Hillary: Heck no, my secret, unauthorized, and unsecured e-mail server wasn’t an error in judgment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Hillary: Heck no, my secret, unauthorized, and unsecured e-mail server wasn’t an error in judgment

Regarding Hillary admitting / 'apologizing' for sending/receiving, attempting to cover up, perjuring herself about her classified e-mails:

"They (the Des Moines Register) said, and you know this, but for the audience, in 2008 “when she says” – “when she makes a mistake she should just say so.” This weekend they said that’s a lesson that you have not learned. Yes, you apologized, but only when you needed to, not when you first could have. Fair criticism?"

"I think that’s a fair criticism. You know I had no intention of doing anything other than having a convenient way of communicating, and it turned out not to be so convenient. ... But you know maybe being faster, trying to scramble around to find out what all of this means, I probably should have done that quicker.

"You’re willing to say it was an error in judgment, you should’ve apologized…"

"No. I’m not willing to say it was an error in judgment because what – nothing that I did was wrong. It was not – it was not in any way prohibited."


What an arrogant, elitist bitch! She shows a total disregard for the importance and significance of classified information, the need to protect such information, and the laws that govern / regulate the handling of classified information, declaring expediency and convenience was more important to her. She declares, despite having perjured herself, having broken NUMEROUS laws, that she has done nothing wrong...perhaps because she feels she is above the law and what she wanted / intended was / is more important. Such things apply to 'little people' - not her.

She then tries to make light of her whole admission of guilt, her 'apology', and her denial of having done anything wrong...and only makes things worse by admitting she is INCOMPETENT and - as her own staff describes her - technology-challenged (yet wants to be President):

"I’m happy people are looking at the emails. Some of them are you know, frankly a little embarrassing…(LAUGHTER) You know. You find out that sometimes I’m not the best on technology and things like that. But look, I think it’s great."

She has demonstrated a total disregard for the lives of American citizens by refusing to protect or pull a US Ambassador out of harm's way, by abandoning 4 Americans to die, by creating a lie to cover her own ass after their deaths, and by lying to the families of the decease as well as calling them 'liars' when they exposed the fact that she lied to them about their loved ones' deaths.

She has demonstrated a total disregard for this nation's national security, the handling of highly classified information, a total disregard for the law, and her belief that she is above the law.

She does NOT belong in the White house.
She belongs in the 'Big House'!
Hillary is like the star football player that has committed three felonies, but the coach needs him playing to win, so....

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