Hillary is full of...

Gird your loins partner. Hillary - that egomaniac, entitled, do nothing broad will (most likely) be the next tyrant of the United States. This country, as we used to know it, is toast.
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
So this dumb ass thinks that not only nobody else knows you can have multiple email accounts on one phone. That we also don't know she has many assistants around at all times that could carry the extra phone for her. We would also think it sounds reasonable that setting up an entire server and private domain was easier than getting a .gov account set up.

In order for her to think this shit excuse is going to fly she has to believe all of that. And sadly someone will be along shortly and prove there are indeed some that are dumb enough to believe her.
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
So this dumb ass thinks that not only nobody else knows you can have multiple email accounts on one phone. That we also don't know she has many assistants around at all times that could carry the extra phone for her. We would also think it sounds reasonable that setting up an entire server and private domain was easier than getting a .gov account set up.

In order for her to think this shit excuse is going to fly she has to believe all of that. And sadly someone will be along shortly and prove there are indeed some that are dumb enough to believe her.

The arrogance is amazing!!
Like a bunch of whiny old ladies in a rest home. Must be tough having Hillary and Obama as your only focuses in life.
Like a bunch of whiny old ladies in a rest home. Must be tough having Hillary and Obama as your only focuses in life.

Must be tough being so tunnel visioned you can't see her for what she is

She's a typical politician. You people make her you're passion, you're reason for living. Is the rest home you're in subsidized by the taxpayers?

Dude I live in a gated community, either try and stay on topic or refrain from bothering me, child
Hillary is toast. It keeps making the RW interest list.

Maybe they like toast with their crow.
Out of that disaster of a press conference Hillary set up a situation in which she appears to be befuddled by email. She has committed the unforgivable. She is too old to be president in the modern world. Liberals had great fun pretending that George HW Bush was surprised by a scanner. This is worse. Hillary's announcement of old came right out of her own mouth.
why cant Hillary just keep one of her gadgets tucked inside any of her private areas being its too much of a burden to carry two cell/ I-Phones in her pants suit.
Gird your loins partner. Hillary - that egomaniac, entitled, do nothing broad will (most likely) be the next tyrant of the United States. This country, as we used to know it, is toast.

I'm not so sure. Sounds like a lot of dems are turning on her.

I have zero faith in Democrats and Zero faith in Republicans. We are entering the last vestiges of anything even remotely considered "freedom". My take? This country will end with that worthless piece of human flesh Hillary.

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Gird your loins partner. Hillary - that egomaniac, entitled, do nothing broad will (most likely) be the next tyrant of the United States. This country, as we used to know it, is toast.

I'm not so sure. Sounds like a lot of dems are turning on her.

I have zero faith in Democrats and Zero faith in Republicans. We are entering the last vestiges of anything even remotely considered "freedom". My take? This country will end with that worthless piece of human flesh Hillary.

Can't argue with you on that point. If Billary gets elected I'm outta here,just in time for the wifes retirement.

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