Hillary is free and these guys go to jail

I tell ya, there just isn't any justice anymore anywhere.

I wouldn't be so sure Hillary is "free".
She KNOWS the FBI who fucking HATES the Clinton's are busy busy little beavers working quietly putting together a case against the Clinton's for their 'pay-to-play' shame Foundation.
Trump's a genius for backing away from the whole Clinton debacle.
Watch what happens after President Trump's AG receives recommendations from the FBI to bring multiple charges against the Clintons.
Ahhh......Hillary Clinton is officially a fossil as of November 9th. Don't think she has much time left anyway and she's got the big bumpy cucumber permanently inserted.......and everybody knows it too and knows she's guilty. So really.....................who cares...........
Funny to watch the sillies of the far right squirm on kooks bumpy cucumber. Keep squirming, cuchs.

She is not going to jail, and the investigation is over.
She is not going to jail, and the investigation is over.

How do you know that? It seems more likely now that she is out of the limelight that they would close in on her.
Two Congressmen on Fox said yesterday that E-mail and Clinton Foundation investigations were still ongoing. They both indicated that Trump didn't say the investigations were finished but said he wouldn't pursue new charges. Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Investigation of Hillary Clinton

At least four House and Senate committees with active investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private email server are planning to continue their probes and oversight into the next Congress.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, the leader of the House Oversight Committee, plans to continue investigating her handling of classified information and her server. His committee also has jurisdiction over federal records laws.
"My duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department doesn't end with the election cycle," Chaffetz said in a statement. "There are still tens of thousands of documents that still have not been turned over to Congress. I'm hopeful a new administration will actually work with us to quickly get to the truth, learn what we need to learn, and then fix it."

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Clinton Investigation
A new investigation by Congress will be squashed by Trump's AG. The federal judiciary is not interested in far right witch hunts.
She is not going to jail, and the investigation is over.

How do you know that? It seems more likely now that she is out of the limelight that they would close in on her.
Two Congressmen on Fox said yesterday that E-mail and Clinton Foundation investigations were still ongoing. They both indicated that Trump didn't say the investigations were finished but said he wouldn't pursue new charges. Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Investigation of Hillary Clinton

At least four House and Senate committees with active investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private email server are planning to continue their probes and oversight into the next Congress.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, the leader of the House Oversight Committee, plans to continue investigating her handling of classified information and her server. His committee also has jurisdiction over federal records laws.
"My duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department doesn't end with the election cycle," Chaffetz said in a statement. "There are still tens of thousands of documents that still have not been turned over to Congress. I'm hopeful a new administration will actually work with us to quickly get to the truth, learn what we need to learn, and then fix it."

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Clinton Investigation

If Hillary gets away with it, that would encourage future political executives to handle classified information poorly. They really HAVE to punish her somehow.
She is not going to jail, and the investigation is over.

How do you know that? It seems more likely now that she is out of the limelight that they would close in on her.
Two Congressmen on Fox said yesterday that E-mail and Clinton Foundation investigations were still ongoing. They both indicated that Trump didn't say the investigations were finished but said he wouldn't pursue new charges. Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Investigation of Hillary Clinton

At least four House and Senate committees with active investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private email server are planning to continue their probes and oversight into the next Congress.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, the leader of the House Oversight Committee, plans to continue investigating her handling of classified information and her server. His committee also has jurisdiction over federal records laws.
"My duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department doesn't end with the election cycle," Chaffetz said in a statement. "There are still tens of thousands of documents that still have not been turned over to Congress. I'm hopeful a new administration will actually work with us to quickly get to the truth, learn what we need to learn, and then fix it."

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Clinton Investigation

If Hillary gets away with it, that would encourage future political executives to handle classified information poorly. They really HAVE to punish her somehow.
She is not going to jail, and the investigation is over.

How do you know that? It seems more likely now that she is out of the limelight that they would close in on her.
Two Congressmen on Fox said yesterday that E-mail and Clinton Foundation investigations were still ongoing. They both indicated that Trump didn't say the investigations were finished but said he wouldn't pursue new charges. Liberals hear only what they want to hear.

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Investigation of Hillary Clinton

At least four House and Senate committees with active investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private email server are planning to continue their probes and oversight into the next Congress.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, the leader of the House Oversight Committee, plans to continue investigating her handling of classified information and her server. His committee also has jurisdiction over federal records laws.
"My duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department doesn't end with the election cycle," Chaffetz said in a statement. "There are still tens of thousands of documents that still have not been turned over to Congress. I'm hopeful a new administration will actually work with us to quickly get to the truth, learn what we need to learn, and then fix it."

Congressional Republicans Plan to Continue Clinton Investigation

If Hillary gets away with it, that would encourage future political executives to handle classified information poorly. They really HAVE to punish her somehow.

Ok, thank you.
These guys should be fined, but jail is an extreme punishment for what they did. Yes, they could have hurt somebody, but they didn't. We need to get away from this mentality in this country that locking everybody up is the answer to every problem.

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