Hillary-Russia controls most of the world


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
As bad as Trump is, Hillary is considerably worse and amazingly ignorant. She is the epitome of a warmongering psychopath. No wonder the Ruling Class loves her.

We sure dodged a bullet.

Because of all those Russian troops stationed all over the globe. Oh wait...
Because of all those Russian troops stationed all over the globe. Oh wait...
Yes and all those nations they have invaded and bombed these past 25 years. Dirty BASTARDS!!!
Just like Trump, Shrillary would have been a disaster, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and so is Shrillary, in this context.

What kind of miserable, obscure, biased, squalid little pi$$ant podcast is this video?

Worst pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in quite some time.

Difficult to listen to because every other word from the host's potty-mouth was an F-Bomb.

Difficult to listen to... for every 10 words from Shrillary's mouth, we had to endure yet another interruption and 1,000 slanted words from the host.

In our context here, merely the host trying (and failing) to defuse valid concerns over Russian cyber-warfare directed against The West...

Yeah... that's right, everyone... ignore that Russian bear behind the curtain... ignore the bear's deadly Master with the whip in his hand...

Way-to-go... trying to peddle Isolationism in such dangerous times... if we close our eyes, then there's no danger, and the Bad Guys can't see us...

Awful stuff... petty... embarrassingly obvious, slanted and juvenile, but effective as reverse-psychology Russian propaganda...

Da, Tvaritch?
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Yeah well, what do you expect? The last time The Duchess of Whitewater was happy with the way the Russian Government conducted itself was when Stalin was in charge.:dunno:
As bad as Trump is, Hillary is considerably worse and amazingly ignorant. She is the epitome of a warmongering psychopath. No wonder the Ruling Class loves her.

We sure dodged a bullet.

Did we? Did we really? From where I am sitting, it looks like she and Trump are on the same page.

I was shocked, stunned, when this morning a friend of mine posted this bit of war propaganda;

How Stalin Hid Ukraine's Famine From the World
In 1932 and 1933, millions died across the Soviet Union—and the foreign press corps helped cover up the catastrophe.
How Stalin Hid Ukraine's Famine From the World - The Atlantic

Although the piece is true, it's a shock coming from the Atlantic.

Now, this is from the ATLANTIC, which, like TIME magazine, NEWSWEEK, or the NYT, is a loyal mouthpiece of the Council on Foreign Relations. They were primarily responsible for propping up Stalin, for covering up his crimes, for making Americans dumb about the evils of socialism.

Hell, they still are. Each and every day they run glowing articles on Keynesian economics.

So now why would they be running the truth about Socialism?

Well duh. . . WAR PROPAGANDA. Anything to make RUSSIA look as bad as possible to the western alliance as they can.

Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Trump may cancel G20 Putin talks
Trump 'may cancel Putin talks over Ukraine'
"Maybe I won't have the meeting [with Mr Putin]. Maybe I won't even have the meeting. I don't like that aggression. I don't want that aggression at all," he said.

It's important for us to bear in mind, there are two sides to this story. It seems to be a set up, and our thinking is being controlled, just like the elections. Who's to say who is the aggressor and what the truth is? The western alliance has a bigger military, more bases, and has a more checkered past though. . . The U.S. has a history of false flags and lying. Folks should remember how the current folks in charge in Ukraine came to power. If anyone needs a reminder, they can just ask Victoria Nuland.

Russia-Ukraine sea clash in 300 words

Ukraine Resorts to 'Bandit Methods' in Kerch Strait - Maria Zakharova

As bad as Trump is, Hillary is considerably worse and amazingly ignorant. She is the epitome of a warmongering psychopath. No wonder the Ruling Class loves her.

We sure dodged a bullet.

Hillary is a fascist.
She's using Nazi tactics to inoculate herself from blame for her acts.
She is an awful public speaker. She looks like a middle schooler giving a book report.

As far as the content....holy shit.

If she is so worried about Russia, why did she help them secure 20% of our uranium production?

She is such a disgusting corrupt bitch.
Speaking of Hillary, Nuland and anti-Russia, I was curious about this Nuland, so I Googled her, this popped up;

New Details of Victoria Nuland’s Role in the Steele Dossier

Interesting stuff. An admin spying on a presidential campaign, buying into the phony Steele Dossier, hook, line and sinker. Why isn't there a special counsel looking into the abuses of power? Did Nuland know that the Clinton campaign paid Steele and the Russians for that bullshit Steele Dossier?
As bad as Trump is, Hillary is considerably worse and amazingly ignorant. She is the epitome of a warmongering psychopath. No wonder the Ruling Class loves her.

We sure dodged a bullet.

Hillary is a fascist.
She's using Nazi tactics to inoculate herself from blame for her acts.

She IS a Facist in every sense of the word. She not only uses their propaganda tactics, she is all about enriching big corporations at the people’s expense.

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