Hillary Falls Back On 1995


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is very telling of not only who and what Hillary is, but on who and what the entire dimocrap party is.

It is far more telling than the homogenized, pasteurized, professionally marketed, packaged bullshit you're gonna get on the slick multi-million dollar ads out of the DNC

Paranoid Drunk Rants About Conspiracies and Wheels Within Wheels

'Round the mid-nineties, the Clintons were being served interrogatories as part of Ken Starr's Independent Counsel investigation into the Whitewater crimes and cover-ups. FBI agents were sometimes used to ferry documents at this time; something would have to be sent to the Clintons, someone from the Bureau (maybe agents assigned to assist in the investigation? I don't know) would deliver the papers to the Clinton.

One guy delivered a sheet of questions to Hillary Clinton. Bear in mind, this guy did not know Hillary Clinton, was not a pal of Ken Starr, and had nothing to do with any of this, except serving as a convenient delivery-boy.

I'm reconstructing the dialogue for the purposes of storytelling, but this is the gist. The series of two-word replies Hillary gives later is verbatim, however.

"Oh," Hillary said with a nasty, sarcastic edge. "More papers for me."

"Sure," the FBI agent said. "Just need you to sign that you got them."

Hillary signed, and then began paging through the interrogatories.

Then she perked her head up. "Would you like the answers now?"

Now, the FBI guy wasn't really in a position to take her answers, but he had also been trained to take down any voluntary statement or interviewed offered by pretty much anyone, so he took out his pen and pad.

Hillary began reading the questions. "Question one: When did you become aware of the Whitewater development project? Answer: Fuck. You."

She leaned into his face to let him know this was indeed personal. But she wasn't done.

"Question Two: How many hours of work did you spend on the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You.

Question Three: Why did you previously testify you had no knowledge of the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You."

At this point, the FBI guy got the basic gist of the interviewee's point, and unclicked his Bic, and walked away, with Hillary still spurting out Fuck. You.'s after him as he walked to his car.

So that's the woman we're talking about here: A paranoid, venom-hearted, nasty, unkind-to-"Everyday-Americans," entitled borderline depressive, sexually embittered and sexually vengeful, with a chip on her shoulder the size of Carrie Nation's emotional emptiness and bearing a dark grudge against the American people in general.

So, it really should be no surprise that while the bodies of the nine dead in Charleston were just being prepped to have their chests cut open in the Morgue Y for their autopsies, Hillary Clinton decided she would return to her 1995 playbook and blame the shootings on Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh.

From Pam Key at Breitbart:

Last night Clinton told host John Ralston, "We have to have a candid national conversation about race, and about discrimination, prejudice, hatred. The people who do this kind of dastardly, horrible act are a very small percentage. But unfortunately public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger people who is less than stable to do something like this."
Clinton continued, "I think we have to speak out against it. Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable. You know you don’t talk like that on talk radio. You dont talk like that on the kind of political campaigns. I think he is emblematic. So I want people to understand, it’s not just him, it's about everybody. The second thing is guns. Let's just cut to the chase -- it's guns."

Check out Allah's piece for a reminder of when the Clintons blamed the OK City bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are consistent in their pathologies.
These people are consistent in their pathologies.

<Irony meter explodes in flames.>

So, given how over the previous 20 years all your fabricated conspiracy theories about the Clintons backfired on you hilariously, what makes you think that sleaze will start working now?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Hillary is now immune to scandals, because upon hearing a new one, everyone instantly assumes it's just another fake.
These people are consistent in their pathologies.

<Irony meter explodes in flames.>

So, given how over the previous 20 years all your fabricated conspiracy theories about the Clintons backfired on you hilariously, what makes you think that sleaze will start working now?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Hillary is now immune to scandals, because upon hearing a new one, everyone instantly assumes it's just another fake.
Democrats will support criminals as long as they are liberals.
This is the scumbag that dimocraps want in the White House.

I honestly think they find somebody worse every election cycle.

Although I'm not sure Hitlery HATES America as much as the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, she's pretty close.

The public will see her for what she is. She will be outed.

Shit, the lying, back-stabbing whore just butt-fucked HER president on a deal SHE worked on!!

Clinton breaks with Obama on trade despite supporting deal as secretary of state Fox News

dimocraps are scum
These people are consistent in their pathologies.

