Hillary says "Benghazi was turned into a political football"...and SHE IS RIGHT!!!

political football, is that what we are calling four dead Americans?
That's what Hillary called it...
"I write about how — like today the Benghazi tragedy," Clinton said.
Benghazi, she continued, "was turned into a political football, and it was aimed at undermining my credibility, my record, my accomplishments."
she did that all herself.
Millions of our tax dollars spent on many attempts to blame Clinton for the deaths of 4 people. like she was in the middle east handling the situation in person. look at the number of past deaths in the same situation. no out rage/ no trials.
Millions of our tax dollars spent on many attempts to blame Clinton for the deaths of 4 people. like she was in the middle east handling the situation in person. look at the number of past deaths in the same situation. no out rage/ no trials.
but it's where she was supposed to be and she was responsible, thanks for getting that.
Millions of our tax dollars spent on many attempts to blame Clinton for the deaths of 4 people. like she was in the middle east handling the situation in person. look at the number of past deaths in the same situation. no out rage/ no trials.
I can call the Middle East this minute.

They also had live feed in a building across from the compound. Please, Comey played the idiot card to save Hillary, Is that really the best that can be done for the poor thing?
Millions of our tax dollars spent on many attempts to blame Clinton for the deaths of 4 people. like she was in the middle east handling the situation in person. look at the number of past deaths in the same situation. no out rage/ no trials.
NO the point was for a "political benefit" Hillary/Obama for weeks claimed with 5 tv networks it was the work of an enraged crowd that saw a video!
NOT once did they publicly acknowledge it was a "terrorist attack". If they did then these bumper stickers would be invalid and they had less then weeks before the election to make it sound like Obama successfully squashed terrorists!
Remember this was their way of showing Obama was tough on terrorists!
Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.
Hillary is full of shit and so is anyone who continues to defend her by lying, denying, justifying for her.

The latest news reveals security for the Benghazi compound was a F*ing JOKE - a State Department Official who believes guns are not necessary to protect US Ambassadors - even when they are surrounded by Al Qaeda and have been attacked twice before, hiring a tiny foreign company whose employees have never carried weapons and have never been in such a high threat environment, denying requests for additional security from Ambassador Stevens more than 50 times - after 2 previous terrorist attacks...and even then REMOVING some of Stevens' security team members...after refusing to take Americans out of Benghazi after every other nation had done so with their people.

Hillary Clinton demonstrated she could not run an AGENCY, let alone a country, had no control of the people in her AGENCY, let alone an entire country, could not protect a tiny portion of the US population (US Ambassadors and State Department employees) let alone EVERY American, and when things went to shit she lied her ass off and blamed everyone from fictitious protestors of a video, a US filmmaker exercising his right of Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech, and Republicans for her F*-Up.

Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes CONTINUE to say, as the OP demonstrates, "4 Americans were NEEDLESSLY allowed to die at the hands of terrorists ... what difference does it make?!"

100% agree! She broke the law obviously many times. The most blatant was this:
Hillary signed on the dotted line — and then broke the law
The non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is executed by all who have access to classified and sensitive information. It is beyond doubt that Hillary Clinton executed one of these while secretary of State. It is also beyond doubt that she violated her NDA, the “special confidence and trust” that such access confers, and the law.

This standard NDA delineates the conditions and prohibitions of disclosing, storing and maintaining classified and sensitive compartmented information (SCI). These documents repeatedly refer to the specific statutes under the laws that govern transgressions of these requirements as well as acknowledgement and awareness of the “special confidence and trust” that this access confers.

The signatory also agrees never to divulge classified or SCI material, to adequately protect classified and SCI material and to return all classified and SCI material in their possession under penalty of law.
Despite clear evidence, which would culminate in an extensive tour at a government facility in Leavenworth, Kan., for you or me, the director of the FBI failed to recommend any form of accountability for Clinton, now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee; no prosecution, no loss of access to classified material, no loss of future positions of “special confidence and trust” with the U.S. government. This position was supported by the attorney general and defended during a congressional hearing on July 12.
Hillary signed on the dotted line — and then broke the law
Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?
Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?
Of course not. But lying about the cause to the general public so as to get elected is wrong!
The Obama administration was attempting to get re-elected and ONE major premise was they had a handle on Terrorism. Remember this bumper sticker?

Why was it so important that they present Americans with a story then that Benghazi was caused by a random crowd incited by a video?
To allay people's concerns that Obama didn't have a handle on Terrorism.
Why was it so important that days after Benghazi Susan Rice on 5 network shows blamed the video? Because the election in less then a month and half.
Truly if you don't see this distinction i.e. Obama did EVERYTHING EVERYDAY with one objective... POLITICAL GAIN!
That was the problem and the MSM didn't help because they LOVED Obama!
Seriously. You explain to me this statement by the Editor of NewsWeek!
Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."

After Thomas tells us that Evan Thomas: "Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do almost --"

I mean any one ANY one with half a brain can see the MSM loved Obama! Deified him! And why would THEY run with the story Benghazi was
due to the video? Protected their deity!
Hillary is a delusional old woman most people ignore. She's been blaming everyone and everything for getting her ass kicked by Trump.

