Hillary coughing again

They say Washington turned RC on his deathbed, and he is apotheosis on the dome of the capital.



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Washington would no more become RC, based on his writings and that which is written about him, then Jefferson would have joined Jere as a bible-thumping head-grabbing layhandson pentecostal believer.
Washington would no more become RC, based on his writings and that which is written about him, then Jefferson would have joined Jere as a bible-thumping head-grabbing layhandson pentecostal believer.

Two Roman Goddess next to him and roman Goddesses around him. Also 13 women of the 13 colonies. He must of wrote something or someone allowed him to be a God, Apotheosis of Washington. Maybe he admired the Roman Empire. Now I do not know who approved the painting of him, it does not say, but for someone to hire a Catholic painter to paint the Capital Dome, there had to of been something.
And the Beast received a wound in her head. She began to cough uncontrolably, to stumble, and to quake. And the people marveled after the Beast and asked who can stand against her? So enamored were the people that they even worshiped the image of the Beast. They elected her President and began to sacrifice their unborn to appease the bloodlust of the beast. The Beast told them to marry their same sex for it pleased the people to do so. Everything was legal and permitted under the Beast except for the practice of Christianity.

They were marrying and being taken in marriage and wetre committing all manner of evil in the sight of the Lord until one day they awaken and to a huge earthquake and the moon became as blood and there was the sound of a trumpet.
Washington would no more become RC, based on his writings and that which is written about him, then Jefferson would have joined Jere as a bible-thumping head-grabbing layhandson pentecostal believer.

Two Roman Goddess next to him and roman Goddesses around him. Also 13 women of the 13 colonies. He must of wrote something or someone allowed him to be a God, Apotheosis of Washington. Maybe he admired the Roman Empire. Now I do not know who approved the painting of him, it does not say, but for someone to hire a Catholic painter to paint the Capital Dome, there had to of been something.
When was the painting done, who did it, and who approved it? Those are first questions that need to be resolved.
Washington would no more become RC, based on his writings and that which is written about him, then Jefferson would have joined Jere as a bible-thumping head-grabbing layhandson pentecostal believer.

Two Roman Goddess next to him and roman Goddesses around him. Also 13 women of the 13 colonies. He must of wrote something or someone allowed him to be a God, Apotheosis of Washington. Maybe he admired the Roman Empire. Now I do not know who approved the painting of him, it does not say, but for someone to hire a Catholic painter to paint the Capital Dome, there had to of been something.
When was the painting done, who did it, and who approved it? Those are first questions that need to be resolved.

The Apotheosis of Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You tell me.
Not all of them as much as Trump, 6 bankruptcies, one lawsuit after another, best he stay in his business, instead of being the president, he is not the man for the POTUS. I have no respect for him, funny how Christians can vote for the man.
You keep throwing shit out hoping something will stick. You'd have us believe he's a failure in business but you clearly don't understand the first thing about it. Hillary is corrupt as hell and leftists like it that way so we are very different animals. I don't expect you to agree but I'll point out your stupidity for all the world to see.

I have no idea how a Christian could vote for Hillary, government corruption is unjust and not why we have a government. Our Christian founders would be shocked at what leftists have done to the country.

The maj or our founding fathers were not Christian.
Wrong. Some were deists but most were Christians. No wonder you are lost politically, you've been groomed.
Who were Christians? Most were Unitarians and Deists. This country was not founded on Christianity, but freedom of religion. Thomas Paine was friends with most, Age of Reason.
The country was found on religious and spiritual and secular ethics. As a matter of religion and affiliation and general belief, four of the founders were undoubtedly deist or polydeist. The remainder including Washington and Madison and Hamilton were Christians from being very weak "enlightenment" Christians to hard core, two of the latter being Patrick Henry and John Jay. One of the Christians was a Catholic, which should rev up Turvoka and saintmichaeldefendthem.
My people were Catholic for a century longer that this country existed. The French settlers were very friendly and didn't have a Manifest Destiny doctrine where they believed God commanded them to slaughter all the Indians like asshole Protestants did. It's unfortunate that Catholics didn't have more of an influence in America's founding. It certainly would have been a gentler impact on the Natives.
460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81

Catechism of the Catholic Church - "He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary"


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