Hillary Hacking Again At Wellesley Commencement

Any idea how fucking stupid you look?

I love making the snowflakes cry.
Let me know when it happens the first time.:dunno:

And YOU'RE the Snowflake, dummy, not us.:muahaha:
No, it is you 'Conservatives' kissing Russia's ass, and wishing to destroy our democracy. It is you 'Conservatives' that think that assaulting a reporter is politically allowable. It is you 'Conservatives that deny science, and huddle in a 5000 year old mythology. And it is you 'Conservatives' that have the Executive, the House, and the Senate, but cannot get a thing done.

Snowflakes, that melt with a little heat, that is the very definition of a "Conservative".
"can't get anything done"?
President Trump put a strict constitutionalist on the SC bench for the next 40-50 years. Before President Trump is finished his first term he could put two or three more judges on the bench.
If President Trump plays golf for the remainder of his first term that's fine with me.
America will have the SC the founders of the country wanted..........not a bunch of LIB man-bun fags looking for a free ride at the Maker's expense.
My grandfather had a saying: "GO GET YOUR OWN!!!!!".
Dear little cocksuck, been working and making top wages for over 50 years. Your grandfather and I would probably get along very well. And he would probably be telling me about this little snowflake of a grandson...................................
BREAKING: Hillary didn't it make a minute into her speech at her alma mater before she started coughing.

It's live right now on CNN.

Video soon to follow
Secretary Clinton is one of the winners in the political arena. As the fat senile old orange clown bumbles his way into oblivion the citizens of this nation will realize the error of letting the deplorables decide the election, even when the loser received more than 3 million votes of the citizens than did the 'winner'. And her words will ring true as we examine the many lies that this admin constantly puts out.

She's a 2 time LOSER....

She went for a walk in the woods to find herself and somebody who gave a fuck.


Clinton's speech at Wesley was a wonderful contrast to the fat senile old orange clown's speech at the CIA.

I know......a president that can talk in front of a large crowd without having to pause for a lozenge or a quart of water....or an emergency hypo injection.
Hillary who?
Hillary who isn`t being investigated for treason. I hope that helps.

"The Court finds that Secretary Clinton was acting in the scope of her employment when she transmitted the emails that are alleged to give rise to her liability," Jackson wrote in her 29-page opinion. "The untimely death of plaintiffs’ sons is tragic, and the Court does not mean to minimize the unspeakable loss that plaintiffs have suffered in any way. But when one applies the appropriate legal standards, it is clear that plaintiffs have not alleged sufficient facts to rebut the presumption that Secretary Clinton was acting in her official capacity when she used her private email server.".......................

Read more: Suit against Hillary Clinton over Benghazi deaths and emails is dismissed

05/26/2017 10:58 PM EDT

A federal judge in Washington has dismissed a lawsuit alleging that Hillary Clinton's lax security surrounding her emails led to the deaths of two of the Americans killed in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

In a ruling Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson tossed out the wrongful death claims as well as allegations that Clinton essentially slandered the parents of the deceased by contracting accounts the parents gave of their children's deaths.
I don't know about anyone else, but anyone that calls the President of the United States, orange, cheeto, etc., reminds me of my son and his friends when they were about 6-7 yrs. old and and made up silly names. Are you children or adults?

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