Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

The left hates the second and guns.
If they invested on TENTH the energy on fighting the ghetto and gangsta mindsets that put so little value on human life, that they do in trying to fight the Second and scores of millions of law-abiding firearms-owning loyal Americans...

They could clear up ninety percent of gun-crime without registering a single gun or licensing a single user or vetting a single app...

But that would require honest and critical self-assessment and admission of great culpability...

"The left" is nothing more than a pejorative used by the ignorant who disdain those who challenge everything they have been told to believe.

The claim 90 percent of gun-crime emanates from the ghetto is covert racism and hyperbole.

No evidence supports the conclusion that licensing and registration cannot reduce gun violence in America, violence which far exceeds the gun violence in every other western style democracy.
We (or somebody else who actually gives a flying phukk) can debate your protestations about the label "The Left" some other time, in some other context...

As to the rest, until Blacks convince THEMSELVES that Black LIves Matter, they will continue killing themselves in overwhelming disproportion to their numbers.

It is not hyperbole, although it is, indeed, 'racist', insofar as it acknowleges a difference in behavior between the races in this country.

It is you (The Left's) inability to deal with this Reality that is more responsible than any other factor, in actually addressing the issue and beginning to solve the crisis.

When you (The Left) become more honest with yourselves about Blackand Latino inner-city violence, you will have discovered the Road to Self-Rescue - the only path that is going to take you where you need to go.

I worked my way through college working with inner-city kids of a variety of ethnicity, coaching baseball, basketball, soccer, flag football and even ran chess and ping pong tournaments. I also coached CYO Basketball, LL Baseball and Pony League Baseball for 25 years during the time I worked as a deputy, supervisor and manager with a LE Agency.

What's your experience?
Fourteen years of a daily presence in 30-40 inner-city ghetto and public housing project shit-holes, providing IT oversight and service delivery, services programming, delivery, quality improvement and development (fundraising) and government contract and accrediting organization performance and compliance assurance and routine and substantive interaction with client populations, on behalf of an ancient and revered metropolitan-scale social services agency.

Not to mention a preceding 6 years of IT oversight at the national headquarters level for a nationwide charitable food distribution network with duties encompassing routine interim deployments to inner city feeding programs and their regional mothership food repositories in major cities across the United States and annual compilations of national organization efforts directed towards alleviating poverty and empowering the residents of those dependent areas.

Been there... done that... got the cookie AND the Cracker-Jack toy...

Next slide, please.

Thank you. Similar experiences should lead to similar conclusions on problem definition and a reasonable debate on solutions.

I found teaching (coaching) teams of kids (from pee wees to seniors, 19 and under) an enlightening experience.

In high school I was a jock, and the school I attended was mostly black and white, very few other racial minorities. We, the Whites and Blacks got alone well at school and on the field - but during the lunch hours we tended to self segregate.

At the U. that was not so apparent, the difference may be in the former we were younger, and in the latter older and better educated.

All of that said, MLK was correct, we all - blacks and whites - need to judge each other by our character and not the color of our skin. Too many on this MB and around our country judge people not by who they are but what they look like; by what others who look like them do, and not what the individual does, says and believes.
Suck on this Fakehota

I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

If people cared about having a group like Hillary suggested, one would already exist. Hillary doesn't get it. Or does she think her supporters are too stupid and lazy to do this on their own?

It's just like when libs whined about conservative talk radio and said it was unfair that they didn't have their own. Duh! So, someone must have explained to them how it worked and they started Air America. Then they bitched because it wasn't as popular as the competition and they whined till it went off the air. They probably still can't figure out what went wrong.

People know what they want and they make it happen. When someone offers something they don't want, they reject it. I can see some liberals thinking it's a good idea to start a new group that supports only a few, special people having guns and before long, the left will be scratching their heads wondering why people aren't flocking to the group.
Crazy PEOPLE are the problem. Not guns.
i agree Dillo, in the cases of mass murders, but the other 8000 murdered a year, not so much...

