Hillary could still face charges

If the IRS and the FBI ever investigate her, I am sure they would find evidence of her influence peddling as Sec State.

I guess being from Chicago she saw nothing wrong with it.

Right now the FBI has their hands full with DJ Trump however.

What a year it has been !!

What a year !!!
One of the reasons they're going after Trump so aggressively. Keep him occupied and distracted so they don't go after Hillary.
And the Orange Clown creates a new media-storm every day, to deflect from yesterday's fuckup.
And the Orange Clown creates a new media-storm every day, to deflect from yesterday's fuckup.


One of the reasons they're going after Trump so aggressively. Keep him occupied and distracted so they don't go after Hillary.
does this mean we will have another 10 hr grilling where Hillary will say "I dont recall" and "At The Time" every 5 minutes?
IMO, this could be part of the reason the Left & its media are going after Trump so hard - trying to Impeach him - distract him / take him down before he can appoint a new US AG who will recommend Indictment.

In regards to politicians going to jail, I agree with Hillary - It IS 'her turn'.
Boy you cons really don't want to talk about Trump's fuck ups

Uh no, Hillary Will not be investigated any further and will never be arrested

Go suck your thumb and listen to Alex Jones and everything will be OK
We can talk about Trump's baggage when someone comes up with proof of any wrong doing. So far there has been zero evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. But with Hillary, now there we have a ton of evidence to discuss. Got it ?
Boy you cons really don't want to talk about Trump's fuck ups

The difference between snowflakes and 'cons' is Snowflakes want to focus on Trump's liberally-projected F*-Ups rather than Hillary's and the Obama administration's / Loyalists' proven CRIMES.
The finest purveyors of fake news
They single handedly took down the Clinton crime family operation and exposed it for what it was a money laundering organization so live it love it learn it old hippy.

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