Hillary releases Homosexual Ad

Even the term, "butthurt" is so wrong.

Stop going through life perpetually offended
Stop going through life being perpetually offensive.

Well you can try and make me, going to pass a law? I'm not "politically correct"
No law. You delight in being ugly but call me out when I retaliate? Gotcha.

Call yourself "Sassy Irish" and yet try and shut down another sassy irish woman.
Wishing someone gets AIDS is horrible. You're right I can't handle that. That level of hate really gets to me.

Something you label as "good natured".

I said most of the comments and I don't hate gays and I don't wish they would get AIDS. Cease projecting, you look silly
You don't call out the guy who wished AIDS on guys. You're in my face instead. That's on you. That's you condoning bad behavior.

I didn't read the entire thread. I called you out for calling people "breeders" while having children. That's hypocrisy. Think....

I have four children.

Breeder....see how that works?
Look at how this name bothers you but ones that are offensive to gays seem to be everyone else's right.
I said most of the comments and I don't hate gays and I don't wish they would get AIDS. Cease projecting, you look silly
You don't call out the guy who wished AIDS on guys. You're in my face instead. That's on you. That's you condoning bad behavior.

I didn't read the entire thread. I called you out for calling people "breeders" while having children. That's hypocrisy. Think....

I have four children.

Breeder....see how that works?
Look at how this name bothers you but ones that are offensive to gays seem to be everyone else's right.

Thought you were done?
You're full of insults. I'm done. Go hang out with your buddy who is wishing AIDS and death on queers.

It ought to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
LGBT people read this....fat, ugly, militant lesbian nutjob Julie Bindel says to put all men in concentration camps, Bindel actually looks like Chris Christie, no wonder she became a lesbian, probably no man wanted to get-it-on with her:

Top Feminist Julie Bindel Want to Put Men in Concentration Camps | Political Correctness

Julie Bindel at least is honest enough to openly state what the Homosexual Agenda's goal is....the eradication of heterosexuality.

These people are basically insane and evil and fanatical. In fact they are EVERYTHING that they falsely accuse Christians of being.
When they start forcing Jews to convert and burning witches let us all know.

You got to love the fear some have.

Homosexual community is a small percentage of the world population, and yet so feared by some!

Now I have met some Gays that are as vile as some of the nutter in here, and they really hate breeders ( that is their term for heterosexual people ), so some would subscribe to that train of thought but not all, and it is like some Muslim's want to kill non-Muslim's but not all but for Lucy the some mean all...

I don't fear gays, I just don't agree with them. I don't fear them, I don't want to kill them. I just, like many, would like them to keep it indoors, this includes stopping all the Gay Pride stuff and the rest of their militant demanding and throwing a tantrum when EVERYONE doesn't agree with them and treat them like they're some sort of "special" group of people.
Here's how I see your rant about gays. You don't like to see any openly expressing affection. You consider that flaunting. It doesn't seem to bother you when hets are all over each other in public.

That shows your aversion to gays.

Now the only person on this thread who really angered me was the guy who wants all gays to get AIDS. That was so offensive to me that I lost it. I lost many many friends during the AIDS epidemic.

When I saw how young you are and you still have that aversion to gays, it surprised me. Most young people these days think being gay is no big deal and some couple expressing affection in public no big deal.

I'm in my fifties, and swear like a sailor, and drink like one and can be as racist as the next GOP'er but I am the Archie Bunker type, and yet I am like those younger generations that could give a damn about someone sexuality or if they show affection.

It could be because I grew up with a Gya adopted sister, a gay adopted brother, and one uncle that was a closet gay, and have seen so much nonsense from both sides that i say who gives a damn anymore.

I am too old to care if Jack and Jon want to be like Jack and Jill and roll down the damn hill while making out because it is their life.

When someone bring up their religion, well I was raised Catholic and have Jewish blood mixed in and I am sure a Muslim is running around there too, so I was raised to be Conservative, but again my Religious life will never dictate to others how they will live, and Judge is the only that should judge them, and if God want to Judge them harshly then so be it.

If anyone actually wishes AIDS on anyone or a segment of the world population the reality is one of their own family members will most likely contract it, and what is even worst the idiot that wished the nonsense most likely believe it can only be contracted by sexual contact without understanding the many other ways to contract that deadly disease that has killed so many.

So as I know your response was not to me I understand your view and wish you the best, and take care, and if anyone wishes AIDS on you jokingly or meaning it just remember they were most likely raised by Bible beater that thought a woman ankle being shown was porn and the first time they thought they got laid their hand got a cramp while they pulled their pubic hair...
You're full of insults. I'm done

You'll be unable to grasp this but you called people "breeders" while having children yourself. I could care less what some daffy left loon calls me, but don't sit there and sling YOUR insults while you are what you're trying to call someone. That is hypocrisy and then you got all offended when you were called on your hypocrisy.

Read that and THINK.
You're full of insults. I'm done

You'll be unable to grasp this but you called people "breeders" while having children yourself. I could care less what some daffy left loon calls me, but don't sit there and sling YOUR insults while you are what you're trying to call someone. That is hypocrisy and then you got all offended when you were called on your hypocrisy.

