Hillary Lies


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Chelsea was jogging around the world trade center on 9/11.
Hillary lies.
We left the white house flat broke.
Hillary lies.
I came under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia.
Hillary lies.
I was instrumental in the N. Ireland peace process.
Hillary lies.
I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Hillary lies.
All my grandparents were immigrants.
Hillary lies.
I was rejected by the Marines in 1975.
Hillary lies.
It was a video!
Hillary lies.
I misspoke when I said I will shut down coal.
Hillary lies.
I am just like you.
I never favored a plan to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Hillary lies.
‘Chelsea decided it would be a great day for a morning jog and she jogged around the towers of the world trade center. She heard the airplane hit, she heard it she did. And she was saved because she had ducked into a coffee shop.’ Now we know that’s a lie. Chelsea 5 months later wrote an article for Talk magazine saying she was home in her apartment.

Hillary lies.
I only deleted emails between myself and Bill.
Hillary lies.
I was an innocent bystander during the Whitewater affair.
Hillary lies.
While some of your examples are iffy.....you are correct. Hillary Clinton has told quite a few lies.

She is still the best person running for the job next to Bernie. Since she is going to win the nomination, Bernie won't be a choice.

The election will be fun for many reasons. Not the least of which is watching how you dummies react.
While some of your examples are iffy.....you are correct. Hillary Clinton has told quite a few lies.

She is still the best person running for the job next to Bernie. Since she is going to win the nomination, Bernie won't be a choice.

The election will be fun for many reasons. Not the least of which is watching how you dummies react.
While some of your examples are iffy.....you are correct. Hillary Clinton has told quite a few lies.

She is still the best person running for the job next to Bernie. Since she is going to win the nomination, Bernie won't be a choice.

The election will be fun for many reasons. Not the least of which is watching how you dummies react.

That corporate shill is NOT the best person running for the job next to Bernie. She should not be elected to dog catcher, much less President. If you weren't a blind Hillarybot, you would know that.
While some of your examples are iffy.....you are correct. Hillary Clinton has told quite a few lies.

She is still the best person running for the job next to Bernie. Since she is going to win the nomination, Bernie won't be a choice.

The election will be fun for many reasons. Not the least of which is watching how you dummies react.

That corporate shill is NOT the best person running for the job next to Bernie. She should not be elected to dog catcher, much less President. If you weren't a blind Hillarybot, you would know that.

Awwww. Shucks!
They were broke leaving the White House. They had crazy legal debt , and couldn't make any extra money until after the president term was done .

There were all kinds of video outrage in the Mid East at that time . Why wouldn't someone think Benghazi was part of that ? Who the hell knows all details of a surprise attack right after it happens !?

Being mistaken means you lied?
Chelsea was jogging around the world trade center on 9/11.
Hillary lies.
We left the white house flat broke.
Hillary lies.
I came under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia.
Hillary lies.
I was instrumental in the N. Ireland peace process.
Hillary lies.
I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Hillary lies.
All my grandparents were immigrants.
Hillary lies.
I was rejected by the Marines in 1975.
Hillary lies.
It was a video!
Hillary lies.
I misspoke when I said I will shut down coal.
Hillary lies.
I am just like you.
That's the best you can do, eh? :lol:

Now, if you had Hillary on tape saying she was "very pro-life"; and if you had Hillary on tape saying that Bush was a great President and that Trump would make a great President; if you had Hillary on tape saying we should cut taxes for the rich; if you had Hillary on tape saying she was opposed to an Assault Weapons Ban; if you had Hillary on tape saying she is opposed to government universal healthcare; THEN you would actually be talking about ISSUES THAT FUCKING MATTER to liberals who would shit a brick if you had any of that.

But you don't.

You think they care fuck-all about the small stuff you listed? The only people who care about that trash are the rubes who are already converted.
Chelsea was jogging around the world trade center on 9/11.
Hillary lies.
We left the white house flat broke.
Hillary lies.
I came under sniper fire while landing in Bosnia.
Hillary lies.
I was instrumental in the N. Ireland peace process.
Hillary lies.
I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Hillary lies.
All my grandparents were immigrants.
Hillary lies.
I was rejected by the Marines in 1975.
Hillary lies.
It was a video!
Hillary lies.
I misspoke when I said I will shut down coal.
Hillary lies.
I am just like you.
That's the best you can do, eh? :lol:

Now, if you had Hillary on tape saying she was "very pro-life"; and if you had Hillary on tape saying that Bush was a great President and that Trump would make a great President; if you had Hillary on tape saying we should cut taxes for the rich; if you had Hillary on tape saying she was opposed to an Assault Weapons Ban; if you had Hillary on tape saying she is opposed to government universal healthcare; THEN you would actually be talking about ISSUES THAT FUCKING MATTER to liberals who would shit a brick if you had any of that.

But you don't.

You think they care fuck-all about the small stuff you listed? The only people who care about that trash are the rubes who are already converted.
It goes to her character. She's a liar.
She opens her mouth and there comes a lie....

Thousands and thousands of lies ..... it's hard to keep track

but her most despicable lie of them all:

"...Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power."

They don't come worse than Hillary Clinton, she belongs in jail.

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