Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

It really is true..you progressives truly are morons.

Take it easy on the JilldaBeast, she is incapable of independent thought.
Her leaders tell her what to think and what to say....wait that is the way ALL Progressives deal with the world.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

It really is true..you progressives truly are morons.

i'm not a progressive, dum dum.

again, where in the article does it say the police invited her to meet with them?

we'll wait.

or do i need to use smaller words when addressing trumpsters?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

It really is true..you progressives truly are morons.

Take it easy on the JilldaBeast, she is incapable of independent thought.
Her leaders tell her what to think and what to say....wait that is the way ALL Progressives deal with the world.

that's so funny coming from a trumpeter idiot with a double digit IQ.

I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

It really is true..you progressives truly are morons.

Take it easy on the JilldaBeast, she is incapable of independent thought.
Her leaders tell her what to think and what to say....wait that is the way ALL Progressives deal with the world.

that's so funny coming from a trumpeter idiot with a double digit IQ.


Honey everyone on this board knows what a moron you are.....you are maybe one step above Shitting Bull.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

It really is true..you progressives truly are morons.

i'm not a progressive, dum dum.

again, where in the article does it say the police invited her to meet with them?

we'll wait.

or do i need to use smaller words when addressing trumpsters?

Did you open the link?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

well, shit, given the Cleveland P.D.'s habit of randomly shooting people... you know people on the street, kids playing with toys... who'd want to meet with them?

If cops stop doing their jobs - FIRE THEIR ASSES and replace them with someone who will.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

Polls were showing that Hillary was losing some of the black votes and she thinks they all support these thugs, so she's sucking up. She only speaks after looking at polls and trying to determine what people want to hear.

Of course, this is just continuing the race wars that Obama started. Must keep people divided if you are to conquer them.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

well, shit, given the Cleveland P.D.'s habit of randomly shooting people... you know people on the street, kids playing with toys... who'd want to meet with them?

If cops stop doing their jobs - FIRE THEIR ASSES and replace them with someone who will.
Ignorance is stunning...^^^^^^^^

I have been shot at while on duty... I wonder if you would be able to pass a simulation of this type of event.. I doubt it..
And it just shows where Americans are today. They don't give a fuck about their police, they don't give a fuck about their nations borders or it's sovereignty.

Hillary can do this, because she knows a slight majority of Americans will agree with her on this.

I don't think the majority actually agrees with this. I think the majority of people are simply afraid to speak out because they'll be attacked. The left has used Hitler style tactics of silencing the opposition. People have the false impression that they are in the minority because of all the media propaganda. The whole point is to convince people that cops are bad, whites are racists, border security is bigoted and wanting national security is Islamophobic. The left brings out these accusations any time someone so much as questions their authority.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Let us know when you get out of you ivory tower and into the real world. I'd invite you to the streets of Detroit, it'll knock some sense into you..BLM as nothing to do with Black lives sweetie, you're clueless
Polls were showing that Hillary was losing some of the black votes and she thinks they all support these thugs, so she's sucking up. She only speaks after looking at polls and trying to determine what people want to hear.

Of course, this is just continuing the race wars that Obama started. Must keep people divided if you are to conquer them.

The police know who has their backs and who doesn't. One thing this story didn't point out is that the Cleveland Police union endorsed Donald Trump. It's the first time in their history they ever endorsed anybody. I think that should tell people something about Hillary Clinton.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

well, shit, given the Cleveland P.D.'s habit of randomly shooting people... you know people on the street, kids playing with toys... who'd want to meet with them?

If cops stop doing their jobs - FIRE THEIR ASSES and replace them with someone who will.
Ignorance is stunning...^^^^^^^^

I have been shot at while on duty... I wonder if you would be able to pass a simulation of this type of event.. I doubt it..

He'd pass something, but it wouldn't be a simulation
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Let us know when you get out of you ivory tower and into the real world. I'd invite you to the streets of Detroit, it'll knock some sense into you..BLM as nothing to do with Black lives sweetie, you're clueless

nice deflection ignorant twit... now again, where did the price invite hillary to meet them.

what a little brainless misogynist patronizing twit you are.

bitter much, snookie?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

well, shit, given the Cleveland P.D.'s habit of randomly shooting people... you know people on the street, kids playing with toys... who'd want to meet with them?

If cops stop doing their jobs - FIRE THEIR ASSES and replace them with someone who will.
Given the fact that your a moron...i suppose we should excuse your stupidty...

Crime in Chicago -- Chicago Tribune
well, shit, given the Cleveland P.D.'s habit of randomly shooting people... you know people on the street, kids playing with toys... who'd want to meet with them?

If cops stop doing their jobs - FIRE THEIR ASSES and replace them with someone who will.

They don't want to stop doing their jobs. But liberals make that very tough to do these days.

The CPD doesn't shoot at people randomly unless you have a link to back up your lie.........I mean claim.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

Got to have the pep rallies for the violent gangster street thugs on the payroll, and stick her ass in the faces of those Deplorable blue collar types Democrats despise; let them know who's boss, you know.
To racist right wingers, any blacks that organize are always radicals.
i'm not a progressive, dum dum.

again, where in the article does it say the police invited her to meet with them?

we'll wait.

or do i need to use smaller words when addressing trumpsters?

Once again, for you public school victims:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio,

Now if you still can't understand it, have somebody draw you pictures. Maybe that's what you're used to.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Let us know when you get out of you ivory tower and into the real world. I'd invite you to the streets of Detroit, it'll knock some sense into you..BLM as nothing to do with Black lives sweetie, you're clueless

nice deflection ignorant twit... now again, where did the price invite hillary to meet them.

what a little brainless misogynist patronizing twit you are.

bitter much, snookie?

It must be nice to be you. How's lah...lah ..land? and fairly tails?...You have no sense of reality, because you've been protected your whole life
To racist right wingers, any blacks that organize are always radicals.

No, not any group, just groups that chant "We want dead cops! When do we want them? Now!" Or perhaps "Pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon!"

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