Read that and THINK.
Go away Go hang out with your RW jerk who is wishing AIDS and death on queers.
Julie Bindel at least is honest enough to openly state what the Homosexual Agenda's goal is....the eradication of heterosexuality.

These people are basically insane and evil and fanatical. In fact they are EVERYTHING that they falsely accuse Christians of being.
When they start forcing Jews to convert and burning witches let us all know.

You got to love the fear some have.

Homosexual community is a small percentage of the world population, and yet so feared by some!

Now I have met some Gays that are as vile as some of the nutter in here, and they really hate breeders ( that is their term for heterosexual people ), so some would subscribe to that train of thought but not all, and it is like some Muslim's want to kill non-Muslim's but not all but for Lucy the some mean all...

I don't fear gays, I just don't agree with them. I don't fear them, I don't want to kill them. I just, like many, would like them to keep it indoors, this includes stopping all the Gay Pride stuff and the rest of their militant demanding and throwing a tantrum when EVERYONE doesn't agree with them and treat them like they're some sort of "special" group of people.
Here's how I see your rant about gays. You don't like to see any openly expressing affection. You consider that flaunting. It doesn't seem to bother you when hets are all over each other in public.

That shows your aversion to gays.

Now the only person on this thread who really angered me was the guy who wants all gays to get AIDS. That was so offensive to me that I lost it. I lost many many friends during the AIDS epidemic.

When I saw how young you are and you still have that aversion to gays, it surprised me. Most young people these days think being gay is no big deal and some couple expressing affection in public no big deal.

I'm in my fifties, and swear like a sailor, and drink like one and can be as racist as the next GOP'er but I am the Archie Bunker type, and yet I am like those younger generations that could give a damn about someone sexuality or if they show affection.

It could be because I grew up with a Gya adopted sister, a gay adopted brother, and one uncle that was a closet gay, and have seen so much nonsense from both sides that i say who gives a damn anymore.

I am too old to care if Jack and Jon want to be like Jack and Jill and roll down the damn hill while making out because it is their life.

When someone bring up their religion, well I was raised Catholic and have Jewish blood mixed in and I am sure a Muslim is running around there too, so I was raised to be Conservative, but again my Religious life will never dictate to others how they will live, and Judge is the only that should judge them, and if God want to Judge them harshly then so be it.

If anyone actually wishes AIDS on anyone or a segment of the world population the reality is one of their own family members will most likely contract it, and what is even worst the idiot that wished the nonsense most likely believe it can only be contracted by sexual contact without understanding the many other ways to contract that deadly disease that has killed so many.

So as I know your response was not to me I understand your view and wish you the best, and take care, and if anyone wishes AIDS on you jokingly or meaning it just remember they were most likely raised by Bible beater that thought a woman ankle being shown was porn and the first time they thought they got laid their hand got a cramp while they pulled their pubic hair...
I lost too many loved ones to AIDS to just brush it off whn some RW bigot wishes AIDS and death on queers..
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Translation: Either agree with us or you are a homophobe.

I do not consider myself a homophobe but that youtube ad does creep me out. I hate that children have to be exposed to this perverse idea of sexuality at such a young age.

I am quite certain God wants us to love everyone, but not promote what everyone loves. Sex outside of marriage is still sinful.
Wishing someone gets AIDS is horrible. You're right I can't handle that. That level of hate really gets to me.

Something you label as "good natured".

I said most of the comments and I don't hate gays and I don't wish they would get AIDS. Cease projecting, you look silly
You don't call out the guy who wished AIDS on guys. You're in my face instead. That's on you. That's you condoning bad behavior.

I didn't read the entire thread. I called you out for calling people "breeders" while having children. That's hypocrisy. Think....

I have four children.

Breeder....see how that works?
The term "breeder" bugs you but "butthurt" a term referring to anal rape does not. Gotcha.
When they start forcing Jews to convert and burning witches let us all know.

You got to love the fear some have.

Homosexual community is a small percentage of the world population, and yet so feared by some!

Now I have met some Gays that are as vile as some of the nutter in here, and they really hate breeders ( that is their term for heterosexual people ), so some would subscribe to that train of thought but not all, and it is like some Muslim's want to kill non-Muslim's but not all but for Lucy the some mean all...

I don't fear gays, I just don't agree with them. I don't fear them, I don't want to kill them. I just, like many, would like them to keep it indoors, this includes stopping all the Gay Pride stuff and the rest of their militant demanding and throwing a tantrum when EVERYONE doesn't agree with them and treat them like they're some sort of "special" group of people.
Here's how I see your rant about gays. You don't like to see any openly expressing affection. You consider that flaunting. It doesn't seem to bother you when hets are all over each other in public.

That shows your aversion to gays.

Now the only person on this thread who really angered me was the guy who wants all gays to get AIDS. That was so offensive to me that I lost it. I lost many many friends during the AIDS epidemic.

When I saw how young you are and you still have that aversion to gays, it surprised me. Most young people these days think being gay is no big deal and some couple expressing affection in public no big deal.

