Hillary Gives Away Who Was Really Behind Russia 2016 Collusion/Ask China to Corrupt 2020

She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

Tramp was told and the Gang of 8 was told.
No, it's not OK the Russians worked with Clintoon to foist a fake dossier in to the election. I don't see anywhere Trump paid Russians for information and it's fucking straight up clear Clintoon gave Steele money to give to Russians for a novel.

Guy, you really need to turn off the hate Radio... Steele conducted Opposition research, everyone does it.

That he came up with how much in bed with the Russians Trump was is the problem.
Steele is a foreign agent.....and the Democrats used his op-research to get 4 FISA warrants to spy on their political opponents and start a fake investigation on Russian Collusion.
yea, that part always cracked me up.

go after trump for collusion with a foreign agent by using info from a ... foreign agent.
Anyone who hints at this is giving us insight into who was really behind Russian collusion and the fake dossier in 2016. Kinda like when O.J. Simpson co-wrote a book after his trial with the premise being “I didn’t kill my ex-wife...but if I did this is how I would do it.” Bitch.
Clinton 'imagines' scenario where 2020 Dem hopeful asks China to get Trump's tax returns
Interview with Robert Ray. . . awesome.

Not a lot of folks are aware that he finished up the Whitewater investigation that Ken Starr started, and it only finished in Bush's term.

"As the successor to Ken Starr as the head of the Office of the Independent Counsel (1999 to 2002) he investigated and issued the final reports on the Whitewater scandal, the White House travel office controversy, and the White House FBI files controversy."
Robert Ray (prosecutor) - Wikipedia

The left is always harping on how many folks in Trump's campaign were tripped up and convicted in the Russia-gate dragnet, which, was, aside from Russians was what, three, four? Half a dozen?

But this special counsel actually convicted a sitting governor, for actual crimes, that actually harmed real Americans.


The Clintons were never charged with any crime. Fifteen other people were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including Jim Guy Tucker, who resigned from office.[44]

    • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, resigned (fraud, 3 counts)
    • William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
    • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
    • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
    • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
    • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
    • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)"
Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia

She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
Lol, what Obama did in the last election will make Nixon look like the most honest politician.
Who knew that our Trump supporting members would draw that fake conclusion from Clinton’s clear statement.
What is clear is that she is hinting that China should interfere in the 2020 election. Anyone who thinks this way was probably dealing with Russians in 2016...and got double crossed.
Impeach Clinton!

Oh, wait. She's not president and never will be.
No, it's not OK the Russians worked with Clintoon to foist a fake dossier in to the election. I don't see anywhere Trump paid Russians for information and it's fucking straight up clear Clintoon gave Steele money to give to Russians for a novel.

Guy, you really need to turn off the hate Radio... Steele conducted Opposition research, everyone does it.

That he came up with how much in bed with the Russians Trump was is the problem.
Steele is a foreign agent.....and the Democrats used his op-research to get 4 FISA warrants to spy on their political opponents and start a fake investigation on Russian Collusion.
How the Hell that bitch stayed out of jail is inexplicable unless you add Obama, Comey, Lynch and Obstruction of Justice in to the formula.
Anyone who hints at this is giving us insight into who was really behind Russian collusion and the fake dossier in 2016. Kinda like when O.J. Simpson co-wrote a book after his trial with the premise being “I didn’t kill my ex-wife...but if I did this is how I would do it.” Bitch.
Clinton 'imagines' scenario where 2020 Dem hopeful asks China to get Trump's tax returns

Yes we can have China, you have Russia.
Actually you have China and Russia, and the Ukraine.

Mueller said Trump is Exonerated.

Sorry Bitch, you loose.

Now go find some dirty biker transvestite to catch crabs from.
Who knew that our Trump supporting members would draw that fake conclusion from Clinton’s clear statement.
What is clear is that she is hinting that China should interfere in the 2020 election. Anyone who thinks this way was probably dealing with Russians in 2016...and got double crossed.

So it's okay that the Russians interfered in our election because they double-crossed Hillary?
Many if not most of our conservitard members have said so.
No, it's not OK the Russians worked with Clintoon to foist a fake dossier in to the election. I don't see anywhere Trump paid Russians for information and it's fucking straight up clear Clintoon gave Steele money to give to Russians for a novel.