FFL's are trafficking their guns to the black market....27.7% of the guns used in crimes that were confiscated, traced directly back to LEGAL FFL Gun sellers... that's a problem that needs to be addressed.

and 100% can be traced back to the manufacturer. Individuals must be held responsible for what they do with a gun and anything else for that matter.
and individuals should be held responsible...

AND the FFL's who intentionally sell to gun traffickers need to be held responsible as well...
Owning or selling a gun is not the problem. What is it going to take for liberals to see that ?

How about ten years without a mass murder; ten weeks without a suicide or a murder-suicide, or the accidental death of a child playing with a gun.

What will it take to convince you that guns kill people and not every gun owner is or will ever be responsible, sane, sober and law abiding?

When a gun shoots by itself
So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Why? Because it's the law. Move to Texas if this upsets you so. There you can parade around the streets with your beloved gun on your hip & be free from the law you oppose.

You are incorrect!

You should first read the actual open and carry law, and understand a business also has the right to deny open and carry.

Also Texas is not the only state to allow open and carry and you have to be license to open and carry.

You should actually read the law first before making wild claims because I can not parade around with my shotgun and would not anyway!

Open Carry : Texas Concealed Handgun License

i thought open carry was the law of the land in states that allowed hunting. Hard to hunt if you have to conceal your weapon. My opinion is, whatever the police are allowed to do the citizens have the same ability.

Personally I don't think open carry protects a person more then concealed carry. What open carry does is allow a person to know where your weapon is and it might actually be the target of a robbery. Especially women carrying openly.

Police go through a very extensive background check which includes a psychological evaluation.

And we see how well that works out. I don't have a problem with the psychological evaluation, just make it as simple as possible.

Written psyc tests are not simple, they need to be valid and reliable.

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results;
Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure.

The psyc's taken by LE arew both reliable and valid, it cannot predict how life on the streets will later change a persons behavior.

They do weed out many from consideration as an armed agent of the government.
...Thank you...
Da nada.

...Similar experiences should lead to similar conclusions on problem definition...

...and a reasonable debate on solutions...

...I found teaching (coaching) teams of kids (from pee wees to seniors, 19 and under) an enlightening experience...
Exploiting and sustaining opportunities to unleash the Inner Teacher and the Inner Mentor are always worthwhile.

...In high school I was a jock, and the school I attended was mostly black and white, very few other racial minorities. We, the Whites and Blacks got alone well at school and on the field...
I went to a purely White high school - it took a couple of years in the Army to straighten my ass out, with respect to the similarities and differences attributable to each race.

...but during the lunch hours we tended to self segregate...
Understandable. The human psyche is almost always more comfortable in a setting where one's companions look like one's self. Nothing wrong with that, in theory.

...At the U. that was not so apparent, the difference may be in the former we were younger, and in the latter older and better educated...
My University experience came after my stint in the Army, so that wasn't really much of a revelation for me, by that late date.

...All of that said, MLK was correct, we all - blacks and whites - need to judge each other by our character and not the color of our skin...
I agree that he was right as an Ideal. I disagree that he was consistently right in connection with practical application of societal assessment and salient facgtors.

...Too many on this MB and around our country judge people not by who they are but what they look like...
It's the easiest thing in the world to do, and one of the oldest and most profound mind-traps into which one can fall.

We all do it, and there's no shame in recognizing the fact nor in admitting it to ourselves and others, so long as we do not allow such behaviors to rule us or blind us.

There are, however, and admittedly, a sizable number of Automatic Bigots hereabouts who really don't have the street creds, one way or the other.