I'm in my fifties, and swear like a sailor, and drink like one and can be as racist as the next GOP'er but I am the Archie Bunker type, and yet I am like those younger generations that could give a damn about someone sexuality or if they show affection.

It could be because I grew up with a Gya adopted sister, a gay adopted brother, and one uncle that was a closet gay, and have seen so much nonsense from both sides that i say who gives a damn anymore.

I am too old to care if Jack and Jon want to be like Jack and Jill and roll down the damn hill while making out because it is their life.

When someone bring up their religion, well I was raised Catholic and have Jewish blood mixed in and I am sure a Muslim is running around there too, so I was raised to be Conservative, but again my Religious life will never dictate to others how they will live, and Judge is the only that should judge them, and if God want to Judge them harshly then so be it.

If anyone actually wishes AIDS on anyone or a segment of the world population the reality is one of their own family members will most likely contract it, and what is even worst the idiot that wished the nonsense most likely believe it can only be contracted by sexual contact without understanding the many other ways to contract that deadly disease that has killed so many.

So as I know your response was not to me I understand your view and wish you the best, and take care, and if anyone wishes AIDS on you jokingly or meaning it just remember they were most likely raised by Bible beater that thought a woman ankle being shown was porn and the first time they thought they got laid their hand got a cramp while they pulled their pubic hair...
I lost too many loved ones to AIDS to just brush it off whn some RW bigot wishes AIDS and death on queers..

I do understand you are right to object because it is wrong and seeing many of the claim to be Christian I wounder how Jesus would actually view them, and my bet is not in a kind light at all...
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Translation: Either agree with us or you are a homophobe.

I do not consider myself a homophobe but that youtube ad does creep me out. I hate that children have to be exposed to this perverse idea of sexuality at such a young age.

I am quite certain God wants us to love everyone, but not promote what everyone loves. Sex outside of marriage is still sinful.
Bullshit. I don't like overt sex in my face, no matter who is doing it. The point is that homophobe don't mind hets slobbering all each other but offended when gays express affection in public.

LGBT people read this....fat, ugly, militant lesbian nutjob Julie Bindel says to put all men in concentration camps, Bindel actually looks like Chris Christie, no wonder she became a lesbian, probably no man wanted to get-it-on with her:

You've got the story down pat, don't you? :lol: Same excuse used for women who were for equal rights in the 70s. Same excuse used for women who want careers. Same excuse used for women who wanted the vote in the early 1900s.
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Translation: Either agree with us or you are a homophobe.

I do not consider myself a homophobe but that youtube ad does creep me out. I hate that children have to be exposed to this perverse idea of sexuality at such a young age.

I am quite certain God wants us to love everyone, but not promote what everyone loves. Sex outside of marriage is still sinful.
Bullshit. I don't like overt sex in my face, no matter who is doing it. The point is that homophobe don't mind hets slobbering all each other but offended when gays express affection in public.

I don't like kissing public either. Sorry if I failed to mention that.

But two men kissing is worse. Especially for a child to be exposed to. Just my opinion.
Yet all the het flaunting doesn't bother you a bit.

So basically, you just pranced in here and started posting without reading a single page.

You and PantyBoy have something in common.

My thread became very good natured and now it's all gone horrible :(

Happens all the time, a thread is going well and some left loon ruins it
You seem to ignore the hatred toward gays that is expressed on this thread, including the wish that they get AIDS.

Lighten up. Most of the comments were good nature and as usual some left loon got butt hurt and derailed the thread. If something offends you don't look at it or be around it, the world isn't going to conform to you because you can't handle it
"good natured"..."if something offends you don't look at it"......this from the person who had a cow over the use of the word "breeder".
Hillary Clinton has released a gay campaign ad, featuring men kissing and women kissing and stuff.

Does New Hillary Clinton LGBT Kissing Ad Raise Religious Liberty Concerns?

As a Christian I find it all extremely distasteful. If gay and lesbians must do this, then at least they could keep it within their own homes....Hillary releasing such an ad, well it shows she's desperate, the gay and lesbians are going to vote for her anyhow, so I'm not entirely sure why she's released this ad, she's preaching to the choir.

The publicness of gay and lesbians kissing and touching is most classless.

As a heterosexual woman, I don't feel the need to almost get-it-on in the middle of the street with Mr. Lucy.

Translation: Either agree with us or you are a homophobe.

I do not consider myself a homophobe but that youtube ad does creep me out. I hate that children have to be exposed to this perverse idea of sexuality at such a young age.

I am quite certain God wants us to love everyone, but not promote what everyone loves. Sex outside of marriage is still sinful.
Bullshit. I don't like overt sex in my face, no matter who is doing it. The point is that homophobe don't mind hets slobbering all each other but offended when gays express affection in public.

I don't like kissing public either. Sorry if I failed to mention that.

But two men kissing is worse. Especially for a child to be exposed to. Just my opinion.
you have a right to your opinon, of course. To me it's context. Some man giving his mate a peck on the liips isn't a bad thing for a kid to see. You forget that gays marry and have kid of their own.

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