Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

But two men kissing is worse. Especially for a child to be exposed to. Just my opinion.
You're damn right, no men kissing in public, absolutely disgusting, they ought to be arrested eh?

But these two, oh we could watch that shit all day long. Honey, bring a beer, two girls are kissing...
But two men kissing is worse. Especially for a child to be exposed to. Just my opinion.
You're damn right, no men kissing in public, absolutely disgusting, they ought to be arrested eh?

But these two, oh we could watch that shit all day long. Honey, bring a beer, two girls are kissing...

If you are asking me if pornography is a big seller, that answer is yes.

If you are asking me if two girls kissing is a good thing for our world, the answer is no. Nor do I want children exposed to that publicly. But I do feel two men kissing in public is even more disturbing. But they both are.

But I do not like anyone kissing (making out) in public. Uncomfortable for many near by.

You can arrest the two men if you think that is what is needed. I did not say that. I said we need to love and be kind to all people, but sex outside of marriage is still a sin. And the promotion by society or by our government that homosexual practices as perfectly ok is a huge sin.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Never mind gays and lesbians publicly kissing. I'd be mightily obliged if EVERYONE would stop making out in public. It seriously grosses me out, watching two people going at each other, tongues a-twirl, in a public place. And it borders on non-consensual sexual activity, since they're making me take part in their sex life as an unwilling voyeur.

If it grosses you out, don't watch. There are other ways you can turn your head.
WOW! so much effort for so little affect.........

No effort at all, and thank you for the response.

Now is it true?

I don't think anyone wants to think of Chris Christie in any sort of sexual situation, either gay or straight.

I am betting there is one sick pervert out there, and come on he is a Republican, so he does not curl your toes a little?

just a little?

You can tell me the truth and I promise to laugh really hard!

Even though we strongly disagree on, well, seemingly everything lol....I wish you Gute Nacht und möge Gott Sie segnen.

Oh fuck, a Kraut!

We disagree because you're a close minded bigot and I am a asshole that does not care what others do as long as it does not involve children, raper, murder or acts of terrorism.

If two guys want to suck face and in public then let'em. If you scream " well God said " then let God deal with them in the afterlife because you are not the judge, jury, and executioner.

Because Gay couples not have the same rights as heterosexual couples is a good thing because everyone should be treated equally under the Constitution as local as you are a citizen of this fine nation, and Gays should be as miserable as the next Heterosexual couple.

Your religious text should never be allow to be the law of this fine nation, and if you believe it should then you better understand the slippery slop you want to go down will one day open the door for Muslim's to impose their religious ruling within our borders, and I will be damn I will ever accept that either.

You can not demand the American citizen to accept Biblical rules as law just the same as Muslim can not demand Sharia Law should be the standard of law for this fine nation.

Keep your religion in your Church and Bedroom and out of our government because not all Christian's agree with how to interpret the Bible and the Bible was written by man during Emperor Constantine days and translated by King James people, so I prefer not to follow the word of a Roman Emperor and a nutter King of England when it come to my religion.

So as you greeted my in German I will finish off with my thread in English and state this is America and even though Christian's are the majority does not mean their ruling or religion is the correct course of action.

Because they feel their religion should be law tell me they're mindset is no better than the close minded leaders of Iran and some are as bent in the head as ISIL and would use violence to get their way to have a Christian Nation where our laws are set to the teachings of the Bible.

If you agree with the idea the Bible should rule everyone and American's should adhere to it teaching, and if not should be cast from society then you are as dangerous as a ISIL member even if at this moment you would not take up arms against our government and people because you put your religion before Nation and sanity.

This country has went from Genocide of the Native population because those like you felt they were Heathens, and savages to enslaving African people because you felt they were inferior to you to supporting Jim Crow laws that limited the Constitutional Rights of some to now still wanting to limit such a minor part of our population their right to peace and happiness.

So as I close let God deal with the heathens you fear, and mind your own damn business and if you see something on TV that you dislike then turn the channel and if you don't then that is on you because to complain about a stupid commercial about gay couples is like me complaining about some religious commercial telling me to watch their nonsense, but with me I would just turn the damn channel and be done with it!

Bye for now, and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench...

"Oh fuck, a Kraut!"

