Hillary Is Bucking A Gale


Sep 23, 2010
Every time Hillary’s surrogates piss into the wind it blows back in her face.


Hillary thought she had a winner when Kevin McCarthy made an untrue remark about the Benghazi Committee’s objective. McCarthy is history, but she is no better off. No matter who replaces Boehner it will nor help Hillary because the Benghazi Committee is not going away as she hoped.

Instead of settling for a draw, up popped Maj. Bradley Podliska giving her more hope. Then, bingo, her surrogates jumped on Podliska faster than streetwalkers jump on a c-note. They should have stayed quiet, because they blew what little benefit Hillary got from McCarthy’s gaffe thanks to her well-meaning friends pissing into the wind.

Then comes Bernie:

. . . Sanders interrupted and delivered the big line of the night: “Let me say something that may not be great politics. But I think the secretary is right. And that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!”

Hillary unhinged: Rails at GOP in Democratic debate
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 10/13/2015 @ 8:29 pm

Hillary unhinged: Rails at GOP in Democratic debate

If that was the big line Democrats are in trouble. Bernie Sanders does not speak for the American people. He speaks for a percentage of Democrats. Irrespective of what the old Socialist said, Hillary better duck because the gale is coming her way:

Let me close with a word about Socialism’s economic model:

“It’s not the model we employ [in the U.S.], but it is a viable economic model,” he said. Still, he cautioned the revenue would have to come from the middle class as well as the wealthy.​

Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion
By Laura Meckler
Sept. 14, 2015 6:58 p.m. ET

Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion

Stated in words American voters understand: The taxes will come from producers on every level of society and given to parasites on every level of society.
So who do you recommend as the best candidate for the working class since the reagans, bushes, and clintonistas have shipped the good jobs to asia? Someone has to throw them a bone with some meat left on it, and a republican sure won't do that.
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So who do you recommend as the best candidate for the working class since the reagans, bushes, and clintonistas have shipped the good jobs to asia? Someone has to throw them a bone with some meat left on it, and a republican sure won't do that. Ps. Almost forgot to include obama in that bunch since he's shoving the TPP through, which guarantees more money going to the very top.
Just wait until this has aired a few million times:
To TheOldSchool: It did —— and her numbers went down. The fun begins when she testifies before the Select Committee on Benghazi, followed by the drip, drip, drip of e-mails becoming a deluge.

And if you want the definition of pissing into the wind, this clown was doing it before McCarthy’s gaffe was torn apart by Trey Gowdy:

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-28), a member of the Select Committee on Benghazi, wrote a blistering op-ed in the September 4th edition of The New York Times, calling for the Select Committee to be disbanded.

Key Democratic Congressman Skewers Benghazi Committee Says Time To Shut It Down
By: Keith Brekhus more from Keith Brekhus
Friday, September 4th, 2015, 6:28 pm

Key Democratic Congressman Skewers Benghazi Committee Says Time To Shut It Down
So who do you recommend as the best candidate for the working class
To jasonnfree: The guy who pledges to repeal the XVI Amendment. You will not find one among the Democrats; so I suggest a game of:

since the reagans, bushes, and clintonistas have shipped the good jobs to asia? Someone has to throw them a bone with some meat left on it, and a republican sure won't do that. Ps. Almost forgot to include obama in that bunch since he's shoving the TPP through, which guarantees more money going to the very top.
To jasonnfree: Not being an establishment Republican, I can only say that not a one of the media’s choices passes muster with me. Donald Trump lost me on eminent domain. Ben Carson is nothing more than a conservative Obama in that he wants to be a spiritual leader, too. I do lean toward Ted Cruz. To me, Cruz’s biggest flaw is that he is a senator. I simply do not trust an institution that harbors so many traitors.
That "B" should be an "F" and you need to drop the "e" at the end.......
To HereWeGoAgain: Nicely done. Who did you have in mind!
What is wrong with a motive to expose Hillary as a corrupt and deceitful individual who endangers national security?
Just wait until this has aired a few million times:
To TheOldSchool: It did —— and her numbers went down. The fun begins when she testifies before the Select Committee on Benghazi, followed by the drip, drip, drip of e-mails becoming a deluge.

And if you want the definition of pissing into the wind, this clown was doing it before McCarthy’s gaffe was torn apart by Trey Gowdy:

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-28), a member of the Select Committee on Benghazi, wrote a blistering op-ed in the September 4th edition of The New York Times, calling for the Select Committee to be disbanded.

Key Democratic Congressman Skewers Benghazi Committee Says Time To Shut It Down
By: Keith Brekhus more from Keith Brekhus
Friday, September 4th, 2015, 6:28 pm

Key Democratic Congressman Skewers Benghazi Committee Says Time To Shut It Down
So who do you recommend as the best candidate for the working class
To jasonnfree: The guy who pledges to repeal the XVI Amendment. You will not find one among the Democrats; so I suggest a game of:

since the reagans, bushes, and clintonistas have shipped the good jobs to asia? Someone has to throw them a bone with some meat left on it, and a republican sure won't do that. Ps. Almost forgot to include obama in that bunch since he's shoving the TPP through, which guarantees more money going to the very top.
To jasonnfree: Not being an establishment Republican, I can only say that not a one of the media’s choices passes muster with me. Donald Trump lost me on eminent domain. Ben Carson is nothing more than a conservative Obama in that he wants to be a spiritual leader, too. I do lean toward Ted Cruz. To me, Cruz’s biggest flaw is that he is a senator. I simply do not trust an institution that harbors so many traitors.
That "B" should be an "F" and you need to drop the "e" at the end.......
To HereWeGoAgain: Nicely done. Who did you have in mind!

I dont care to think that deeply on it thanks....getting ready to have lunch.
What is wrong with a motive to expose Hillary as a corrupt and deceitful individual who endangers national security?
To jwoodie: Nothing, —— but it is not the Benghazi Committee’s primary objective.

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