Hillary is getting hit from all sides!

The next Leader of the shrinking free world? Only if you're an idiot moron.
This e-mail story just reenforces the preception that the Clintons don't think the rules and laws apply to them that and the fact the media does not seem to be just dismising this story out of hand could spell trouble for her.

has Lois been arrested yet? :lmao:

the RW's have been crying WOLF for so long nobody but other RW's pay any attention. Republicans are the Democrat's best friend.

Oh...you'll have to wait for a President Cruz...but it will happen...Revenge isn't only a CommicRAT policy in politics!

Remember all of that BS about how women are more open and honest and trustworthy than men in high places? Hillary Pelosi Feinstien Boxer Capps yeah right...The year of the women is a failure. They are as corrupt as anyone else in power today.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Hillary should be facing charges. There seems to be no doubt that the Clinton organization solicited and received donations from other countries, breaking the already lax rules regarding that.

Doing all her official business from her home computer is also illegal. She claims she didn't write emails of a sensitive nature, but it would be impossible for her to do her job without doing that. It's already a misdemeanor at the very least. It's likely more serious considering we have no way to track those emails now. If she deleted any of them having to do with official government business, it's a felony.

It's all indicative of her attitude that she is above the law. Just handling business from her personal account shows that she has no regard for our laws and does as she pleases.

I know the left cringes when Benghazi comes up, but how many of those emails pertained to that? Of course, we already know that more information has come out proving that she and Obama lied their asses off. Both should be put on the spot and made to answer for their dishonesty.

She cannot be trusted.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Hillary should be facing charges. There seems to be no doubt that the Clinton organization solicited and received donations from other countries, breaking the already lax rules regarding that.

Doing all her official business from her home computer is also illegal. She claims she didn't write emails of a sensitive nature, but it would be impossible for her to do her job without doing that. It's already a misdemeanor at the very least. It's likely more serious considering we have no way to track those emails now. If she deleted any of them having to do with official government business, it's a felony.

It's all indicative of her attitude that she is above the law. Just handling business from her personal account shows that she has no regard for our laws and does as she pleases.

I know the left cringes when Benghazi comes up, but how many of those emails pertained to that? Of course, we already know that more information has come out proving that she and Obama lied their asses off. Both should be put on the spot and made to answer for their dishonesty.

She cannot be trusted.

There seems to be no doubt that the Clinton organization solicited and received donations from other countries, breaking the already lax rules regarding that.

the Clinton Foundation? An INTERNATIONAL Foundation? Have a 2nd grader explain International to you. I'll go out on a limb and say that absolutely happened ! Guilty!

RW's are so damn dumb it hurts.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Hillary should be facing charges. There seems to be no doubt that the Clinton organization solicited and received donations from other countries, breaking the already lax rules regarding that.

Doing all her official business from her home computer is also illegal. She claims she didn't write emails of a sensitive nature, but it would be impossible for her to do her job without doing that. It's already a misdemeanor at the very least. It's likely more serious considering we have no way to track those emails now. If she deleted any of them having to do with official government business, it's a felony.

It's all indicative of her attitude that she is above the law. Just handling business from her personal account shows that she has no regard for our laws and does as she pleases.

I know the left cringes when Benghazi comes up, but how many of those emails pertained to that? Of course, we already know that more information has come out proving that she and Obama lied their asses off. Both should be put on the spot and made to answer for their dishonesty.

She cannot be trusted.

There seems to be no doubt that the Clinton organization solicited and received donations from other countries, breaking the already lax rules regarding that.

the Clinton Foundation? An INTERNATIONAL Foundation? Have a 2nd grader explain International to you. I'll go out on a limb and say that absolutely happened ! Guilty!

RW's are so damn dumb it hurts.

Shite, you are such a fucking idiot....You'll make a great CommiecRAT shyster!

While the most recent revelations of Hillary Clinton’s violation of federal regulations on e-mail roil the political world, the RNC wants voters to multitask and not lose sight of another major scandal involving the Clinton Foundation. A new web ad called “A Very Serious Matter” uses that quote from Bill Clinton about foreign governments influencing elections to remind people that the Clintons took in millions of dollars from foreign governments while Hillary was Secretary of State:

New RNC ad takes on Hillary over foreign donations to family foundation Hot Air
Sharyl Attkisson: Hillary's Personal Email Use Part of Pattern

Newsmax ^
We know that under this administration, high-ranking officials in various federal agencies have claimed that they didn't understand — or had reasons not to follow — federal law that requires certain sorts of record retention," including for official email correspondence, said Attkisson, "This has happened, I believe, at the IRS, with HHS," she said, citing the agencies accused, respectively, of targeting politically conservative PACs ... Attkisson, an independent journalist formerly with CBS News, said that while working on a story about the ACA's online insurance marketplace, HealthCare.gov, she has learned that one official "was specifically told, 'Don't email things; we...
I wonder how Sniper Fire Hillary will look in orange...:banana:
NY TIMES ^ | 1996 | Neil Lewis
WASHINGTON, June 4— Republicans on the special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation today showing that the fingerprints of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, were found on records discovered in the White House family quarters two years after they were first sought by investigators. The F.B.I. report also found that the documents, copies of billing records from Mrs. Clinton's work as a lawyer in Arkansas, revealed fingerprints of five others. They were Vincent W. Foster Jr., the deputy White House counsel who committed suicide in July 1993; a personal assistant to the Clintons...
Juan Williams must feel like a brainless turkey at this point. god, enough of him on "The Five" gloating how Hillary was ahead of all potential GOP candidates. Oops.
I cannot stomach the Five, or metrofaggot Shep, or most other Fox idiots.

I can watch Brett and Cavuto, that's about it all day.

The Fox Business News is degenerating too.

I don't want shouting and I don't want infantile millenials playing adult.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Really? Really? We should take a Biden supporter seriously? The man has to be deranged.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Really? Really? We should take a Biden supporter seriously? The man has to be deranged.

Can he be any worse than what we have now?

Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Really? Really? We should take a Biden supporter seriously? The man has to be deranged.

Can he be any worse than what we have now?


It would be like exchanging Abbot with Costello. I really don't think we can get worse, but having a serial groper in Oval Office would just be a repeat of Clinton.
Love CommiecRATS eating CommiecRATS!

Top Biden Backer: Hillary Clinton Will ‘Die by 1,000 Cuts’ on E-Mail Story

The Washington Post ^ | Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Philip Rucker
One of Vice President Biden's most prominent supporters said Wednesday that twin controversies swirling around Hillary Rodham Clinton should give Democrats serious pause about anointing her as the party's presidential nominee. Dick Harpootlian, a former Democratic Party chairman in South Carolina, home to an early and important presidential primary, said recent reports about Clinton's use of private e-mail to conduct government business and her family's charitable foundation accepting donations from foreign governments while she was secretary of state could be damaging to her likely 2016 presidential campaign. "There’s always another shoe to drop with Hillary," Harpootlian said in an interview...

Really? Really? We should take a Biden supporter seriously? The man has to be deranged.

Can he be any worse than what we have now?


It would be like exchanging Abbot with Costello. I really don't think we can get worse, but having a serial groper in Oval Office would just be a repeat of Clinton.

But Biden doesn't suck muslim cock, the way the obomanation does....


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