The Piefke would refer to us as Mostschädeln or Ösi or Ösis....or if one lives by mountains a Schluchtenscheisser....it's all good-natured, we love each other, we have the same blood.

"and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench..."

No they probably got it on with a big, frumpy German Communist instead.
No effort at all, and thank you for the response.

Now is it true?

I don't think anyone wants to think of Chris Christie in any sort of sexual situation, either gay or straight.

I am betting there is one sick pervert out there, and come on he is a Republican, so he does not curl your toes a little?

just a little?

You can tell me the truth and I promise to laugh really hard!

Even though we strongly disagree on, well, seemingly everything lol....I wish you Gute Nacht und möge Gott Sie segnen.

Oh fuck, a Kraut!

We disagree because you're a close minded bigot and I am a asshole that does not care what others do as long as it does not involve children, raper, murder or acts of terrorism.

If two guys want to suck face and in public then let'em. If you scream " well God said " then let God deal with them in the afterlife because you are not the judge, jury, and executioner.

Because Gay couples not have the same rights as heterosexual couples is a good thing because everyone should be treated equally under the Constitution as local as you are a citizen of this fine nation, and Gays should be as miserable as the next Heterosexual couple.

Your religious text should never be allow to be the law of this fine nation, and if you believe it should then you better understand the slippery slop you want to go down will one day open the door for Muslim's to impose their religious ruling within our borders, and I will be damn I will ever accept that either.

You can not demand the American citizen to accept Biblical rules as law just the same as Muslim can not demand Sharia Law should be the standard of law for this fine nation.

Keep your religion in your Church and Bedroom and out of our government because not all Christian's agree with how to interpret the Bible and the Bible was written by man during Emperor Constantine days and translated by King James people, so I prefer not to follow the word of a Roman Emperor and a nutter King of England when it come to my religion.

So as you greeted my in German I will finish off with my thread in English and state this is America and even though Christian's are the majority does not mean their ruling or religion is the correct course of action.

Because they feel their religion should be law tell me they're mindset is no better than the close minded leaders of Iran and some are as bent in the head as ISIL and would use violence to get their way to have a Christian Nation where our laws are set to the teachings of the Bible.

If you agree with the idea the Bible should rule everyone and American's should adhere to it teaching, and if not should be cast from society then you are as dangerous as a ISIL member even if at this moment you would not take up arms against our government and people because you put your religion before Nation and sanity.

This country has went from Genocide of the Native population because those like you felt they were Heathens, and savages to enslaving African people because you felt they were inferior to you to supporting Jim Crow laws that limited the Constitutional Rights of some to now still wanting to limit such a minor part of our population their right to peace and happiness.

So as I close let God deal with the heathens you fear, and mind your own damn business and if you see something on TV that you dislike then turn the channel and if you don't then that is on you because to complain about a stupid commercial about gay couples is like me complaining about some religious commercial telling me to watch their nonsense, but with me I would just turn the damn channel and be done with it!

Bye for now, and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench...

"Oh fuck, a Kraut!"

The Piefke would refer to us as Mostschädeln or Ösi or Ösis....or if one lives by mountains a Schluchtenscheisser....it's all good-natured, we love each other, we have the same blood.

"and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench..."

No they probably got it on with a big, frumpy German Communist instead.

Maybe... So did you like it when they got it on with you?

I would bid you a have a wonderful day or evening, but why would I even do that?
I don't think anyone wants to think of Chris Christie in any sort of sexual situation, either gay or straight.

I am betting there is one sick pervert out there, and come on he is a Republican, so he does not curl your toes a little?

just a little?

You can tell me the truth and I promise to laugh really hard!

Even though we strongly disagree on, well, seemingly everything lol....I wish you Gute Nacht und möge Gott Sie segnen.

Oh fuck, a Kraut!

We disagree because you're a close minded bigot and I am a asshole that does not care what others do as long as it does not involve children, raper, murder or acts of terrorism.

If two guys want to suck face and in public then let'em. If you scream " well God said " then let God deal with them in the afterlife because you are not the judge, jury, and executioner.

Because Gay couples not have the same rights as heterosexual couples is a good thing because everyone should be treated equally under the Constitution as local as you are a citizen of this fine nation, and Gays should be as miserable as the next Heterosexual couple.

