the whole process in Jeapordy. I wonder if the Administration will try to cancel the election.
I think your right about them giving her something, but how long can they do that? its insane.

Spot On.
Hadnt seen that shot before, in the other one you couldnt tell if she just stepped of the curb wrong, but here she clearly looks in trouble well before she takes the step. What the hell is going on here? There is something seriously wrong with her. If thats Pneumonia as they claim, she should be in bed! but it looks like some othe rproblem
She had a seizure.

Serious head trauma. She has brain damage.
How much is this going to cost me?

"it" was incapable to stand or walk. Propped up against that pole. Head flopping around like Muscular Dytstrophy? "it" Would have fallen over backwards if not for being held up on both sides. something is going on? What are they hiding? How long have they been hiding this?

Are the polls so good that they can put "it" on ice and still win? Run the sympathy gauntlet through the election? Then say she can't make inagural.........out comes the puppet. Ferret-Face?

I have seen 7-day drunks walk 7 city blocks and back into the hot sun to get another bottle. Dehydration my butt.

The vid of this posted on drudge showing it from a different angle was removed by the user. Why? Clintons making more threats? Google doing more shenanigans?

We can't get too giddy over hillarys latest health challenge. CNN is reporting that she was "alert and awake" on her way to Chelsea's place. Alert and awake...just as she was when Ambassador Stevens was choking to death.

Yea, she's already "recovering" too. They were saying that 90 minutes after the fact, right after they just got word from Clinton staffers.

Yup. Shame on CNN (Clinton News Network). 'Pneumonia' doesn't work like that. It's all a lie.

The vid of this posted on drudge showing it from a different angle was removed by the user. Why? Clintons making more threats? Google doing more shenanigans?

We can't get too giddy over hillarys latest health challenge. CNN is reporting that she was "alert and awake" on her way to Chelsea's place. Alert and awake...just as she was when Ambassador Stevens was choking to death.

Yea, she's already "recovering" too. They were saying that 90 minutes after the fact, right after they just got word from Clinton staffers.

Yup. Shame on CNN (Clinton News Network). 'Pneumonia' doesn't work like that. It's all a lie.

They're relying on the "stupidity of the American people".

The vid of this posted on drudge showing it from a different angle was removed by the user. Why? Clintons making more threats? Google doing more shenanigans?

We can't get too giddy over hillarys latest health challenge. CNN is reporting that she was "alert and awake" on her way to Chelsea's place. Alert and awake...just as she was when Ambassador Stevens was choking to death.

Yea, she's already "recovering" too. They were saying that 90 minutes after the fact, right after they just got word from Clinton staffers.

Yup. Shame on CNN (Clinton News Network). 'Pneumonia' doesn't work like that. It's all a lie.

They're relying on the "stupidity of the American people".

You got that right.
Bill is "rumored" to have AIDS. I doubt Hillary does, but it is something more serious than just pneumonia...

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