Hillary Pays Back Some Of The Money She Stole From Other Candidates in 2016

I don’t believe the Hildebeast thinks at all that she’s paying anyone back. Her donations to various candidates are chits she hopes to collect on while blowing her third presidential attempt.
So, the fact that Donald is in the news every day escapes you? He’s a sitting president. I shouldn’t talk about him?
He is in the news every day because the left, to include the Liberal Extremist Propaganda Fake News Media is obsessed with Trump - Trump Derangement Syndrome - AND because the Fake News Liberal Left media keeps pushing the 'collusion' narrative while ignoring the only crimes exposed by actual evidence - the crimes Democrats, to include Rosenstein and Mueller themselves, have committed.
You're not very bright are you? I despise the woman for what she is...
Yet you can’t stop talking about her. 18 months after the election she’s still living in your head rent free :lol:
by that logic, the left LOVES trump, huh?
Lame. Donald is in office, and in the news cycle everyday. Hillary “lost” the election 18 months ago. Time to move on, tard
there goes the left once again. doing the shit they make fun of yet finding some way to "micro-slice" their doing it to be "ok".

trump won the election 18 months ago - time to move on and accept it.

you ever able to carry on a conversation w/o insulting people? just curious.
So, the fact that Donald is in the news every day escapes you? He’s a sitting president. I shouldn’t talk about him?

To answer your last question: fuck off, ass dick.
like i said - when you got nothing at all, you highlight it by being an ass to people.

and you most certainly have nothing at all.
Yet you can’t stop talking about her. 18 months after the election she’s still living in your head rent free :lol:
by that logic, the left LOVES trump, huh?
Lame. Donald is in office, and in the news cycle everyday. Hillary “lost” the election 18 months ago. Time to move on, tard
there goes the left once again. doing the shit they make fun of yet finding some way to "micro-slice" their doing it to be "ok".

trump won the election 18 months ago - time to move on and accept it.

you ever able to carry on a conversation w/o insulting people? just curious.
So, the fact that Donald is in the news every day escapes you? He’s a sitting president. I shouldn’t talk about him?

To answer your last question: fuck off, ass dick.
like i said - when you got nothing at all, you highlight it by being an ass to people.

and you most certainly have nothing at all.
Awe aren’t you cute

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