Your religious text should never be allow to be the law of this fine nation, and if you believe it should then you better understand the slippery slop you want to go down will one day open the door for Muslim's to impose their religious ruling within our borders, and I will be damn I will ever accept that either.

You can not demand the American citizen to accept Biblical rules as law just the same as Muslim can not demand Sharia Law should be the standard of law for this fine nation.

Keep your religion in your Church and Bedroom and out of our government because not all Christian's agree with how to interpret the Bible and the Bible was written by man during Emperor Constantine days and translated by King James people, so I prefer not to follow the word of a Roman Emperor and a nutter King of England when it come to my religion.

So as you greeted my in German I will finish off with my thread in English and state this is America and even though Christian's are the majority does not mean their ruling or religion is the correct course of action.

Because they feel their religion should be law tell me they're mindset is no better than the close minded leaders of Iran and some are as bent in the head as ISIL and would use violence to get their way to have a Christian Nation where our laws are set to the teachings of the Bible.

If you agree with the idea the Bible should rule everyone and American's should adhere to it teaching, and if not should be cast from society then you are as dangerous as a ISIL member even if at this moment you would not take up arms against our government and people because you put your religion before Nation and sanity.

This country has went from Genocide of the Native population because those like you felt they were Heathens, and savages to enslaving African people because you felt they were inferior to you to supporting Jim Crow laws that limited the Constitutional Rights of some to now still wanting to limit such a minor part of our population their right to peace and happiness.

So as I close let God deal with the heathens you fear, and mind your own damn business and if you see something on TV that you dislike then turn the channel and if you don't then that is on you because to complain about a stupid commercial about gay couples is like me complaining about some religious commercial telling me to watch their nonsense, but with me I would just turn the damn channel and be done with it!

Bye for now, and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench...

"Oh fuck, a Kraut!"

The Piefke would refer to us as Mostschädeln or Ösi or Ösis....or if one lives by mountains a Schluchtenscheisser....it's all good-natured, we love each other, we have the same blood.

"and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench..."

No they probably got it on with a big, frumpy German Communist instead.

Maybe... So did you like it when they got it on with you?

I would bid you a have a wonderful day or evening, but why would I even do that?


Also I'm a very laid-back person, your name calling isn't bothering me therefore, which is why I've not thrown a tantrum about it, which I think is what you've been hoping for.
Even though we strongly disagree on, well, seemingly everything lol....I wish you Gute Nacht und möge Gott Sie segnen.

Oh fuck, a Kraut!

We disagree because you're a close minded bigot and I am a asshole that does not care what others do as long as it does not involve children, raper, murder or acts of terrorism.

If two guys want to suck face and in public then let'em. If you scream " well God said " then let God deal with them in the afterlife because you are not the judge, jury, and executioner.

Because Gay couples not have the same rights as heterosexual couples is a good thing because everyone should be treated equally under the Constitution as local as you are a citizen of this fine nation, and Gays should be as miserable as the next Heterosexual couple.

Your religious text should never be allow to be the law of this fine nation, and if you believe it should then you better understand the slippery slop you want to go down will one day open the door for Muslim's to impose their religious ruling within our borders, and I will be damn I will ever accept that either.

You can not demand the American citizen to accept Biblical rules as law just the same as Muslim can not demand Sharia Law should be the standard of law for this fine nation.

Keep your religion in your Church and Bedroom and out of our government because not all Christian's agree with how to interpret the Bible and the Bible was written by man during Emperor Constantine days and translated by King James people, so I prefer not to follow the word of a Roman Emperor and a nutter King of England when it come to my religion.

So as you greeted my in German I will finish off with my thread in English and state this is America and even though Christian's are the majority does not mean their ruling or religion is the correct course of action.

Because they feel their religion should be law tell me they're mindset is no better than the close minded leaders of Iran and some are as bent in the head as ISIL and would use violence to get their way to have a Christian Nation where our laws are set to the teachings of the Bible.

If you agree with the idea the Bible should rule everyone and American's should adhere to it teaching, and if not should be cast from society then you are as dangerous as a ISIL member even if at this moment you would not take up arms against our government and people because you put your religion before Nation and sanity.