...by what others who look like them do, and not what the individual does, says and believes.
The only trouble with that is when vast accumulations of 'individual' actions congeal over the years into an unpleasant and inconvenient Group Truth that must be spoken.
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I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

So now we have government dictate what an organization ought to be or look like? Perhaps a candidate might feel a need to establish a rival AFL-CIO, those truly seeking to improve working conditions of the individuals they represent according to the candidate's perspective of the organization? They could argue the organization is corrupt, primarily out to fill their own pockets through a primary goal of acquiring more union paying due members ... and not actual true representation of the workers needs they represent. Just like our healthcare we have a government that "thinks" it knows best for the people, enticing voters with promises they have trouble living up to.
If 4 million reasonable people join the NRA we can depose the radicals and actually achieve the gun reforms reasonable people agree on.
It's a principled move and every Democrat understands that there are many Americans who are single issue voters. But not every gun owner who heard what with The President or HRC said consider their remarks are unreasonable or irrational.

You claim hunters will lose their rights to own a hunting rifle, that claim is not substantiated by anything said by Obama or Clinton!

OK, so be like MLK and start making speeches and get thousands of others who believe as do you to march on DC. A million gun owners at the mall singing we will overcome, and you making an I have a dream speech where one day my little children can bring an AR-15 to second grade show and tell.

Go for it, be a leader!

It's a principled move and every Democrat understands that there are many Americans who are single issue voters. But not every gun owner who heard what with The President or HRC said consider their remarks are unreasonable or irrational.

You claim hunters will lose their rights to own a hunting rifle, that claim is not substantiated by anything said by Obama or Clinton!

OK, so be like MLK and start making speeches and get thousands of others who believe as do you to march on DC. A million gun owners at the mall singing we will overcome, and you making an I have a dream speech where one day my little children can bring an AR-15 to second grade show and tell.

Go for it, be a leader!

Apparently you can't read. Nowhere did I state that hunters would lose any rights. Do you have these spells of dementia often?

Post 118, "I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters?"

The implication being that hunter's are effected by the EO. Why would you include them if it were not an effort to pass on propaganda?

No. I simply stated a fact. You can't accept the fact that many Democrats are gun owners? I hate to break it to you but they really are. Now, since you brought it up and I didn't, many hunters do sell a firearm or two every now and again. A hunter, Democrat or Republican, might own a .243 and is not happy with it and wants to sell it to another hunter, Democrat or Republican, so he can then purchase a .270 or another rifle. It happens. Get real.

Fine, but how does one hunter know that the gun he sells to another hunter is not intended to kill his wife/SO or a dozen strangers eating at a McDonalds'?

Of course no one can be certain, but if everyone who wanted to own a gun was licensed, and therefor vetted, the odds are better that the hunter simply wanted to hunt legally, no poach or murder.
Illinois requires every gun owner to have an FOID card.
Remind me how that lowered gun violence in Chicago.

Gun violence is a symptom of many other socio-economic problems in America, and manifest in the inner cities. It is racists like you who want to blame others, when it is you who create the environment by myopic hate and fear rhetoric, both overt and covert, guised by absurd fiscal and political policies.
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

So now we have government dictate what an organization ought to be or look like? Perhaps a candidate might feel a need to establish a rival AFL-CIO, those truly seeking to improve working conditions of the individuals they represent according to the candidate's perspective of the organization? They could argue the organization is corrupt, primarily out to fill their own pockets through a primary goal of acquiring more union paying due members ... and not actual true representation of the workers needs they represent. Just like our healthcare we have a government that "thinks" it knows best for the people, enticing voters with promises they have trouble living up to.

Sorry but I laughed out loud at this sentence: "Perhaps a candidate might feel a need to establish a rival AFL-CIO, those truly seeking to improve working conditions of the individuals they represent according to the candidate's perspective of the organization?


Congress of Industrial Organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


American Federation of Labor [ushistory.org]

If you knew this i apologize, if not it is history worth knowing.
If 4 million reasonable people join the NRA we can depose the radicals and actually achieve the gun reforms reasonable people agree on.

LOL. So instead of arguing on the merits, your side is left with infiltration and deception.

Just great.
Apparently you can't read. Nowhere did I state that hunters would lose any rights. Do you have these spells of dementia often?

Post 118, "I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters?"