Guy, you really need to turn off the hate Radio... Steele conducted Opposition research, everyone does it.

That he came up with how much in bed with the Russians Trump was is the problem.

Except much of the research for the Steel dossier has been connected to the FBI/NSA.
She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

He did ask for it, “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"

Did they find Hillary's 30,000 emails that were missing? And I'm not sure if anyone realizes Rubio had already made the same joke in during one of the debates.
What is clear is that she is hinting that China should interfere in the 2020 election. Anyone who thinks this way was probably dealing with Russians in 2016...and got double crossed.

So it's okay that the Russians interfered in our election because they double-crossed Hillary?

It’s not okay for any type of election interfering. Why the focus on the Russians? Arguably, The Clinton Campaign interfered with the 2016 Elections- ask Bernie Sanders. Every time a vote cast illegally in the US is an interference in our Elections.
The Clinton Foundation was funded largely by foreign interests not friendly to the United States. If Hillary had won, we'd be seeing policy opposite to Trump and favoring Open Borders, and a Globalist agenda.
She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

Tramp was told and the Gang of 8 was told.
The Gang Bang of 8 Has nothing to do with Democracy.

Obama was Putin's Puppet, and it was Obama and Clinton that asked Putin to help them smear Trump, and help them win the election.

Time to call a spade spade.

The Left has been proven once again to be Treacherous, Treasonous Liars.
She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

He did ask for it, “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"

Did they find Hillary's 30,000 emails that were missing? And I'm not sure if anyone realizes Rubio had already made the same joke in during one of the debates.

Goes to show that nobody pays any attention to Rubio.
She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

Tramp was told and the Gang of 8 was told.
The Gang Bang of 8 Has nothing to do with Democracy.

Obama was Putin's Puppet, and it was Obama and Clinton that asked Putin to help them smear Trump, and help them win the election.

Time to call a spade spade.

The Left has been proven once again to be Treacherous, Treasonous Liars.

I just wanted to let you know, that you are my favorite of all the Russian Bots on here!
What is clear is that many are still being played by the 'pin the tail on the collusion donkey' shtick , and if that doesn't work, there's always some sexual scandal to foist upon the sheepepole


"[T]he nation is ready to be lead [SIC]"

Couldn't find a somewhat literate meme, eh?
No, it's not OK the Russians worked with Clintoon to foist a fake dossier in to the election. I don't see anywhere Trump paid Russians for information and it's fucking straight up clear Clintoon gave Steele money to give to Russians for a novel.

Guy, you really need to turn off the hate Radio... Steele conducted Opposition research, everyone does it.

That he came up with how much in bed with the Russians Trump was is the problem.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

He did ask for it, “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"

Did they find Hillary's 30,000 emails that were missing? And I'm not sure if anyone realizes Rubio had already made the same joke in during one of the debates.

Goes to show that nobody pays any attention to Rubio.
She's just illustrating what we already know: Republicans count on democrats to follow rules they break with impunity. She did exactly what Trump did but she is the bad person and Trump was just joking.
No she didn’t “do what Trump did.” Trump never colluded with Russia.
Trump damned sure welcomed their help and none of you see a thing wrong with that. You are psychologically unable to apply the same standards to all politicians and there is no help for you. You are part of the disease that afflicts our country and endangers our democracy.
“Damn sure welcomed” and asked for it and breaking law are two separate things. This all happened on Obama’s watch but he didn’t stop it. His administration too busy spying on Trump campaign.

Tramp was told and the Gang of 8 was told.
The Gang Bang of 8 Has nothing to do with Democracy.

Obama was Putin's Puppet, and it was Obama and Clinton that asked Putin to help them smear Trump, and help them win the election.

Time to call a spade spade.

The Left has been proven once again to be Treacherous, Treasonous Liars.

I know who the gang of 8 is, and the Republicans were in charge, some of the same ones in charge today. So do not tell us Obama did not do enough.
The Clinton Foundation was funded largely by foreign interests not friendly to the United States. If Hillary had won, we'd be seeing policy opposite to Trump and favoring Open Borders, and a Globalist agenda.

if Clinton had won there wouldn't be word in Central America that we will build a wall.

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