The Irish Ram
Like I said, the left always side with evil.Only idiots like you would be hoodwinked by this pandering.Go Hillary. :0) That seals the deal.
She may get more black votes than Obama.
And I suppose if she had said that blacks need to stop killing each other, you'd be screaming "THAT'S RACIST!!!!!!
Shut up.....
:0) Fuck you.
I don't give a shit about what you think. Obviously you don't have a clue what politics is .. which of course is why you and your idiot party has lost just about every social issue you dummies care about .. and are inevitably going to lose the 2016 election .. thus the Supreme Court .. and probably won't win the White House again anytime in the foreseeable future.
You go vote your issues and for the people you want to vote for .. and I'll do the same.
What's the problem?
What you said, what you think, what you think is evil .. doesn't mean shit.
What has meaning is who wins this election.
Hillary just inspired millions of voters who have PROVEN to be a CRITICAL component in who wins the White House.
Let's see if you have the intelligence to argue the fallacy of that in a presidential election.
Let's see .. :0)
She hates blacks as much as she hates everyone else. Except the Klan maybe...