Hillary: 'I'm just like you wittle people...except RICH, Powerful


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
We already knew Hillary was raking in donations from foreign nations, especially the Middle Eastern nations that arm/finance/support terrorists/terrorism, who extremely oppress women, and who murder homosexuals. She refuses to release the full list of foreign donors (so I would be surprised to see Russia, Iran, and China on that list...).

We have Hillary 'Marie Antoinette' Clinton declare, 'I am one of you...I'm flat broke...I wasn't to represent YOU' in her best faux southern accent....

"“Wall Street, you’ve had your president. Now we need a president for Main Street," crowed Hillary recently.

Yeah, not so fast.....

"Fire-breathing scourge of Wall Street on the campaign trail — and reliable friend of Wall Street in the boardroom. That’s Hillary Clinton — and the big-money crowd thinks it’s in on the game.
For all her populist rhetoric against hedge-funders and the like, Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any candidate in the GOP — you know, the party of the greedy rich. More than 760 of Clinton’s presidential donors have listed their occupation as CEO or some variation, according to a Big Crunch analysis of federal election forms. And it doesn’t even include people like hedge-fund CEO Robert Mercer, who prefers to list himself as a “financial consultant” — or those who’ve given instead to pro-Hillary super-PACs. (Or all the folks who’ve bought goodwill over the years by giving to the Clinton Foundation.)

As one hedge-fund manager told Politico: “Nobody takes it like she’s going after them personally.” It’s just Hillary being Hillary. Which is to say, It's Hillary being all things to all people."

LINK: Hillary Clinton: The fat cats' favorite candidate

Like I said, this woman would sleep with a snake if it meant she would win the WH...
"“Wall Street, you’ve had your president. Now we need a president for Main Street," crowed Hillary recently.^^^^^^^

be careful what you post-----I was eating lunch----
How much do I care about the little people?

Hillary has reinvented herself so many times it's hard to figure out which Hillary she's playing today.

I figure they already have the election rigged.

The easy part was rigging it.

The hard part is going to be trying to convince everyone they weren't cheated.
The good news?

Considering her unfavorables, Chelsea should be able to run on the 'first woman president' plank
That's right. She's for the little folks. She can bust out any dialect too. She's such a sweet, honest, real person.
We already knew Hillary was raking in donations from foreign nations, especially the Middle Eastern nations that arm/finance/support terrorists/terrorism, who extremely oppress women, and who murder homosexuals. She refuses to release the full list of foreign donors (so I would be surprised to see Russia, Iran, and China on that list...).

We have Hillary 'Marie Antoinette' Clinton declare, 'I am one of you...I'm flat broke...I wasn't to represent YOU' in her best faux southern accent....

"“Wall Street, you’ve had your president. Now we need a president for Main Street," crowed Hillary recently.

Yeah, not so fast.....

"Fire-breathing scourge of Wall Street on the campaign trail — and reliable friend of Wall Street in the boardroom. That’s Hillary Clinton — and the big-money crowd thinks it’s in on the game.
For all her populist rhetoric against hedge-funders and the like, Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any candidate in the GOP — you know, the party of the greedy rich. More than 760 of Clinton’s presidential donors have listed their occupation as CEO or some variation, according to a Big Crunch analysis of federal election forms. And it doesn’t even include people like hedge-fund CEO Robert Mercer, who prefers to list himself as a “financial consultant” — or those who’ve given instead to pro-Hillary super-PACs. (Or all the folks who’ve bought goodwill over the years by giving to the Clinton Foundation.)

As one hedge-fund manager told Politico: “Nobody takes it like she’s going after them personally.” It’s just Hillary being Hillary. Which is to say, It's Hillary being all things to all people."

LINK: Hillary Clinton: The fat cats' favorite candidate

Like I said, this woman would sleep with a snake if it meant she would win the WH...

Most women don't stay married to cheating slime because they know in a few years they'll run for President.

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