Hillary Doesn't Pay Her Interns But Wants to Compell Companies to Pay Theirs

She doesn't have to. She can pay her interns now. What's the problem?
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
AGREE, interns in Journalism, should be paid.

$12 bucks an hour for a summer engineering internship was pretty darn good pay about 20 years ago, good for you!!!

Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
AGREE, interns in Journalism, should be paid.

$12 bucks an hour for a summer engineering internship was pretty darn good pay about 20 years ago, good for you!!!

it was pretty nice. Remember Engineers make larger starting salaries, but we don't see the bonuses other fields do. I started at $41k a year in 1999 with a Masters in ChemE.
$41k was a good starting salary for a college grad,
in 1998...we paid our college grads that we hired right out of college, $28k as starting salary to work for a Department Store, in their management program...some worked in the Store on the sales floor along side managers, and some worked as assistants in the Buyer's and Merchandiser's offices in corporate headquarters.

MOST quit after a year if in the Stores, the ones in the buyer's offices, stayed a little longer, a handful stayed in the career....

Engineers put up with a harder workload in college for better pay at the start. The trade off is people in like finance and business can make alot more a lot quicker, especially all my friends who rode the waves of the housing boom from 2003-2008. The issue became that I'm still with the same company, and a lot of them had companies implode underneath them.

Although their 50k bonuses were nice when they were happening.
Another case of the ole "Do as I say, don't do as I do." Of course, nobody is forced to do an unpaid internship and forcing companies to require paid internships would only result in less internships being available for approaching college graduates. In the long term it would make it harder for them to gain job experience in some professions that these days is more essential than the piece of paper you got from school.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Pay Interns, Wants Companies to Pay Interns (Might Even Force Them)
Rules for thee.....but not for me.

If we wanted a queen we should have stayed with the British.
This reminds me of the Seattle company that was leading the charge for mandating a $15 an hour minimum wage while advertising an opening in their company that only paid $12 an hour.

Cannot believe Liberals willingly follow an elite core that want to make all of the rules for everyone else and exempt themselves and fellow elite (1 percent). That is a page right out of Fascism.

Liberal followers would rather wag their finger and hinder a Middle Class SUV driver about global warming and cheer on the elite who show up in fleets of SUVs and yachts and jets simply because they lend their eliteness to the message.

Fucking pathetic.
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
AGREE, interns in Journalism, should be paid.

$12 bucks an hour for a summer engineering internship was pretty darn good pay about 20 years ago, good for you!!!

How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.

All Engineering internships are paid. I made $12 an hour as an intern back in 1998-1999.

To me the biggest cheapskates when it comes to interns are in the media, which is ironically a progressive stronghold.
AGREE, interns in Journalism, should be paid.

$12 bucks an hour for a summer engineering internship was pretty darn good pay about 20 years ago, good for you!!!

it was pretty nice. Remember Engineers make larger starting salaries, but we don't see the bonuses other fields do. I started at $41k a year in 1999 with a Masters in ChemE.
$41k was a good starting salary for a college grad,
in 1998...we paid our college grads that we hired right out of college, $28k as starting salary to work for a Department Store, in their management program...some worked in the Store on the sales floor along side managers, and some worked as assistants in the Buyer's and Merchandiser's offices in corporate headquarters.

MOST quit after a year if in the Stores, the ones in the buyer's offices, stayed a little longer, a handful stayed in the career....

Engineers put up with a harder workload in college for better pay at the start. The trade off is people in like finance and business can make alot more a lot quicker, especially all my friends who rode the waves of the housing boom from 2003-2008. The issue became that I'm still with the same company, and a lot of them had companies implode underneath them.

Although their 50k bonuses were nice when they were happening.
In business, I liked the bonuses and being paid the bonuses for meeting my goals that were set...when I began in the career, the largest bonus I could earn was 10% of my annual salary, when I stopped working the position I was in could earn 50% of salary in bonus if you met your management goal....CEO's at our corp could earn 300% of annual salary in Bonus...

What I liked about a Business career, was that every single day, you can view your own progress, with the "Numbers", are you increasing sales, increasing ROI, increasing gross margin, increasing initial mark ups, decreasing mark down expenditures, increasing your Turn over on merchandise..... all these dotting of I's and crossing of tee's that makes things better and more profitable.... every day, you could literally give yourself a "pat on the back" for exceeding plan, or a "kick in the rear end'' if running below last year.... It's a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly 'ego trip'....

The negatives, it's hard work...50 to 60 hours a week if in upper management....and it is volatile...you can be working for a division of a corporation that is successful and dripping in profit, but the other divisions of the corp are doing crappy, so half of bonuses would not be paid.... (they paid half of your bonus potential if the whole corp made their goal, the other half if YOU accomplished your management goal) and the corp could go in to chapter 11 from other divisions not doing well and you get pink slipped with 600 other employees....by some stranger they hired in Personnel to do the worker hacking that knows nothing about what they accomplished for the Company....