This country has went from Genocide of the Native population because those like you felt they were Heathens, and savages to enslaving African people because you felt they were inferior to you to supporting Jim Crow laws that limited the Constitutional Rights of some to now still wanting to limit such a minor part of our population their right to peace and happiness.

So as I close let God deal with the heathens you fear, and mind your own damn business and if you see something on TV that you dislike then turn the channel and if you don't then that is on you because to complain about a stupid commercial about gay couples is like me complaining about some religious commercial telling me to watch their nonsense, but with me I would just turn the damn channel and be done with it!

Bye for now, and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench...

"Oh fuck, a Kraut!"

The Piefke would refer to us as Mostschädeln or Ösi or Ösis....or if one lives by mountains a Schluchtenscheisser....it's all good-natured, we love each other, we have the same blood.

"and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench..."

No they probably got it on with a big, frumpy German Communist instead.

Maybe... So did you like it when they got it on with you?

I would bid you a have a wonderful day or evening, but why would I even do that?


Also I'm a very laid-back person, your name calling isn't bothering me therefore, which is why I've not thrown a tantrum about it, which I think is what you've been hoping for.

No, how I am writing to you is how I would converse with you in real life. I would tell you to fuck yourself with the biggest dildo you can find when you look at me to see if I am serious, well then I would flip you off.

I am a very rude asshole in life, and will never apologize for it...

I'm a very polite person in real life, I was brought up in a very well-mannered family, upbringing is very important....and then the few extra touches were from my Finishing School....and I'll never apologise for it either.
Oh fuck, a Kraut!

We disagree because you're a close minded bigot and I am a asshole that does not care what others do as long as it does not involve children, raper, murder or acts of terrorism.

If two guys want to suck face and in public then let'em. If you scream " well God said " then let God deal with them in the afterlife because you are not the judge, jury, and executioner.

Because Gay couples not have the same rights as heterosexual couples is a good thing because everyone should be treated equally under the Constitution as local as you are a citizen of this fine nation, and Gays should be as miserable as the next Heterosexual couple.

Your religious text should never be allow to be the law of this fine nation, and if you believe it should then you better understand the slippery slop you want to go down will one day open the door for Muslim's to impose their religious ruling within our borders, and I will be damn I will ever accept that either.

You can not demand the American citizen to accept Biblical rules as law just the same as Muslim can not demand Sharia Law should be the standard of law for this fine nation.

Keep your religion in your Church and Bedroom and out of our government because not all Christian's agree with how to interpret the Bible and the Bible was written by man during Emperor Constantine days and translated by King James people, so I prefer not to follow the word of a Roman Emperor and a nutter King of England when it come to my religion.

So as you greeted my in German I will finish off with my thread in English and state this is America and even though Christian's are the majority does not mean their ruling or religion is the correct course of action.

Because they feel their religion should be law tell me they're mindset is no better than the close minded leaders of Iran and some are as bent in the head as ISIL and would use violence to get their way to have a Christian Nation where our laws are set to the teachings of the Bible.

If you agree with the idea the Bible should rule everyone and American's should adhere to it teaching, and if not should be cast from society then you are as dangerous as a ISIL member even if at this moment you would not take up arms against our government and people because you put your religion before Nation and sanity.

This country has went from Genocide of the Native population because those like you felt they were Heathens, and savages to enslaving African people because you felt they were inferior to you to supporting Jim Crow laws that limited the Constitutional Rights of some to now still wanting to limit such a minor part of our population their right to peace and happiness.

So as I close let God deal with the heathens you fear, and mind your own damn business and if you see something on TV that you dislike then turn the channel and if you don't then that is on you because to complain about a stupid commercial about gay couples is like me complaining about some religious commercial telling me to watch their nonsense, but with me I would just turn the damn channel and be done with it!

Bye for now, and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench...

"Oh fuck, a Kraut!"

The Piefke would refer to us as Mostschädeln or Ösi or Ösis....or if one lives by mountains a Schluchtenscheisser....it's all good-natured, we love each other, we have the same blood.

"and tell Hitler hello, and before you piss your panties half my family is German even though I am not a fucking Kraut, and I believe some of did fuck a Kraut once in their life... The real thing and not some German wench..."

