Hillary had no chance to beat Trump, and Trump never trailed her in the polls


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it
After the primaries there were numerous stories about how Clinton and Trump were the least liked nominees in recent history. What either party was thinking is beyond me.
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
The media is always brutal to conservatives. While Trump was never considered conservative, they didn't like anyone challenging Hillary. I think the media liked having Trump around for entertainment value and they attacked the other Repub candidates much more harshly.

Hillary was promised the presidency and everyone acted like it was a foregone conclusion from the start. They artificially propped up her these past years, through her disastrous Sec of State years to the failed bid for president. The fake polls always showed her with a slight to significant lead in hopes that Trump voters would stay home or that undecided would go with the fake majority.

It all backfired. They'll blame anyone but themselves.
After the primaries there were numerous stories about how Clinton and Trump were the least liked nominees in recent history. What either party was thinking is beyond me.
That's BS, Trump filled stadiums in every state...................................
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
Liberalism as it was is over..............so is Clintonism
After the primaries there were numerous stories about how Clinton and Trump were the least liked nominees in recent history. What either party was thinking is beyond me.
That's BS, Trump filled stadiums in every state...................................

I supported neither Hillary or Trump. Both held rallies in my city numerous times during the campaign. If I would have known beforehand I would have easily attended a Trump rally, but not a Hillary one. Why? The show.
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
What else would you expect from the idiot OP?
Hillary's politics didn't differ much from any Democrat in recent history. What really stood out was how unlikable she was. Even if you disagree with their politics people like Obama and Biden are relatively likable as human beings. The Democrats really screwed themselves with Hillary as the nominee.
Hillary's politics didn't differ much from any Democrat in recent history. What really stood out was how unlikable she was. Even if you disagree with their politics people like Obama and Biden are relatively likable as human beings. The Democrats really screwed themselves with Hillary as the nominee.
She was like moldy cheese, and only the desperate eat moldy cheese..
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
What else would you expect from the idiot OP?

What other kind of response should we expect from distraught leftys...than this one.

How did it become a fad, even in Loonland, to simply call someone an IDIOT...or more often BIGOT...and presume from that alone that you have prevailed in the discussion?

You have not. You have embarrassed yourself. You have a right to do that, but why would you want too?
All the polls showed that there was a 10 to 15 percent undecided vote, the polls got it right on election day Hillary got the numbers the polls predicted Trump got the undecideds.
All the polls showed that there was a 10 to 15 percent undecided vote, the polls got it right on election day Hillary got the numbers the polls predicted Trump got the undecideds.

I don't think the polls were as off as some people say. After the whole "pussy grabbing" thing it looked like Hillary was a shoe-in. Then the Podesta emails were leaked, and it evened out in the polls. I pay some attention to the polls, and I didn't exactly find Trump winning as a shocker.
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
What else would you expect from the idiot OP?

What other kind of response should we expect from distraught leftys...than this one.

How did it become a fad, even in Loonland, to simply call someone an IDIOT...or more often BIGOT...and presume from that alone that you have prevailed in the discussion?

You have not. You have embarrassed yourself. You have a right to do that, but why would you want too?

Libs think calling you a racist or bigot is a discussion ender. You're not really worried about 800 people in Chicago murdered in mostly black neighborhoods. No, you're just racist for pointing out facts. You're not concerned about the sharp increase in radical Muslim attacks across the globe, you're just Islamophobic for pointing it out. You're not concerned about the open southern border and the criminals and terrorists pouring through with the other people. You're just a bigot for quoting news stories and statistics.

So, labelling people lets them ignore the truth about what is being said. The truth is In sharp contrast to what the leftist leaders are saying so it's too difficult to acknowledge facts. Threatens to crumble their safe little world. Name calling and dismissal of dissenting views allows them to stay in their bubble. The other option would be to actually debate and actually explain their view. They spout talking points but, beyond that, have little to offer in the way of discussion. If you point out why you think they are wrong or offer up examples to show it, the name calling starts.

Now that evidence is overwhelming with some things, such as the Clinton corruption, they stepped up the hateful rhetoric. More name calling and even claiming news is fake or they blame other countries to protect their fragile egos. It's getting harder for some to dismiss things but they remain huddled in their safe spaces hoping the voices of dissention will quiet down.

Clinton corruption, as in the shady dealings of their foundation or the way the Haiti disaster was handled, is all documented and undeniable. They are able to ignore that yet believe unnamed sources who offer theories without proof, as they do with mysterious CIA sources who merely offer opinions without backing anything up.

Their media promised them Hillary would win and assured them for months with fake polls. The media set them up for a huge disappointment and they still can't handle it.

