Hillary Has A Room Reserved In Mugshot Manor


Sep 23, 2010
Democrats are lined up in front of open graves. They were offered a final cigarette and a blindfold. Hillary going to jail will be the:​

coup de grâce (noun)

plural coups de grâce

1. A deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim.

2. A finishing stroke or decisive event.​

General Flynn & The Logan Act


Hillary is crying because she sees jail time is in her future. Checking her into Mugshot Manor for an undetermined stay should be a pushover compared to impeachment:

But it was only a few days before her election loss that commentator Pat Buchanan explained Americans’ concerns.

Emails reportedly discovered in an unsecured laptop, he wrote, could be the basis for Clinton facing “charges in 2017 and impeachment and removal from office in 2018.”

Buchanan noted that FBI sources had said with 99 percent certitude that Clinton’s Chappaqua email server, the unsecured machine through which she ran classified government secrets “had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence services.”

“If this is so, Hillary Clinton as security risk ranks right up there with Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, though they acted out of treasonous ideology and she out of Clintonian hubris. What do these foreign intelligence agencies know about Clinton that the voters do not?” he wrote.

He also pointed out the Clinton Foundation had been under active investigation by the white-collar crime division of the FBI for a year for allegations of “pay-to-play.”

“Specifically, the FBI is looking into published allegations of ‘pay-to-play.’ This is the charge that the Clinton State Department traded access, influence and policy decisions to foreign regimes and to big donors who gave hundreds of millions to the Clinton Foundation, along with 15 years of six-figure speaking fees for Bill and Hillary,” he said.​

Hillary Clinton blames gender for election loss
Posted By Bob Unruh On 03/03/2017 @ 4:29 pm

Hillary Clinton blames gender for election loss
Egads the wingnuts prove how empty a head they possess when they are still talking about Hillary Clinton. Come on children grow up you elected a fool now be foolish. Nah, you're already there. lol

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.

'Why is Hillary Clinton so hated?' She was popular, and now she's the subject of extreme vitriol. What happened?
Why is Hillary Clinton so hated?
If not for the mugshot she does has a room reserved in hell and that is one reservation that short of a miracle will never be canceled. Still I hope she does repent for what she has done to the American people and on a grander scale to the security of our military, our homeland and our children. She and her husband will go down in history as two of America's worst quislings.
Egads the wingnuts prove how empty a head they possess when they are still talking about Hillary Clinton. Come on children grow up you elected a fool now be foolish. Nah, you're already there. lol

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.

'Why is Hillary Clinton so hated?' She was popular, and now she's the subject of extreme vitriol. What happened?
Why is Hillary Clinton so hated?
Even if any of it were true it is small potatoes compared to the Clinton hall of shame.
'Why is Hillary Clinton so hated?'
To midcan5: Justifiably so. Her foul odor still hanging in the air contributes to the hatred. The truth is that Hillary is not hated by conservatives as much as liberals hate Bush the Younger who left office 8 years ago.

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