<Irony meter explodes in flames.>

So, given how over the previous 20 years all your fabricated conspiracy theories about the Clintons backfired on you hilariously, what makes you think that sleaze will start working now?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Hillary is now immune to scandals, because upon hearing a new one, everyone instantly assumes it's just another fake.
Her poll numbers have fallen eight points. Nothing fake about that.
If the Democratic Party nominated Charles Manson for president, every liberal in the country would vote for him.
dimocraps are scum


Pretty much says all you need to know
dimocraps are scum


Pretty much says all you need to know
The two pictures tell us all we need to know. Rice, a nice lady with a vibrant smile and personality to match. Hillary, a **** with a hateful scowl on her face.
dimocraps are scum


Pretty much says all you need to know
The two pictures tell us all we need to know. Rice, a nice lady with a vibrant smile and personality to match. Hillary, a **** with a hateful scowl on her face.
Except, as with everything associated with you, it's a lie.

Clinton didn't keep the money, it went to the CGI....

Nice try at slander to your future President but you've been at this for 25 years...what makes you think it's going to start working now?
These people are consistent in their pathologies.

<Irony meter explodes in flames.>

So, given how over the previous 20 years all your fabricated conspiracy theories about the Clintons backfired on you hilariously, what makes you think that sleaze will start working now?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Hillary is now immune to scandals, because upon hearing a new one, everyone instantly assumes it's just another fake.

Is it just me or does the GOP desperation seem to come earlier each Presidential election year? They used to wait until the actual year of the election to give up on their guy and start crazy stories like this.
dimocraps are scum


Pretty much says all you need to know
The two pictures tell us all we need to know. Rice, a nice lady with a vibrant smile and personality to match. Hillary, a **** with a hateful scowl on her face.
Except, as with everything associated with you, it's a lie.

Clinton didn't keep the money, it went to the CGI....

Nice try at slander to your future President but you've been at this for 25 years...what makes you think it's going to start working now?
These people are consistent in their pathologies.

<Irony meter explodes in flames.>

So, given how over the previous 20 years all your fabricated conspiracy theories about the Clintons backfired on you hilariously, what makes you think that sleaze will start working now?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Hillary is now immune to scandals, because upon hearing a new one, everyone instantly assumes it's just another fake.

Is it just me or does the GOP desperation seem to come earlier each Presidential election year? They used to wait until the actual year of the election to give up on their guy and start crazy stories like this.
Yeah, it's just you.
This is very telling of not only who and what Hillary is, but on who and what the entire dimocrap party is.

It is far more telling than the homogenized, pasteurized, professionally marketed, packaged bullshit you're gonna get on the slick multi-million dollar ads out of the DNC

Paranoid Drunk Rants About Conspiracies and Wheels Within Wheels

'Round the mid-nineties, the Clintons were being served interrogatories as part of Ken Starr's Independent Counsel investigation into the Whitewater crimes and cover-ups. FBI agents were sometimes used to ferry documents at this time; something would have to be sent to the Clintons, someone from the Bureau (maybe agents assigned to assist in the investigation? I don't know) would deliver the papers to the Clinton.

One guy delivered a sheet of questions to Hillary Clinton. Bear in mind, this guy did not know Hillary Clinton, was not a pal of Ken Starr, and had nothing to do with any of this, except serving as a convenient delivery-boy.

I'm reconstructing the dialogue for the purposes of storytelling, but this is the gist. The series of two-word replies Hillary gives later is verbatim, however.

"Oh," Hillary said with a nasty, sarcastic edge. "More papers for me."

"Sure," the FBI agent said. "Just need you to sign that you got them."

Hillary signed, and then began paging through the interrogatories.

Then she perked her head up. "Would you like the answers now?"

Now, the FBI guy wasn't really in a position to take her answers, but he had also been trained to take down any voluntary statement or interviewed offered by pretty much anyone, so he took out his pen and pad.

Hillary began reading the questions. "Question one: When did you become aware of the Whitewater development project? Answer: Fuck. You."

She leaned into his face to let him know this was indeed personal. But she wasn't done.

"Question Two: How many hours of work did you spend on the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You.

Question Three: Why did you previously testify you had no knowledge of the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You."

At this point, the FBI guy got the basic gist of the interviewee's point, and unclicked his Bic, and walked away, with Hillary still spurting out Fuck. You.'s after him as he walked to his car.

So that's the woman we're talking about here: A paranoid, venom-hearted, nasty, unkind-to-"Everyday-Americans," entitled borderline depressive, sexually embittered and sexually vengeful, with a chip on her shoulder the size of Carrie Nation's emotional emptiness and bearing a dark grudge against the American people in general.

So, it really should be no surprise that while the bodies of the nine dead in Charleston were just being prepped to have their chests cut open in the Morgue Y for their autopsies, Hillary Clinton decided she would return to her 1995 playbook and blame the shootings on Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh.

