Hillary Hacking Again At Wellesley Commencement

I watched it for about 30 seconds and in that short sample she bashed Trump twice. How inspirational to come back to your Alma Mater and bring up stupid shit about the guy that kicked your ass in the election. She is the definition of a LOSER.
When did losing by nearly 3 million votes become known as kicking someone`s ass? You`re just pretending to be an idiot aren`t you? Regardless, he`ll be gone in about a year along with his whole crooked family and you know it. Screeching about Hillary and Obama is all you can do these days. Did Mexico`s check for the wall arrive yet?

She lost idiot. Try to bring yourself up to date on our rules for presidential elections and you won't look so stupid.
BREAKING: Hillary didn't it make a minute into her speech at her alma mater before she started coughing.

It's live right now on CNN.

Video soon to follow
Secretary Clinton is one of the winners in the political arena. As the fat senile old orange clown bumbles his way into oblivion the citizens of this nation will realize the error of letting the deplorables decide the election, even when the loser received more than 3 million votes of the citizens than did the 'winner'. And her words will ring true as we examine the many lies that this admin constantly puts out.
BREAKING: Hillary didn't it make a minute into her speech at her alma mater before she started coughing.

It's live right now on CNN.

Video soon to follow
Secretary Clinton is one of the winners in the political arena. As the fat senile old orange clown bumbles his way into oblivion the citizens of this nation will realize the error of letting the deplorables decide the election, even when the loser received more than 3 million votes of the citizens than did the 'winner'. And her words will ring true as we examine the many lies that this admin constantly puts out.

Your saying letting the dispicables electing Hillary would be better? What a macaroon.
Any idea how fucking stupid you look?

I love making the snowflakes cry.
Let me know when it happens the first time.:dunno:

And YOU'RE the Snowflake, dummy, not us.:muahaha:
No, it is you 'Conservatives' kissing Russia's ass, and wishing to destroy our democracy. It is you 'Conservatives' that think that assaulting a reporter is politically allowable. It is you 'Conservatives that deny science, and huddle in a 5000 year old mythology. And it is you 'Conservatives' that have the Executive, the House, and the Senate, but cannot get a thing done.

Snowflakes, that melt with a little heat, that is the very definition of a "Conservative".
BREAKING: Hillary didn't it make a minute into her speech at her alma mater before she started coughing.

It's live right now on CNN.

Video soon to follow
Secretary Clinton is one of the winners in the political arena. As the fat senile old orange clown bumbles his way into oblivion the citizens of this nation will realize the error of letting the deplorables decide the election, even when the loser received more than 3 million votes of the citizens than did the 'winner'. And her words will ring true as we examine the many lies that this admin constantly puts out.

She's a 2 time LOSER....

She went for a walk in the woods to find herself and somebody who gave a fuck.


Any idea how fucking stupid you look?

I love making the snowflakes cry.
Let me know when it happens the first time.:dunno:

And YOU'RE the Snowflake, dummy, not us.:muahaha:
No, it is you 'Conservatives' kissing Russia's ass, and wishing to destroy our democracy. It is you 'Conservatives' that think that assaulting a reporter is politically allowable. It is you 'Conservatives that deny science, and huddle in a 5000 year old mythology. And it is you 'Conservatives' that have the Executive, the House, and the Senate, but cannot get a thing done.

Snowflakes, that melt with a little heat, that is the very definition of a "Conservative".
Sorry, but you can't steal our slogans the way you steal our taxes.

Go find your own.

Any idea how fucking stupid you look?

I love making the snowflakes cry.
Let me know when it happens the first time.:dunno:

And YOU'RE the Snowflake, dummy, not us.:muahaha:
No, it is you 'Conservatives' kissing Russia's ass, and wishing to destroy our democracy. It is you 'Conservatives' that think that assaulting a reporter is politically allowable. It is you 'Conservatives that deny science, and huddle in a 5000 year old mythology. And it is you 'Conservatives' that have the Executive, the House, and the Senate, but cannot get a thing done.

Snowflakes, that melt with a little heat, that is the very definition of a "Conservative".
"can't get anything done"?
President Trump put a strict constitutionalist on the SC bench for the next 40-50 years. Before President Trump is finished his first term he could put two or three more judges on the bench.
If President Trump plays golf for the remainder of his first term that's fine with me.
America will have the SC the founders of the country wanted..........not a bunch of LIB man-bun fags looking for a free ride at the Maker's expense.
My grandfather had a saying: "GO GET YOUR OWN!!!!!".
At least 3 threads on this same thing so far.

Trumptards are obedient little snowflakes, I'll give them that. When they're told to parrot, they all instantly run for the internet and cry in unison about those awful liberals who keep humiliating them.
Yeah, I've never seen you lefty assholes start multiple threads.

Congrats on making yourself sound stupid, again.
BREAKING: Hillary didn't it make a minute into her speech at her alma mater before she started coughing.

It's live right now on CNN.

Video soon to follow
Secretary Clinton is one of the winners in the political arena. As the fat senile old orange clown bumbles his way into oblivion the citizens of this nation will realize the error of letting the deplorables decide the election, even when the loser received more than 3 million votes of the citizens than did the 'winner'. And her words will ring true as we examine the many lies that this admin constantly puts out.

She's a 2 time LOSER....

She went for a walk in the woods to find herself and somebody who gave a fuck.


Clinton's speech at Wesley was a wonderful contrast to the fat senile old orange clown's speech at the CIA.

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