Hillary? JFK? How come no good movies about "conservatives"?

On Morning Joe, there was a table full of conservatives asking how come Hollywood won't make movies about conservative leaders. It's always the Kennedy's and now Hillary. What about famous GOP and conservative leaders. And when they do, they make them out to be a lawbreaker, like they did to Nixon or stupid like they did to Palin or a lying pampered spoiled rich kid like they did to Bush.

There were some obvious questions that no one said so I won't mention them.

So conservatives, what's wrong with Hollywood? Why are the ignoring the great Republican leadership?

No good movies about conservatives?

The Avengers was the highest grossing movie of the last year, The Dark Knight Rises was number 2, Iron Man 3 is the top movie this year, Man of Steel is number 3.

How much money did Hillary make?

Yes, fantasy superhero movies. Goes along with conservative plans on how to fix the country

Is that like CNN producing a movie about Hillary?

What was the last movie CNN did?
On Morning Joe, there was a table full of conservatives asking how come Hollywood won't make movies about conservative leaders. It's always the Kennedy's and now Hillary. What about famous GOP and conservative leaders. And when they do, they make them out to be a lawbreaker, like they did to Nixon or stupid like they did to Palin or a lying pampered spoiled rich kid like they did to Bush.

There were some obvious questions that no one said so I won't mention them.

So conservatives, what's wrong with Hollywood? Why are the ignoring the great Republican leadership?
The answer is very simple my friend, Conservatives are always on the wrong side of the argument, and they always have been. So they are never FOR something that's positive, they're always trying to PROTECTS some interest, usually of the mega-rich.

I mean, challenge any self-proclaimed Conservative on this board to produce good things that came out of a Republican leader or leadership. Watch them fall silent.

Liberals go against the flow, they fight for things of moral value, like to stop segregation, to protect The People's rights, things of that nature. Conservatives have ALL been AGAINST those things and change, just like they are now against ObamaCare. In some years, we'll see them in the future talking about how they were for ObamaCare and wondering why no one is still making good movies about their leaders.


Simple rule of thumb for you to go by in the future, anytime you find yourself agreeing with rdean you are wrong.
right, because 'your party' is immune to same...:lol:

and as far as the move BS goes, why yes its been established that the nets and a cable new agency go out of their way to create puff pieces for the gop:rolleyes: ....you ever think before you path this crap? then again, you come by it honestly, you really really feel ( thats the problem unless you think, to then thats a whole other can of worms) that your side is all light and sweetnesses and the rest are garbage.....your own bubbly forced feedback loop. Bravo.

More of the GOP Pity Party...........nobody loves us......everyone is picking on the poor GOP

If anything, the media has been too soft on the GOP

They looked the other way as the GOP pulled us into a needless war. There was no media diligence in questioning the threat or the intelligence. The media got wrapped up in post 9-11 patriotism and allowed us to send 5000 Americans to a needless death

The media has been soft on current GOP obstructionism. Allowing petty tyrants to throw temper tantrums and bring our government to its knees while they pout because they no longer get to call the shots

Why is the media so soft on the GOP? Because they are afraid of being accused of favoritism. Unwilling to listen to more conservative whining about a liberal media

:lol: thats all I can say.....:cuckoo:

Profound response

Shows the depth of your understanding
No good movies about conservatives?

The Avengers was the highest grossing movie of the last year, The Dark Knight Rises was number 2, Iron Man 3 is the top movie this year, Man of Steel is number 3.

How much money did Hillary make?

Yes, fantasy superhero movies. Goes along with conservative plans on how to fix the country

Is that like CNN producing a movie about Hillary?

What was the last movie CNN did?

Documentary or movie?

