No Justice For Trump.

I doubt it would result in jail time.

What else would it result in. Fines? He has those coming out of his ass. As long as he can keep things in an appeals process, he doesn't have to pay anything. Maybe you think the judge should just slap him on the backs of his hands with a ruler like a teacher may do to a naughty student.
Our beloved Trump is the greatest president since George Washington.
Honest and forthright.
Trump loves his country and its people.
He should be voted Emperor for life. ... :thup:
"For example, he was convicted of real estate fraud and ordered to pay either 453 or 354 million. Did he do so? No. It is in an appeals process. He lost a defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll and was ordered to pay her 83 million in damages. Did she ever see a penny of it? No. It is in an appeals process."

Now first, i ain't a lawyer. Indeed, have but little experience with courtrooms and their processes; however, I do believe that I have read that Don Trump was required to post a bond or cash for much of the amount of damages he was assessed in the business fraud case and in the sexual assault case. Those bonds act, in my understanding, as surety that awarded funds will be available to the plaintiffs in the event all appeals fail, and that a losing defendant doesn't go on a spending spree and drain all available funds to pay the winning plaintiffs.

So, in my understanding, there is a financial requirement one must meet in order to file an appeal that will proceed.
Yeah, but by the time they sentence him for his fourth conviction, this will be a prior---and show up there by adding time.
Patience grasshopper~
Precisely! This was his first offense convicted of....that's the reason on a just probation possibility.... Next conviction, he will have a prior offense!
So, in my understanding, there is a financial requirement one must meet in order to file an appeal that will proceed.

Just a technical correction. The bond isn't required for the appeal to proceed, the bond is required to suspend the payment of the judgement to the claimant while the appeal proceeds.

Let's say the judgement is $10,000.

With the $10,000 bond recognized by the court, the payment of the judgement is stayed during appeal. If the appeal is successful, the $10,000 bond is returned and the claimant doesn't get the money.

Without the $10,000 bond the judgement is paid to the claimant with in the standard court time (typically say 30 days) or the claimant move to seize assets to settle the judgement. Having lost the case, the respondent can still appeal, but they are required to pay the judgement to the claimant immediately. So now the respondant appeals, if they lose the appeal nothing changes. However if they win the appeal, then they have to go back to the trial court and have the payment judgement reversed and the claimant ordered to return the money.

What you say could be true. But the statement "for that type of crime" is really stretching it. All in all, at the end of the day wasn't it about election interference? Especially by somebody who is a candidate in that election. How often does that kind crime happen. Has it ever happened? Also, Trump was far from behaving like a normal defendant. On numerous occasions he disobeyed gag orders. He talked trash about the judge and even his daughter. He treated the court proceedings like a joke. After his conviction he called the judge a devil! I think all that makes him worthy of a little jail time.
Yes, because as we all know about you sniveling leftists, this is all about your hurt feelings…Jesus, what a waste of a generation.
What else would it result in. Fines? He has those coming out of his ass. As long as he can keep things in an appeals process, he doesn't have to pay anything. Maybe you think the judge should just slap him on the backs of his hands with a ruler like a teacher may do to a naughty student.
Nah, the “cases” shouldn’t have been brought in the first place.

Now first, i ain't a lawyer. Indeed, have but little experience with courtrooms and their processes; however, I do believe that I have read that Don Trump was required to post a bond or cash for much of the amount of damages he was assessed in the business fraud case and in the sexual assault case. Those bonds act, in my understanding, as surety that awarded funds will be available to the plaintiffs in the event all appeals fail, and that a losing defendant doesn't go on a spending spree and drain all available funds to pay the winning plaintiffs.

So, in my understanding, there is a financial requirement one must meet in order to file an appeal that will proceed.
I‘ve heard that as well…if it works like traditional bonds, he would pony up 10%, with the rest sitting as collateral in the event he looses the bond.

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