Libs these days go from being crybabies to being downright vicious. It's a bit scary watching the mass meltdown.
How do we account for the mainstream media polling data indicating that Hillary was a shoe in? Did the mainstream media know that Hillary was really down in the polls and they lied to the American public hoping for a different result or was the mainstream media lied to by the pollsters or was it a combination of both?
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it
The biggest obstacles the DNC had...with had being the oprative word here....is that we had entirely too many Clinton loyalist in our party and you can not win anything with a 1990's mentality in a much bigger and nastier world we have here in this country. The Clintons have always come to the table with baggage, from his governorship to her run for the white house, twice. I am truly disgusted by the way we ran our election, putting all our hopes and resources behind someone who in my opinion was a loser from the get go. Hillary should have kept her old white ass in the senate and from there she could have become perhaps the most powerful woman in our party, instead she used all these venues to persue a white house that clearly didn't want her or her families bagage and blaming is not gonna work here.
How do we account for the mainstream media polling data indicating that Hillary was a shoe in? Did the mainstream media know that Hillary was really down in the polls and they lied to the American public hoping for a different result or was the mainstream media lied to by the pollsters or was it a combination of both?
They willfully IGNORED the fact that 10 to 15 percent were undecided and just went with the fact Hillary was head with the known voters. The polls got it right as far as Hillary is concerned she got the numbers the polls predicted.
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

lol, a hardcore righty admits that a Socialist could have beaten the Right's latest champion,

and yet we hear every day from the nuts that liberalism is over.
What else would you expect from the idiot OP?

What other kind of response should we expect from distraught leftys...than this one.

How did it become a fad, even in Loonland, to simply call someone an IDIOT...or more often BIGOT...and presume from that alone that you have prevailed in the discussion?

You have not. You have embarrassed yourself. You have a right to do that, but why would you want too?

Libs think calling you a racist or bigot is a discussion ender. You're not really worried about 800 people in Chicago murdered in mostly black neighborhoods. No, you're just racist for pointing out facts. You're not concerned about the sharp increase in radical Muslim attacks across the globe, you're just Islamophobic for pointing it out. You're not concerned about the open southern border and the criminals and terrorists pouring through with the other people. You're just a bigot for quoting news stories and statistics.

So, labelling people lets them ignore the truth about what is being said. The truth is In sharp contrast to what the leftist leaders are saying so it's too difficult to acknowledge facts. Threatens to crumble their safe little world. Name calling and dismissal of dissenting views allows them to stay in their bubble. The other option would be to actually debate and actually explain their view. They spout talking points but, beyond that, have little to offer in the way of discussion. If you point out why you think they are wrong or offer up examples to show it, the name calling starts.

Now that evidence is overwhelming with some things, such as the Clinton corruption, they stepped up the hateful rhetoric. More name calling and even claiming news is fake or they blame other countries to protect their fragile egos. It's getting harder for some to dismiss things but they remain huddled in their safe spaces hoping the voices of dissention will quiet down.

Clinton corruption, as in the shady dealings of their foundation or the way the Haiti disaster was handled, is all documented and undeniable. They are able to ignore that yet believe unnamed sources who offer theories without proof, as they do with mysterious CIA sources who merely offer opinions without backing anything up.

Their media promised them Hillary would win and assured them for months with fake polls. The media set them up for a huge disappointment and they still can't handle it.

Libs these days go from being crybabies to being downright vicious. It's a bit scary watching the mass meltdown.
Yeah, but the one thing we're not doing is mass murders under Obama, mass KKK rallies under Trump and sabotaging the country via the house and senate...or dismantling a sitting Dem. Gov's power's because a GOP bitch lost...those things we're not doing...so miss me on this crying shit, if that's the case, trust me, be glad for it!!
Either Sanders or Biden might well have beaten Trump, but Hillary ate their balls, and thus helped Donald Win easily....................

Hillary canceled events because no one came, at others there were 30 or fewer people, no one wanted Clinton to run, Sanders deserved it

Wtf is this? You have a brain fart so now you have to make a thread about it?

No one gives a shit about half baked, based on nothing nonsense.
How do we account for the mainstream media polling data indicating that Hillary was a shoe in? Did the mainstream media know that Hillary was really down in the polls and they lied to the American public hoping for a different result or was the mainstream media lied to by the pollsters or was it a combination of both?
They willfully IGNORED the fact that 10 to 15 percent were undecided and just went with the fact Hillary was head with the known voters. The polls got it right as far as Hillary is concerned she got the numbers the polls predicted.
Wrong wrong wrong, white people were embarrassed to admit they were for Trump, so a large number of these racist cowards lied to pollsters and I see why....who would admit to voting for a guy that has a crush on his own daughter, loves grabbing trash by the twat, makes fun of everybody and tweets like a teenager on steroids, I'd lie to.

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