Hillary is full of...

Out of that disaster of a press conference Hillary set up a situation in which she appears to be befuddled by email. She has committed the unforgivable. She is too old to be president in the modern world. Liberals had great fun pretending that George HW Bush was surprised by a scanner. This is worse. Hillary's announcement of old came right out of her own mouth.

Say what? You mean you can have more than one email account on your phone?
So how exactly does she access her email with a rotary phone..I cant seem to get mine to work.
It's entertaining to watch the Left squirm.

Billary is far from invincible, she hasn't even started the Election grind yet and her side is all over her.

Oh yes and Jason?

Your free ride will be ending soon, a Republican President means you'll have to go back to work.
She is not half the man her husband was. He must have been able to convince her oral sex was not sex. He could lie and most still loved him. Just the sound of her fake laugh and that shrill of a voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard! I just wonder if she will even run at this point. Her book, the last 2 years have been a train wreck
Hillary lies all the time, it's hard for her to distinguish between the truth and the lie.

Her worshipers like will defend her no matter what. We already are hearing all politicians lie, the missing e-mails are no big deal because she says so. As AzMike has showed us, two weeks ago Hillary said she carried TWO cell phones. During her 2008 campaign she claimed that not using a government e-mail while working for the government was unconstitutional and she would provide the most transparent administration if elected.

I think she has enough followers that she could get elected, they down play every major error. Also, because lying is so ingrained and she has done it for so long, most people accept her behavior and will ignore it. She is still a formidable opponent.
Like a bunch of whiny old ladies in a rest home. Must be tough having Hillary and Obama as your only focuses in life.

Must be tough realizing that your own masters are trying to dump Hillary. Their choice is Liz Warren.
She claimed she didnt want to carry two phones as an excuse as to why she used her own server.
So does she really believe we're so stupid as to think she doesnt know you can have more than one email account on a phone?

She's toast!!
Yes, she really does believe you and I and everybody else is that stupid.
I'm not sure if it is arrogance, haughtiness, or disdain on her part.

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