Hillary is Gone


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!
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If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!
If Warren is American Indian, I am Snow White.
If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!

"had went" ... makes me *shudder* but

She didn't murder Foster and didn't get $20M from ISIS. (This is probably the dumbest part of your silly rant. Think it through.)

There is no "affirmative action" in the WH. If there were, McCain would have been elected.

Hillary is just fine and so is Warren.

Warren does have Native American "blood". So do I and so do you.

And, you forgot BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi.
If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!

"had went" ... makes me *shudder* but

She didn't murder Foster and didn't get $20M from ISIS. (This is probably the dumbest part of your silly rant. Think it through.)

There is no "affirmative action" in the WH. If there were, McCain would have been elected.

Hillary is just fine and so is Warren.

Warren does have Native American "blood". So do I and so do you.

And, you forgot BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi.

How do you know he has Native American blood?

That's just silly...
If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!
If Warren is American Indian, I am Snow White.

Bbbbut she has high cheek bones
he liberals will support her no matter what.

They didn't support her in '08. Her coronation was interrupted by a 1 term Senator who hadn't been around long enough to vote for the Iraq invasion or the Patriot Act.
Speaking fees, emails, her husband, what difference does it make?, Watergate, I was under sniper fire, war on women, etc.. She leaves a lot to be desired as a candidate. She's like the Romney of the DNC in the sense that she might be able to get the nomination but she doesn't excite anyone.
she was gone the second RW's sank their tooth in Benghazi.

what have they yet to be right about ?

oh yeah, their leaders are RINOS and constantly betray them. Damn good thing they WON !

I would vote for her over any Repug, but I hope the Democrats come up with several other candidates to choose from. I'm not big into political dynasties.

IMO, no matter what one's politics are, the more candidates, the better for the system.

Like you, I will vote for her if she's the candidate because Repubs have shown themselves to be against everything the US stands for and consistently against anything and everything that's good for our country.
after witnessing all the RW horsecrap this board produces I've pretty much made up my mind to vote for any Democrat . Their smear tactic works ............. against them.
If Hillary had went up to that microphone and announced she had murdered Foster and that she had 20 million dollars placed in her account from ISIS there are still many that would vote for her because she is a woman and many feel that Affirmative action applies to the Oval Office. This email thing will have the Democrats beating the bushes looking for another female. Elizabeth Warren could easily be there new choice as she is a female and an American Indian....right!

"had went" ... makes me *shudder* but

She didn't murder Foster and didn't get $20M from ISIS. (This is probably the dumbest part of your silly rant. Think it through.)

There is no "affirmative action" in the WH. If there were, McCain would have been elected.

Hillary is just fine and so is Warren.

Warren does have Native American "blood". So do I and so do you.

And, you forgot BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi.
The only indian blood this woman has is on her ancestors hands.
Hillary vs. Jeb on the issues; Rhetoric aside, how much different would they actually be? Where the rubber meets the road, not very.

Either way, it's more global interventionism, more debt, more Surveillance State, more internet regulation, more optics, more political theater, more waves of immigrants, more $30,000 a plate galas, more vacations, more Homeland Security, more Pentagon, etc..
Every day for years now, "Hillary is done". She's outta here. This time she's REALLY finished! BREAKING: Hillary Kaput! BOMBSHELL: Hillary Demolished, Buried, Finito.

Since the 90s!


Just when I think I'm out...they pull me back in.

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