Hillary is mad because the noose is getting tighter..............poo poo too bad

in the end, it will be obamacare that was her ultimate demise.

lets see.
obama cant stop the investigation because a president cant stop an investigation by congress when congress is controlled by the opposing party.
Congress is currently controlled by republicans due to a direct response at the polls brought on by the passing of obamacare.
if not for obamacare, the democrats would most likely still have control and if ( I doubt it would) the investigation were going on and led by the democrats, obama would be able to shut the investigation down.
obamacare is going to be the cause of her demise.

Fitting I would say, and funny.
The liberals are scared and for good reason. 24 hours after she quits this board will see the greatest cyber slaughter of liberals ever on this board.

I will be laughing my ass off the day that hildabeast quits the campagin. Stay tuned libtard loons.
Im going to laugh even harder when she is on the news being led away in handcuffs.
Any bets on how fast Bill starts calling around for women to come over since Hillary will be gone for a while?
Are you accusing the FBI of being partisan?
They were set in motion on false information kinda like the congress was for the war vote for Bushy.[/QUOTE]

exactly what was false? It has been established that she had a private email server in violation of federal regulations, it has been established that she transmitted classified data over an insecure network in violation of federal law, It has been established that she lied about both.

So tell us exactly what information is false?

As to the WMD intel and Bush. The entire world believed the bad intel, bush did not make it up. It came from the CIA, MI5, Mossad, and every other nations intel service. BTW, in case you missed it, Bush is no longer president. The current international mess belongs to Obozo.
I will be laughing my ass off the day that hildabeast quits the campagin. Stay tuned libtard loons.
Im going to laugh even harder when she is on the news being led away in handcuffs.
Any bets on how fast Bill starts calling around for women to come over since Hillary will be gone for a while?

can they get an orange jumpsuit to fit those thunder thighs?
I will be laughing my ass off the day that hildabeast quits the campagin. Stay tuned libtard loons.
Im going to laugh even harder when she is on the news being led away in handcuffs.
Any bets on how fast Bill starts calling around for women to come over since Hillary will be gone for a while?

can they get an orange jumpsuit to fit those thunder thighs?
I think they can modify a parachute or something.
Some things are starting to make sense.
Biden wants to run, but is not making it public yet.
I think he is waiting till Hillary is out of the picture, the cost right now to fight her would be huge.
However, once she heads off to prison, he can move in and get the votes she paid to secure, all 4 of them. And he gets to spend the rest of the money that would have gone to her while still having the money raised for his run.
I think someone at the top knows something that they are not yet sharing with the class.
I've been hearing about this Clinton noose tightening business since 1992.
She has gotten FAT. We needed to send out for more rope.
May need a hawser

I was thinking some Amsteel Blue...
View attachment 51648
looks stretchy, you think it would suspend her or would her elephant like body cause it to stretch till her feet were on the ground.
Im thinking airline cable.
Bottom line is simple. People who support Hillary are the SAME ones who think you can pick sh8t up from a clean end.
I will be laughing my ass off the day that hildabeast quits the campagin. Stay tuned libtard loons.
Im going to laugh even harder when she is on the news being led away in handcuffs.
Any bets on how fast Bill starts calling around for women to come over since Hillary will be gone for a while?

I wouldn't count on her getting indicted, she's too well connected, that's how the justice system in this country works... if you have powerful friends you can get away with any sort of heinous crime. Hillary is a career criminal and she's gotten away with everything so far, no reason to believe she isn't going to get away with it again.

The best we can hope for is the voters realize that she has no business being anywhere near the oval office.
I will be laughing my ass off the day that hildabeast quits the campagin. Stay tuned libtard loons.
Im going to laugh even harder when she is on the news being led away in handcuffs.
Any bets on how fast Bill starts calling around for women to come over since Hillary will be gone for a while?

I wouldn't count on her getting indicted, she's too well connected, that's how the justice system in this country works... if you have powerful friends you can get away with any sort of heinous crime. Hillary is a career criminal and she's gotten away with everything so far, no reason to believe she isn't going to get away with it again.

The best we can hope for is the voters realize that she has no business being anywhere near the oval office.
Brings tears to my eyes however, I think I have to agree with you.
But we can dream.
Not MORE rope; just THICKER rope.

But Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky will not do jail time. Deal with America's Kenyan Emperor will swop a pardon for graciously stepping down in favour of Gropey Joey.
I've been hearing about this Clinton noose tightening business since 1992.
She has gotten FAT. We needed to send out for more rope.
May need a hawser

I was thinking some Amsteel Blue...
View attachment 51648

Never worked with it.

Winch line.
Soft as silk yet the half inch I have on my winch is rated at 30'000 lbs.
Amazing stuff!!
I've been hearing about this Clinton noose tightening business since 1992.
She has gotten FAT. We needed to send out for more rope.
May need a hawser

I was thinking some Amsteel Blue...
View attachment 51648

Never worked with it.

Winch line.
Soft as silk yet the half inch I have on my winch is rated at 30'000 lbs.
Amazing stuff!!
so you think if you double it up it will be enough?
She has gotten FAT. We needed to send out for more rope.
May need a hawser

I was thinking some Amsteel Blue...
View attachment 51648

Never worked with it.

Winch line.
Soft as silk yet the half inch I have on my winch is rated at 30'000 lbs.
Amazing stuff!!
so you think if you double it up it will be enough?

Hmmmmm....maybe if it was braided?

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