From Pam Key at Breitbart:

Last night Clinton told host John Ralston, "We have to have a candid national conversation about race, and about discrimination, prejudice, hatred. The people who do this kind of dastardly, horrible act are a very small percentage. But unfortunately public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger people who is less than stable to do something like this."
Clinton continued, "I think we have to speak out against it. Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable. You know you don’t talk like that on talk radio. You dont talk like that on the kind of political campaigns. I think he is emblematic. So I want people to understand, it’s not just him, it's about everybody. The second thing is guns. Let's just cut to the chase -- it's guns."

Check out Allah's piece for a reminder of when the Clintons blamed the OK City bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are consistent in their pathologies.
The right's been trying to destroy HIllary for 20+ years. And in the process, they've built her up to a juggernaut. Nice job guys :laugh:
I think Hillary has health problems....

I don't know if she can be President.... she is ill
This is very telling of not only who and what Hillary is, but on who and what the entire dimocrap party is.

It is far more telling than the homogenized, pasteurized, professionally marketed, packaged bullshit you're gonna get on the slick multi-million dollar ads out of the DNC

Paranoid Drunk Rants About Conspiracies and Wheels Within Wheels

'Round the mid-nineties, the Clintons were being served interrogatories as part of Ken Starr's Independent Counsel investigation into the Whitewater crimes and cover-ups. FBI agents were sometimes used to ferry documents at this time; something would have to be sent to the Clintons, someone from the Bureau (maybe agents assigned to assist in the investigation? I don't know) would deliver the papers to the Clinton.

One guy delivered a sheet of questions to Hillary Clinton. Bear in mind, this guy did not know Hillary Clinton, was not a pal of Ken Starr, and had nothing to do with any of this, except serving as a convenient delivery-boy.

I'm reconstructing the dialogue for the purposes of storytelling, but this is the gist. The series of two-word replies Hillary gives later is verbatim, however.

"Oh," Hillary said with a nasty, sarcastic edge. "More papers for me."

"Sure," the FBI agent said. "Just need you to sign that you got them."

Hillary signed, and then began paging through the interrogatories.

Then she perked her head up. "Would you like the answers now?"

Now, the FBI guy wasn't really in a position to take her answers, but he had also been trained to take down any voluntary statement or interviewed offered by pretty much anyone, so he took out his pen and pad.

Hillary began reading the questions. "Question one: When did you become aware of the Whitewater development project? Answer: Fuck. You."

She leaned into his face to let him know this was indeed personal. But she wasn't done.

"Question Two: How many hours of work did you spend on the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You.

Question Three: Why did you previously testify you had no knowledge of the Whitewater project? Answer: Fuck. You."

At this point, the FBI guy got the basic gist of the interviewee's point, and unclicked his Bic, and walked away, with Hillary still spurting out Fuck. You.'s after him as he walked to his car.

So that's the woman we're talking about here: A paranoid, venom-hearted, nasty, unkind-to-"Everyday-Americans," entitled borderline depressive, sexually embittered and sexually vengeful, with a chip on her shoulder the size of Carrie Nation's emotional emptiness and bearing a dark grudge against the American people in general.

So, it really should be no surprise that while the bodies of the nine dead in Charleston were just being prepped to have their chests cut open in the Morgue Y for their autopsies, Hillary Clinton decided she would return to her 1995 playbook and blame the shootings on Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh.

From Pam Key at Breitbart:

Last night Clinton told host John Ralston, "We have to have a candid national conversation about race, and about discrimination, prejudice, hatred. The people who do this kind of dastardly, horrible act are a very small percentage. But unfortunately public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger people who is less than stable to do something like this."
Clinton continued, "I think we have to speak out against it. Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable. You know you don’t talk like that on talk radio. You dont talk like that on the kind of political campaigns. I think he is emblematic. So I want people to understand, it’s not just him, it's about everybody. The second thing is guns. Let's just cut to the chase -- it's guns."

Check out Allah's piece for a reminder of when the Clintons blamed the OK City bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are consistent in their pathologies.
The right's been trying to destroy HIllary for 20+ years. And in the process, they've built her up to a juggernaut. Nice job guys :laugh:

Even if these bizarre stories were 1% true, nobody believes them because of the lies the right wing has told about Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Bill, Kerry, Biden, etc...

I don't think that the entire GOP is full of pathological liars but those here and some of the more vocal proponents (and some of their candidates) certainly are. Remember when Trump had people in Hawaii and we "wouldn't believe what they are finding" about Obama? Gee, wonder what happened to them.

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