Hillary drafts illegal 'Dreamers' to get immigrants to vote

Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday announced a program to recruit undocumented "Dreamers" into a voter registration army even though they are not allowed to vote.

the witch doesn't stop....doesn't give up ....witch is a witch is a witch.....GIVE UP YOU SCUM

Hillary drafts illegal 'Dreamers' to get immigrants to vote

Is that illegal? It's only illegal if they vote, right? But they are legal to sign up legal voters, right? I'm sure they appreciate the income.
Signing up voters is considered participating in an election, in order to participate in an election you have to be a citizen or the holder of a valid green card. (green cards can still not vote)
If the cow is trying to get non card holding illegals to help in the election process in any way, then it is illegal.
of course if a Clinton does it, it will become legal the moment they do.
Those that are covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, have green cards which is what Clinton is referring to.
arriving as a child is not grounds for being considered legal or does it cover the requirements for a green card. Therefore, they are illegal and have no say in our government. they should be forced to swim back home.
You may consider them illegal but the fact is the program allows them to apply for green cards. So if all that is needed is a green card they can register voters.
If the cow is trying to get non card holding illegals to help in the election process in any way, then it is illegal.
of course if a Clinton does it, it will become legal the moment they do
If the Americn people don't rise up ndependently and ignore the liberal media bias and come out in force to defeat Crooked Hillary Clinton, then this country is lost and the People deserve the cow shit The Democrats will be serving up.
I doubt that there will be an uprising. There was strong support for the Dream Act by the public which included both Democrats and Republicans.

Only a bigoted fool would consider deporting these kids as the right thing to do.
Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday announced a program to recruit undocumented "Dreamers" into a voter registration army even though they are not allowed to vote.

the witch doesn't stop....doesn't give up ....witch is a witch is a witch.....GIVE UP YOU SCUM

Hillary drafts illegal 'Dreamers' to get immigrants to vote

Hillary is only one of many traitors in both parties who have sided with illegals who kill, rape, assault, and rob American citizens. Illegals kill thousands of American citizens and commit hundreds of thousands of crimes. They need to be booted the hell out of our country and kept out.
Democrats don't care if their constituents kill, rape, rob. They're safe in their gated communities with their armed guards. As long as those rapists and murderers vote Democrat, that's all that matters to them.

Putin: The reason for today’s problem with migrants lies in the destabilization of states and whole regions of the world – North Africa, Afghanistan and other nations. And in order to resolve the migration problem, we need to eliminate the root cause of this – we need to restore statehood, the economy and the social sphere in these states, so that people can live in their own nation or return home. We need to create all the necessary conditions for this. But to do this, we need, first and foremost, to eliminate terrorists. This is our number one challenge.
News conference following Russian-Hungarian talks

Isn't this much more logical and fair way to act instead of bringing crowds of uncontrolled refugees (with lots of terrorists among them!) into your home country?
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Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday announced a program to recruit undocumented "Dreamers" into a voter registration army even though they are not allowed to vote.

the witch doesn't stop....doesn't give up ....witch is a witch is a witch.....GIVE UP YOU SCUM

Hillary drafts illegal 'Dreamers' to get immigrants to vote

Hillary is only one of many traitors in both parties who have sided with illegals who kill, rape, assault, and rob American citizens. Illegals kill thousands of American citizens and commit hundreds of thousands of crimes. They need to be booted the hell out of our country and kept out.
Democrats don't care if their constituents kill, rape, rob. They're safe in their gated communities with their armed guards. As long as those rapists and murderers vote Democrat, that's all that matters to them.

Putin: The reason for today’s problem with migrants lies in the destabilization of states and whole regions of the world – North Africa, Afghanistan and other nations. And in order to resolve the migration problem, we need to eliminate the root cause of this – we need to restore statehood, the economy and the social sphere in these states, so that people can live in their own nation or return home. We need to create all the necessary conditions for this. But to do this, we need, first and foremost, to eliminate terrorists. This is our number one challenge.
News conference following Russian-Hungarian talks

Isn't this much more logical and fair way to act instead of bringing crowds of uncontrolled refugees (with lots of terrorists among them!) into your home country?
Of course it does, in general. This is exactly what the US has attempted to do with varying degress of success in Iraq and Afghanistan and Africa.

Russia's interest along these lines have been primarily, stabilizing Syria which the US also supports. Where Russia and the US differ is who should lead the government.
doubt that there will be an uprising. There was strong support for the Dream Act by the public which included both Democrats and Republicans.

Only a bigoted fool would consider deporting these kids as the right thing to do.
Only an idiot would think these people have a right to automatic citizenship no matter how or when they arrived. The fact is you libtardians think we don't need borders and call anyone names who disagree. Not that I care what a POS like you or others think, upholding the law is not bigotry.
doubt that there will be an uprising. There was strong support for the Dream Act by the public which included both Democrats and Republicans.

Only a bigoted fool would consider deporting these kids as the right thing to do.
Only an idiot would think these people have a right to automatic citizenship no matter how or when they arrived. The fact is you libtardians think we don't need borders and call anyone names who disagree. Not that I care what a POS like you or others think, upholding the law is not bigotry.
Most of the proposals are not automatic citizenship.

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