There is a difference
Joe McCarthy didn't die, he simply changed parties. The old blackball system of targeting communists in Hollywood is now being revenged by communists/liberals/socialists who now run Hollywood and attempt to intimidate right wing Hollywood players into silence.
I remember Jon Stewart insisting that Hollywood wasn't liberal. Hollywood was too focused on making money to care about political messages. Of course, this is just stupid. I still remember the slew of anti Iraq war movies that came out during Bush's presidency. Stop-Loss, Rendition,Redacted, Grace is Gone, In the Valley of Elah, etc. None of these movies did well in the box office (including overseas) and yet Hollywood kept churning them out.
On occasion Hollywood will come out with a movie that depicts a republican in a good light but I suspect it's often by accident since Hollywood has the combined brain activity of a turnip. This is why Hollywood probably thinks Captain America is a liberal. He defaces the flag by wearing it after all. He must a democrat. Batman obviously has a gay incestuous relationship with Robin while wearing a cape. He's obviously a democrat. As for Iron-Man, well, he doesn't kill children nor chain women up to the kitchen and force them to make ham and grits. He must be a democrat! This is the depth of Hollywood's political awareness.

yeah, and on top of that, neither captain america, nor batman, nor iron man are real.

not sure about robin.

superman is an illegal alien, probably not real.

wolverine is a freak, but not real, i am quite sure about this.

I am quite sure that the Hillary presented in the movies is not real either.
For future reference, next time you might want to read the entire thread where the topic tends to ebb and flow as opposed to reading the first comment and then skipping to the last comment. It will make your comments more interesting and topical. Just a suggestion.
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Joe McCarthy didn't die, he simply changed parties. The old blackball system of targeting communists in Hollywood is now being revenged by communists/liberals/socialists who now run Hollywood and attempt to intimidate right wing Hollywood players into silence.
I remember Jon Stewart insisting that Hollywood wasn't liberal. Hollywood was too focused on making money to care about political messages. Of course, this is just stupid. I still remember the slew of anti Iraq war movies that came out during Bush's presidency. Stop-Loss, Rendition,Redacted, Grace is Gone, In the Valley of Elah, etc. None of these movies did well in the box office (including overseas) and yet Hollywood kept churning them out.
On occasion Hollywood will come out with a movie that depicts a republican in a good light but I suspect it's often by accident since Hollywood has the combined brain activity of a turnip. This is why Hollywood probably thinks Captain America is a liberal. He defaces the flag by wearing it after all. He must a democrat. Batman obviously has a gay incestuous relationship with Robin while wearing a cape. He's obviously a democrat. As for Iron-Man, well, he doesn't kill children nor chain women up to the kitchen and force them to make ham and grits. He must be a democrat! This is the depth of Hollywood's political awareness.

yeah, and on top of that, neither captain america, nor batman, nor iron man are real.

not sure about robin.

superman is an illegal alien, probably not real.

wolverine is a freak, but not real, i am quite sure about this.

I am quite sure that the Hillary presented in the movies is not real either.
For future reference, next time you might want to read the entire thread where the topic tends to ebb and flow as opposed to reading the first comment and then skipping to the last comment. It will make your comments more interesting and topical. Just a suggestion.

you sound irritated.

is it because i called wolverine a freak,

or is it because you were under the impression that your petulant anti-librul whine was interesting, and did not get the well deserved recognition?
Captain America and Ironman are both Conservatives

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
yeah, and on top of that, neither captain america, nor batman, nor iron man are real.

not sure about robin.

superman is an illegal alien, probably not real.

wolverine is a freak, but not real, i am quite sure about this.

I am quite sure that the Hillary presented in the movies is not real either.
For future reference, next time you might want to read the entire thread where the topic tends to ebb and flow as opposed to reading the first comment and then skipping to the last comment. It will make your comments more interesting and topical. Just a suggestion.

you sound irritated.

is it because i called wolverine a freak,

or is it because you were under the impression that your petulant anti-librul whine was interesting, and did not get the well deserved recognition?

It would add to a lively and interesting debate if you could stay on topic. Thank you.
Now, back to the superheroes. Why would I care about Wolverine? He's obviously a liberal since he keeps complaining about his lot in life and doesn't seem to have a real job. Oh yea, and he's a mutant.
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