I'm just glad Trump was able to save us from her.
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Oh, my goodness-gracious...

Political opponents capitalized on a Democrat's mishandling of a life-and-death crisis and its aftermath...

My, my, my... as bad as all that?

Unheard of !!!!!

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... are you friggin' kidding me?

Two words for that...

Puhhh---leeeeeeezzzzz !!!


People didn't vote against Shrillary because of Benghazi...

People voted against Shrillary because she was a liar and two-faced and corrupt and not to be trusted...

Not to mention that she was Queen of the Same Old Shit, stood for nothing new, and lacked both vision and the ability to communicate it...

If she wants to understand the real basis for her loss, she needs to take a good, long, hard look in the mirror...
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Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?

OH BULLSHIT, YOU FUCKING LIBERALLYING SACK OF SHIT!!! I've spent 25 FUCKING YEARS of witnessing Hillary's crooked, anti-social behavior, you sick asshole. You miscarried placenta of a low-life thug! That was ONE of COUNTLESS details proving that Hillary C*nton is a psychopath, you typical cretinous Hillary supporting piece of bowel-hemorrhaged shit! Doesn't liberalfilth like you have some mindless riot to attend? C*ntbag???
Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?

BlindBoo...."Five words out of context".... that's what you wrote.
How about NOT taking any words out of context but NOT reporting exactly what was being said?
The MSM and many like you think "Trump anti-immigrant". Right? You think that. The MSM reports that. In fact here is some proof.
86,400 results "Trump anti-immigrant".
Where is the adjective "ILLEGAL"?
See Trump is married to a "LEGAL" immigrant so how could he be "ANTI-Immigrant"?
Also there are over 50 million people like me who have relatives that are "LEGAL" immigrants that are VERY offended when the MSM doesn't make that distinction!
So when you complain about "Five words out of context". Maybe you should ask yourself why the MSM doesn't simply add that one word adjective "ILLEGAL"!
Once you honestly answer then you will see your complaint of "Five words out of context" is baseless!

Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 9.40.48 PM.png
"I write about how — like today the Benghazi tragedy," Clinton said.
Benghazi, she continued, "was turned into a political football, and it was aimed at undermining my credibility, my record, my accomplishments."
Clinton on 'Today': Comey's 'Intervention' Cost Election; 50-50 Chance I'd Win Now

AND boy she is 100% correct! It was a political football by Obama's administration!
Because if what Hillary told her daughter in private:n her first public statement, the secretary of state referred to the video, but made no mention of terrorists or a terrorist attack. An hour later, she sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that made no reference to the video, and blamed “an al Qaeda-like group.”
The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition - FactCheck.org

YET Hillary and the Obama state department including Susan Rice who went on 5 TV shows that Sunday blaming the video and Rice went on to tell Patricia Smith, the mother of State Department information specialist Sean Smith, In October 2012, Smith told CNN that then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice said at the private meeting that the attack took place because of a video. “She talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out,” she said.
What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video

I wonder WHY Obama/Hillary and the state department INSISTED as Susan Rice stated:
Susan Rice: Attack on Benghazi was Direct Response To Video

Well remember Hillary said Benghazi was a "political football" and she was right!
Remember Obama's re-election in less then 8 weeks was at risk and major investments in proudly stating that Terrorism/ ISIS "JV Team"/was dead!
Remember these bumper stickers???
View attachment 149002

Political football being simply put: If Obama didn't block the truth, i.e. failure of Obama's "fight" against Terrorism he might lose the re-election! Political football at it's worse because instead of taking the blame for security failures (See below... Obama blamed the Benghazi on the video!)
Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

You apparently didn't watch the 8th investigation including the 10 hours of congressional testimony. The video was responsible for creating 3 raids across the middle east on the same day as the Benghazi attack. That is a FACT. So originally they believed Benghazi was another raid.

Benghazi really couldn't be explained better than this.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever. There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

And as we know every President has had their fair share of Benghazi's.

Republicans wasted over 18 million taxpayer dollars on one Benghazi hearing after another. All for a political dog and pony show.

We can only Thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 Grieving mothers of 240 U.S. marines and call Ronald Reagan a murderer over that embassy attack in Lebanon.

Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?

OH BULLSHIT, YOU FUCKING LIBERALLYING SACK OF SHIT!!! I've spent 25 FUCKING YEARS of witnessing Hillary's crooked, anti-social behavior, you sick asshole. You miscarried placenta of a low-life thug! That was ONE of COUNTLESS details proving that Hillary C*nton is a psychopath, you typical cretinous Hillary supporting piece of bowel-hemorrhaged shit! Doesn't liberalfilth like you have some mindless riot to attend? C*ntbag???

Yeah and you bought into the Reich wing bullshit dog & pony shows and swallowed it hook, line and sinker.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

Regardless 10 more Benghazi's and all the emails you can dig up won't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies.