No they probably got it on with a big, frumpy German Communist instead.

Maybe... So did you like it when they got it on with you?

I would bid you a have a wonderful day or evening, but why would I even do that?


Also I'm a very laid-back person, your name calling isn't bothering me therefore, which is why I've not thrown a tantrum about it, which I think is what you've been hoping for.

No, how I am writing to you is how I would converse with you in real life. I would tell you to fuck yourself with the biggest dildo you can find when you look at me to see if I am serious, well then I would flip you off.

I am a very rude asshole in life, and will never apologize for it...

I'm a very polite person in real life, I was brought up in a very well-mannered family, upbringing is very important....and then the few extra touches were from my Finishing School....and I'll never apologise for it either.

Good and proud of you for that.

It is your choice how you want to handle things and I prefer the asshole way.

Take care, and actually have a wonderful day. ( As I flip you the bird )
I even find it irritating when a lesbian is all cuddly, touchy feely with a gay man. Homosexual women have a way of lewdly projecting their sexuality on to innocent bystanders.

You can tell when someone is making public displays of affection for the SAKE of making the display.

If someone is genuinely homo then they shouldnt need an audience.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(

No worries...I'm still with you,dont let the homos deflect from the fun of making sport of homos.
No worries. They just laugh at you breeders.

No, they WISH they were laughing, but the truth is, they're eating themselves up with bitterness and resentment toward those who aren't screwed up and trying to redefine the world to provide the self-assurance they don't have otherwise.
I think all the queers on earth should have hot sex in front of Loosy so she gets over her hateful phobia

So you're an exhibitionist...pretty sure that illegal.

Well, it is without Lucy's consent, but why should leftists balk at breaking the law and violating other people sexually in pursuit of remaking the world in their own vision, if they don't balk at anything ELSE in service of it?
For The Straight Folks
Who Don't Mind Gays
But Wish They Weren't So BLATANT


you know some people
got a lot of nerve.
sometimes, i don't believe
the things i see and hear.

Have you met the woman
who's shocked by 2 women kissing
& in the same breath,
tells you that she's pregnant?

Or this straight couple
sits next to you in a movie
& you can't hear the dialogue
Cause of the sound effects.

And the woman in your office
Spends your entire lunch hour
talking about her new bikini drawers
& how much her husband likes them.

Or the "hip" chick in your class
rattling a mile a minute --
while you're trying to get stoned
in the john
about the camping trip she took
with her musician boyfriend.

You go in a public bathroom
And all over the walls
there's John loves Mary,
Janice digs Richard,
Pepe loves Delores, etc. etc.

Or you go to an amusement park
& there's a tunnel of love
& pictures of straights
painted on the front
& grinning couples
coming in and out.

Fact is, blatant heterosexuals
are all over the place.
Supermarkets, movies on your job,
in church, in books, on television
every day and night, every place --
even in gay bars.
& they want gay men & women
to go hide in the closets --

So to you straight folks
i say -- Sure, i'll go
if you go too,
but i'm polite --
so -- after you.

[Note to my straight friends. You don't ask me to stop being blatant.
Thus, this is not directed at you.]

Blah blah blah, project project project, "I don't need to read the thread and find out what people ACTUALLY say and think, because I can just attribute the arguments I WISH they had to them and argue against THAT".

If you're just going to conduct a debate with the apocryphal "conservative" voice in your own head, why are you wasting our time doing it here? You're not arguing with anyone actually in this thread, and frankly, neither you or your imaginary "conservative" is particularly interesting.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

As a non Christian, I find this more offensive


than this...


or this...


and even this...

Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(

No worries...I'm still with you,dont let the homos deflect from the fun of making sport of homos.
No worries. They just laugh at you breeders.

No, they WISH they were laughing, but the truth is, they're eating themselves up with bitterness and resentment toward those who aren't screwed up and trying to redefine the world to provide the self-assurance they don't have otherwise.

That's a big broad-brush you're using. Gay couples are no different than straight couples. Some don't mind showing affection in public, some do.

What The Gay Couple In Hillary Clinton's Video Announcement Thinks Of Her

HuffPost Live
I love that people are still whining over this obvious attempt at pandering. lol

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