In management, to advance big time on money, it takes changing jobs and positions and companies.... there is 'security' in the lower and middle level positions but not higher ups...

the 'Economy' can be a bitch and a bear to deal with...(but when the going gets tough, the tough get going) that's when you are working 60 hours a week...
She wants to be president of the United States, she should lead by example. She isn't.

She is. She wants to change the law.

She doesn't have to. She can pay her interns now. What's the problem?
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.
I don't care.

It is a relationship that has benefited both parties for years. But you see I'm not the one saying one thing while doing another.

Hillary is a,hypocrite
Well, Rick Perry is paying his entire regular staff the same rate as Hillary pays her couple of interns.
Every campaign is running around with unpaid interns, does this surprise anyone? So Hillary is different because she wants corporations with huge profits to up the ante? Why aren't you saying the same about Donald Trump who by his own estimate is worth more than $10 billion?

Because little one, that's what everyone expects of we rich, capitalist conservative bastards. But when the truth comes out that the leading member of the "party of the little people" in reality sees the world as we rich white one-percenters do, it sorta blows the whole notion that the Democrat party is the party who cares about the middle class and the poor. That is after all, the platform the Democrats are running on, ain't it?

At least we admit to being fat old rich white moneygrubbers with no pretensions. The Democrats are saying they aren't, yet apparently they're no better than we are. So if they're lying about this particular issue, what else are they lying about?
She is. She wants to change the law.

She doesn't have to. She can pay her interns now. What's the problem?
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.
I don't care.

It is a relationship that has benefited both parties for years. But you see I'm not the one saying one thing while doing another.

Hillary is a,hypocrite

Well if Rick Perry sucked a donkey dick, would it then be acceptable if Hillary did the same thing?

Theoretically speaking, of course.

Cannot believe Liberals willingly follow an elite core that want to make all of the rules for everyone else and exempt themselves and fellow elite (1 percent). That is a page right out of Fascism.

Liberal followers would rather wag their finger and hinder a Middle Class SUV driver about global warming and cheer on the elite who show up in fleets of SUVs and yachts and jets simply because they lend their eliteness to the message.

Fucking pathetic.

Well isn't that one of the goals of liberalism? To gain utter control over the people while at the same time adopting a "Do as I say, not as I do" policy?

It's no secret that liberals/progressives have adopted the same values held by Socialist and Communist governments. Even in the most despotic Communist regimes, and despite what they actually preach, there's always been a rich upper class elite which exerts control over the masses of proletariat common people. This same thing was seen in Communist and Socialist regimes such as Soviet Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Regardless of what Marx and Engles wrote in their manifesto, some pigs will always be more equal than others.
She doesn't have to. She can pay her interns now. What's the problem?
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.
I don't care.

It is a relationship that has benefited both parties for years. But you see I'm not the one saying one thing while doing another.

Hillary is a,hypocrite

Well if Rick Perry sucked a donkey dick, would it then be acceptable if Hillary did the same thing?

Theoretically speaking, of course.
Welcome to ignore. Enjoy the void
actually, political interns are never paid by any campaign...

On the other hand, the Clinton foundation is another story and could pay them and demand specific hours for the job....

but as a non profit organization, I can also see why they try not to use donor's money for it....
Interns are interns no matter the field. They do it for the experience in all fields. Hillary is a hypocrite, nothing more.
How about you? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you believe private businesses should ALL pay their summer college interns? Do you believe corporations hire more and more of them to make more PROFIT for the business, without the expense of paying for the work? Do you believe corporations that hire interns with no pay, do it to give a foot in the door on experience for only the children of the wealthy, who can afford to work with no pay leaving the college student who has to work to pay for their college behind the 8 ball?

Personally, I believe all interns at for profit businesses doing a summer job, should get paid for that job, allowing more middle class students to work these internships that give them a huge step up when looking for a job after graduation.

I personally don't believe political interns, working a campaign can be paid interns....most people working for campaigns ARE volunteers, unless at the very top in the campaign's management.....

I do believe college interns working for the Senate, or the House or the judicial branch should be paid.... Yes it is tax payers money, but the opportunity should be available for all college students, not just those with rich parents that can support the endeavor.

I believe internships at non profits should be paid if possible, but if it takes away from the non profit orgs purpose or charity then it should be up to the org....ideally though, I personally think they should be paid as well.
I don't care.

It is a relationship that has benefited both parties for years. But you see I'm not the one saying one thing while doing another.

Hillary is a,hypocrite

Well if Rick Perry sucked a donkey dick, would it then be acceptable if Hillary did the same thing?

Theoretically speaking, of course.
Welcome to ignore. Enjoy the void

The point I was trying to make, was that Democrats are always accusing conservatives of this, that, or the other. Yet when the truth is known, they are often just as guilty of the same things.

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