Hillary fondly remembers Chris Stevens’s sense of humor in trying not to be murdered

I wonder if the Clinton's remember all their murder victims so fondly?

the list is long....

too long to remember it all...

scary and disgusting .....what a couple!

Not surprisingly, the Rightists are lying again. They're too unsophisticated to know that not only is the full video available, but so is a transcript:

Transcript: Clinton testifies before House committee on Benghazi

And here's the part Koshergrl and the other liar left out:

CLINTON: Well, I thought it showed their entrepreneurial spirit, Congresswoman...

BROOKS: Absolutely.

CLINTON: ... And I applaud -- I applaud them for doing so.

We did respond to a number of the security requests, the physical security requests. The posters that were up earlier this morning were only about the number of Diplomatic Security personnel (ph).

You're talking about physical -- physical barriers, physical additions to the compound. There were quite a few of those that were undertaken.

BROOKS: But how is it that Mr. Stevens did not know in December whether or not the compound was going to remain open?

CLINTON: Well...

BROOKS: Or do you -- or do you think that was a joke he was making?

CLINTON: Well, I think that if it -- if it were not an example of his sense of humor, it was also as part of the ongoing discussion about Mission Benghazi's future, which he went to great lengths to describe what he thought should be done.

You know, a lot of it was trying to decide, could we afford it? Could we maintain it? What did we need to have there?

So, yes, there was an ongoing discussion. And I think he knew he was going to be in line to go to Tripoli, and he wanted to know exactly what the decision was going to be about the compound.

He had weighed in, not only in that e-mail, but in numerous discussions with his colleagues back at the State Department.
Jim Jordan Traps Hillary Clinton: Emails Show She Knew Immediately Attack Was Not Result of Video
And they were personal friends, according to her. So personal, that not like most peoples personal friends, she thinks she may have spoken to him once after she swore him in as Ambassador. And he didn't even have her personal email address, no found emails between them, no logsmof any calls with him, didn't have her phone number, or know where she lived. That is personal, all right. Not.
Not surprisingly, the Rightists are lying again. They're too unsophisticated to know that not only is the full video available, but so is a transcript:

Transcript: Clinton testifies before House committee on Benghazi

And here's the part Koshergrl and the other liar left out:

CLINTON: Well, I thought it showed their entrepreneurial spirit, Congresswoman...

BROOKS: Absolutely.

CLINTON: ... And I applaud -- I applaud them for doing so.

We did respond to a number of the security requests, the physical security requests. The posters that were up earlier this morning were only about the number of Diplomatic Security personnel (ph).

You're talking about physical -- physical barriers, physical additions to the compound. There were quite a few of those that were undertaken.

BROOKS: But how is it that Mr. Stevens did not know in December whether or not the compound was going to remain open?

CLINTON: Well...

BROOKS: Or do you -- or do you think that was a joke he was making?

CLINTON: Well, I think that if it -- if it were not an example of his sense of humor, it was also as part of the ongoing discussion about Mission Benghazi's future, which he went to great lengths to describe what he thought should be done.

You know, a lot of it was trying to decide, could we afford it? Could we maintain it? What did we need to have there?

So, yes, there was an ongoing discussion. And I think he knew he was going to be in line to go to Tripoli, and he wanted to know exactly what the decision was going to be about the compound.

He had weighed in, not only in that e-mail, but in numerous discussions with his colleagues back at the State Department.
And you claim we're desperate?

Why else would you post that truncated clip as if you thought it proved your point? Why else is your thread title a blatant lie?
The left is melting down. Hillarys being investigated by the FBI for espionage among other things, and she is blatantly telling lie after lie to Congress when she's under oath. She's going to die in the slammer.
The left is melting down. Hillarys being investigated by the FBI for espionage among other things, and she is blatantly telling lie after lie to Congress when she's under oath. She's going to die in the slammer.

It will be so much fun to revisit this thread when you're howling for one more investigation and one more and one more and...
The left is melting down. Hillarys being investigated by the FBI for espionage among other things, and she is blatantly telling lie after lie to Congress when she's under oath. She's going to die in the slammer.

It will be so much fun to revisit this thread when you're howling for one more investigation and one more and one more and...
The only purpose this show serves is to give the FBI information, and as a way for her to be caught in yet more lies.

She's going to the pokey. I only wish she could be executed.
The only purpose this show serves is to give the FBI information, and as a way for her to be caught in yet more lies.

She's going to the pokey. I only wish she could be executed.

Migod, she thinks it's a reality show -!

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