Hillary Describes HERSELF when Attacking Trump

"Hillary Describes HERSELF when Attacking Trump"



Clinton was spot-on about Trump:

"Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different; they are dangerously incoherent," Clinton said, speaking to a crowd of 200 people gathered at the Prado in Balboa Park in San Diego. "They're not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. He is not just unprepared. He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility."

Clinton swipes at Trump's "dangerously incoherent" foreign policy

This goes directly to the wrongheaded notion maintained by Trump supporters and other partisan rightists that Trump need only rely on ‘advisors,’ that his comprehensive ignorance concerning both foreign and domestic policy will be ‘mitigated’ by the ‘experts’ he surrounds himself with.

This exhibits a fundamental lack of understanding of what it is to be president by Trump supporters, and why Trump is indeed unfit to be president.
Yes, he's winning over people who are so entranced by him that they'll explain away every bizarre action and statement.

Like this, for instance.

View attachment 76918

Awesome, isn't it?

And here we see the depth of intellect and comprehension of the issues common to most Trump supporters, and the propensity of most Trump supports the ignore the facts and truth and remain willfully ignorance.
I could only watch about ten minutes of this speech that has made many cringe. I prefer to see factual evidence. You can watch it for yourselves if you have the time. I just don't like the woman. Maybe I'll get around to watching the whole thing later. I doubt the twenty minutes I missed will add to my opinion.

So Hillary calls Trump "dangerous" ? Good grief.
This is a woman who has not just endangered America, she has DAMAGED us beyond repair, by having exposed US TOP SECRET information to the whole world, including enemies who could use that information against us. It wasn't classified TOP SECRET for no reason.

Then there's Benghazi. She gets a phone call at 3 AM of an emergency, and brushes it off because she's sleeping ? And refusing to comply with a request (from Eric Nordstrom) for more security ? And lying to the relatives of the 4 men killed in Bengahzi (about an anti-Muslim video), right as the coffins of those men were being unloaded from the plane that delivered them ? And this listing of endangerings wouldn't be complete, without mentioning her close association with her aide Huma Abedin, a longtime Muslim Brotherhood activist, and the long record of pro-Muslim Brotherhood events of the Hillary State Dept, attest to the ramifications of that.

Then we have Hillary's support of gun-free zones. Did somebody say the word "endanger" ? Yikes! One only need to look at the Paris, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino slaughters, to see the consequences of Hillary policy reckless endangerment there.

This list could go on and on... The fact that Hillary can stand at a podium and spout off charges against Trump, that fit no one in America more than they do the loudmouth idiot Hillary herself, just goes to show how warped a large section of American voters are to express support for her.
Bullshit, she used actual quotes from Trump.
"Hillary Describes HERSELF when Attacking Trump"



Clinton was spot-on about Trump:

"Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different; they are dangerously incoherent," Clinton said, speaking to a crowd of 200 people gathered at the Prado in Balboa Park in San Diego. "They're not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. He is not just unprepared. He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility."

Clinton swipes at Trump's "dangerously incoherent" foreign policy

This goes directly to the wrongheaded notion maintained by Trump supporters and other partisan rightists that Trump need only rely on ‘advisors,’ that his comprehensive ignorance concerning both foreign and domestic policy will be ‘mitigated’ by the ‘experts’ he surrounds himself with.

This exhibits a fundamental lack of understanding of what it is to be president by Trump supporters, and why Trump is indeed unfit to be president.
OFF TOPIC!! This thread is not about Trump. It is about Hillary and her UNfitness for the presidency (and just about anything else outside of a prison cell) It is about her endangering the American people with the ISIS Trojan Horse, that she is irresponsibly OK with. It is about her support for allowing Muslims to immigrate to the US (including unvettable Syrian refugees).

It is about her reckless email misbehavior that has opened up US TOP SECRET info to anyone around the world, and thus ALREADY damaged US national security to unheard of levels.

It is about her support for unbridled illegal immigration, including Sanctuary Cities and amnesty for illegal aliens, which includes not only job stealers and economy raiders, but violent criminals as well (as in the murder of Kate Steinle).

It also includes her insane approval of gun-free zones, and equally insane opposition to nationwide CCW, her reckless mishandling of the Benghazi situation, resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans, and various other things.

If further off topic posting occurs in this thread (from anyone), it will be REPORTED)
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Yes, he's winning over people who are so entranced by him that they'll explain away every bizarre action and statement.

Like this, for instance.

View attachment 76918

Awesome, isn't it?

