Hillary could still face charges

I think Bill and Hillary have dirt on Obama its the only thing that makes sense. Bill meeting with Lynch on the tarmac, the bizarre behavior of Comey afterwards. I think the Clinton's clearly told Obama to back off or else.
Boy you cons really don't want to talk about Trump's fuck ups

Uh no, Hillary Will not be investigated any further and will never be arrested

Go suck your thumb and listen to Alex Jones and everything will be OK
We can talk about Trump's baggage when someone comes up with proof of any wrong doing. So far there has been zero evidence that Trump has done anything wrong. But with Hillary, now there we have a ton of evidence to discuss. Got it ?
Yeah I get it. The election is over. Trump won. There should be no reason for you to talk about Hillary. But with Trumps disastrous presidency, you need a distraction.

Within the last week:

Trump Held a closed door meeting withRussian govt officials in which American media was not allowed, but Russian media was allowed. In that meeting, Trump gave classified information to the Russian officials.

Trump fired FBI director Comey after Comey pushed to look further into Trumps Russian connections in regards to election meddling.

Comey revealed that he has memos of Trump trying to push him to drop an investigation of General Flynn (obstruction of justice).

No wonder you want people to look the other way.
Judicial Watch :laugh:
Laugh at JW? who do you think brought down the hildabeast?:badgrin:
The finest purveyors of fake news.
No, snowflake - that would be CNN:

I really hate CNN before it use to bring the new the all world i am in France and now there always talking against Trump and there happy about what is going on and strangely Nothing about Hillary the bitch.
Yeah I get it. The election is over. Trump won. There should be no reason for you to talk about Hillary. But with Trumps disastrous presidency, you need a distraction
I will keep bringing up Hillary until she gets indicted. Trump did nothing wrong and you can produce no evidence that he has.
Judicial Watch :laugh:
Laugh at JW? who do you think brought down the hildabeast?:badgrin:
The finest purveyors of fake news.
No, snowflake - that would be CNN:

I really hate CNN before it use to bring the new the all world i am in France and now there always talking against Trump and there happy about what is going on and strangely Nothing about Hillary the bitch.

They're a complete disgrace, no principles at all. None of the MSM should be respected at this point. They make the old Pravda and the current Russia Today look like saints.

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