What the Trump team has never realised is that they were being watched since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
British intelligence passed Trump associates' talks with Russian on to US counterparts - CNNPolitics

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret meeting at the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents including the day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Right now Mueller has convened 2 Grand Jury's, loaded up on over 15 criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts, and last week added the criminal division of the IRS, and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Robert Mueller Employs Powerful Weapon In Trump-Russia Investigation: The IRS
Mueller’s Dream Team Gears Up
Trump under investigation for obstruction of justice: report

It didn't help that Trump got on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation--which is Obstruction of Justice.

Your judgment on selecting President's is lacking a lot of credibility right now.

James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
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"I write about how — like today the Benghazi tragedy," Clinton said.
Benghazi, she continued, "was turned into a political football, and it was aimed at undermining my credibility, my record, my accomplishments."
Clinton on 'Today': Comey's 'Intervention' Cost Election; 50-50 Chance I'd Win Now

AND boy she is 100% correct! It was a political football by Obama's administration!
Because if what Hillary told her daughter in private:n her first public statement, the secretary of state referred to the video, but made no mention of terrorists or a terrorist attack. An hour later, she sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that made no reference to the video, and blamed “an al Qaeda-like group.”
The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition - FactCheck.org

YET Hillary and the Obama state department including Susan Rice who went on 5 TV shows that Sunday blaming the video and Rice went on to tell Patricia Smith, the mother of State Department information specialist Sean Smith, In October 2012, Smith told CNN that then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice said at the private meeting that the attack took place because of a video. “She talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out,” she said.
What Benghazi family members say Hillary Clinton said about the video

I wonder WHY Obama/Hillary and the state department INSISTED as Susan Rice stated:
Susan Rice: Attack on Benghazi was Direct Response To Video

Well remember Hillary said Benghazi was a "political football" and she was right!
Remember Obama's re-election in less then 8 weeks was at risk and major investments in proudly stating that Terrorism/ ISIS "JV Team"/was dead!
Remember these bumper stickers???
View attachment 149002

Political football being simply put: If Obama didn't block the truth, i.e. failure of Obama's "fight" against Terrorism he might lose the re-election! Political football at it's worse because instead of taking the blame for security failures (See below... Obama blamed the Benghazi on the video!)
Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

You apparently didn't watch the 8th investigation including the 10 hours of congressional testimony. The video was responsible for creating 3 raids across the middle east on the same day as the Benghazi attack. That is a FACT. So originally they believed Benghazi was another raid.

Benghazi really couldn't be explained better than this.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever. There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

And as we know every President has had their fair share of Benghazi's.

Republicans wasted over 18 million taxpayer dollars on one Benghazi hearing after another. All for a political dog and pony show.

We can only Thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 Grieving mothers of 240 U.S. marines and call Ronald Reagan a murderer over that embassy attack in Lebanon.


In the famous words "What difference does it make" The topic is a political football and Hillary was right! NONE of the above is germane to the topic!
Politica football was started when Obama/Hillary in attempting to promote for "political" gain that terrorism was over when this happened:

By immediately blaming a video for Benghazi in 5 network appearances by Rice et.al. they started the political football!
There is NO disputing that FACT! And for Hillary to bitch and moan about Benghazi becoming a "political football" SHE KICKED it OFF by lying about Benghazi!
Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?

OH BULLSHIT, YOU FUCKING LIBERALLYING SACK OF SHIT!!! I've spent 25 FUCKING YEARS of witnessing Hillary's crooked, anti-social behavior, you sick asshole. You miscarried placenta of a low-life thug! That was ONE of COUNTLESS details proving that Hillary C*nton is a psychopath, you typical cretinous Hillary supporting piece of bowel-hemorrhaged shit! Doesn't liberalfilth like you have some mindless riot to attend? C*ntbag???

My oh my another pseudo-conned Cupcake. :spinner: Your frosting not only melted but I think it evaporated.

Hillary proved to me she was the female Hannibal Lecter with her utterly cold-blooded reaction to the Benghazi deaths: "What difference does it make?" She's such a textbook psychopath that even in a profession riddled with psychopaths (politics) she STILL manages to stand out.

Textbook pseudocon move. Take five words out of contexts and develop a false narrative based on misconstruing the words.

Seriously. If you were charged with protecting a building does the motives of the attacking forces matter to the defense of the building?

BlindBoo...."Five words out of context".... that's what you wrote.
How about NOT taking any words out of context but NOT reporting exactly what was being said?
The MSM and many like you think "Trump anti-immigrant". Right? You think that. The MSM reports that. In fact here is some proof.
86,400 results "Trump anti-immigrant".
Where is the adjective "ILLEGAL"?
See Trump is married to a "LEGAL" immigrant so how could he be "ANTI-Immigrant"?
Also there are over 50 million people like me who have relatives that are "LEGAL" immigrants that are VERY offended when the MSM doesn't make that distinction!
So when you complain about "Five words out of context". Maybe you should ask yourself why the MSM doesn't simply add that one word adjective "ILLEGAL"!
Once you honestly answer then you will see your complaint of "Five words out of context" is baseless!

View attachment 149103

Nice attempted dodge. My response was to the claim that what she said was an example of her indifference to the deaths the militant/terrorist caused. It is an alt-right callous lie that morons believe vehemently and without question. They parrot that bullshit endlessly like good useful idiots should.

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