And here we see the depth of intellect and comprehension of the issues common to most Trump supporters, and the propensity of most Trump supports the ignore the facts and truth and remain willfully ignorance.

Like Clinton supporters ignoring her lies about Libya that cost civilian lives? Her handling of Honduras? The woman's actions in foreign policy is horrendous. She has no room to criticize.

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And here we see the depth of intellect and comprehension of the issues common to most Trump supporters, and the propensity of most Trump supports the ignore the facts and truth and remain willfully ignorance.
Are you sure YOU aren't the ignorant one ? Trump's has about 40 or so clearly stated policies in his website and book, Crippled America. How many of them can you state, right here, right now ? Not many, can you ? Mr Ignorant.
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She used Trump's ACTUAL statements....he's a loose cannon.

They are both loose cannons, once you admit this to yourself, then you can do the right thing and find new candidates, or you can continue to be a partisan dupe.
So Hillary calls Trump "dangerous" ? Good grief.
This is a woman who has not just endangered America, she has DAMAGED us beyond repair, by having exposed US TOP SECRET information to the whole world, including enemies who could use that information against us. It wasn't classified TOP SECRET for no reason.

Then there's Benghazi. She gets a phone call at 3 AM of an emergency, and brushes it off because she's sleeping ? And refusing to comply with a request (from Eric Nordstrom) for more security ? And lying to the relatives of the 4 men killed in Bengahzi (about an anti-Muslim video), right as the coffins of those men were being unloaded from the plane that delivered them ? And this listing of endangerings wouldn't be complete, without mentioning her close association with her aide Huma Abedin, a longtime Muslim Brotherhood activist, and the long record of pro-Muslim Brotherhood events of the Hillary State Dept, attest to the ramifications of that.

Then we have Hillary's support of gun-free zones. Did somebody say the word "endanger" ? Yikes! One only need to look at the Paris, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino slaughters, to see the consequences of Hillary policy reckless endangerment there.

This list could go on and on... The fact that Hillary can stand at a podium and spout off charges against Trump, that fit no one in America more than they do the loudmouth idiot Hillary herself, just goes to show how warped a large section of American voters are to express support for her.

Pot callin' the kettle for sure
He's right. A lot of good military advice is broadcasted on TV shows, when military experts like ex-4 star General Jack Keane and ex-Lt. General Thomas McInerney appear.
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
Sounds like you've been watching too much MSNBC or some other brain pollution machine. Hope you get well.

Yeah. A ""buffon" who has $10 Billion, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
Sounds like you've been watching too much MSNBC or some other brain pollution machine. Hope you get well.

Yeah. A ""buffon" who has $10 Billion, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

OFF TOPIC!!! This thread isn't about Care4all. Any continuation of this off topic posting will be reported!!! :lol:
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
Sounds like you've been watching too much MSNBC or some other brain pollution machine. Hope you get well.

Yeah. A ""buffon" who has $10 Billion, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Having money is not an automatic sign for the right character to be President... the Kardashians have lots of money, Al Capone had a lot of money....

The Love of Money is the root of evil...you can not serve two masters, so the Bible says, you can not serve both good/God and money....

I'll pass on admiring him for his money....
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
Sounds like you've been watching too much MSNBC or some other brain pollution machine. Hope you get well.

Yeah. A ""buffon" who has $10 Billion, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Having money is not an automatic sign for the right character to be President... the Kardashians have lots of money, Al Capone had a lot of money....

The Love of Money is the root of evil...you can not serve two masters, so the Bible says, you can not serve both good/God and money....

I'll pass on admiring him for his money....

Thank you Miss Goody Two Shoes !!!!
HE said he relies on his own brain and doesn't need the general's advice, and his foreign policy experience comes from hosting the Miss Universe contest in Russia.... :lol:

He's a buffoon....and con man.... I can understand why you feel you want an outsider of the establishment but Trump isn't the messiah to answer that call....he's the wrong guy....PERIOD.
Sounds like you've been watching too much MSNBC or some other brain pollution machine. Hope you get well.

Yeah. A ""buffon" who has $10 Billion, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Having money is not an automatic sign for the right character to be President... the Kardashians have lots of money, Al Capone had a lot of money....

The Love of Money is the root of evil...you can not serve two masters, so the Bible says, you can not serve both good/God and money....

I'll pass on admiring him for his money....

Thank you Miss Goody Two Shoes !!!!
By no means am I Miss Goody Two Shoes....but I am a work in progress....

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