The implication being that hunter's are effected by the EO. Why would you include them if it were not an effort to pass on propaganda?

No. I simply stated a fact. You can't accept the fact that many Democrats are gun owners? I hate to break it to you but they really are. Now, since you brought it up and I didn't, many hunters do sell a firearm or two every now and again. A hunter, Democrat or Republican, might own a .243 and is not happy with it and wants to sell it to another hunter, Democrat or Republican, so he can then purchase a .270 or another rifle. It happens. Get real.

Fine, but how does one hunter know that the gun he sells to another hunter is not intended to kill his wife/SO or a dozen strangers eating at a McDonalds'?

Of course no one can be certain, but if everyone who wanted to own a gun was licensed, and therefor vetted, the odds are better that the hunter simply wanted to hunt legally, no poach or murder.
Illinois requires every gun owner to have an FOID card.
Remind me how that lowered gun violence in Chicago.

Gun violence is a symptom of many other socio-economic problems in America, and manifest in the inner cities. It is racists like you who want to blame others, when it is you who create the environment by myopic hate and fear rhetoric, both overt and covert, guised by absurd fiscal and political policies.
You are correct that gun violence is a symptom of other things. So why do you think laws restricting lawful gun owners will change the underlying causes of it?
The rest of your post is your usual name calling irrational shit. XXXX -- Mod Discretion -- FCT
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If 4 million reasonable people join the NRA we can depose the radicals and actually achieve the gun reforms reasonable people agree on.

LOL. So instead of arguing on the merits, your side is left with infiltration and deception.

Just great.
His side never had anything. He has been unable for years to articulate how anything he or his side has proposed would prevent a single incident of gun violence.
27.7% of guns used in crimes were sold by legally licensed FFL's....

I don't see how ANYONE can not view this as a REAL and JUSTIFIED problem?

It is a problem and the seller should be given life in prison if the crime that resulted from their illegal sale caused a death...

It will make a dealer think twice before illegally selling a gun or a purchaser would also think twice if they are buying the gun legally and then selling it illegally to someone that is not allow to own a gun...

Oh goody!! We need to go our and arrest all the car dealers for murder.
I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters? I also cannot fathom why Obama, who is supposed to be the leader of the Democrat Party, opted to use executive order to infuriate a whole bunch of voters. He could easily have simply done nothing and eased on out of office. His action will cause some who were sitting on the fence to vote against Hillary especially since she has decided to enter the fray as well. There are an awful lot of Democrats and Independents who are heavily into guns. To me, it's a stupid political move on both Obama's and Hillary's part.

It's a principled move and every Democrat understands that there are many Americans who are single issue voters. But not every gun owner who heard what with The President or HRC said consider their remarks are unreasonable or irrational.

You claim hunters will lose their rights to own a hunting rifle, that claim is not substantiated by anything said by Obama or Clinton!

Why should I have to move to exercise my rights?

Segregation was "the law" as well, I guess MLK just should have deferred to the government and let them get away with it......

You haven't answered the question either, why should I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to get a pistol permit?

OK, so be like MLK and start making speeches and get thousands of others who believe as do you to march on DC. A million gun owners at the mall singing we will overcome, and you making an I have a dream speech where one day my little children can bring an AR-15 to second grade show and tell.

Go for it, be a leader!

I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters? I also cannot fathom why Obama, who is supposed to be the leader of the Democrat Party, opted to use executive order to infuriate a whole bunch of voters. He could easily have simply done nothing and eased on out of office. His action will cause some who were sitting on the fence to vote against Hillary especially since she has decided to enter the fray as well. There are an awful lot of Democrats and Independents who are heavily into guns. To me, it's a stupid political move on both Obama's and Hillary's part.

It's a principled move and every Democrat understands that there are many Americans who are single issue voters. But not every gun owner who heard what with The President or HRC said consider their remarks are unreasonable or irrational.

You claim hunters will lose their rights to own a hunting rifle, that claim is not substantiated by anything said by Obama or Clinton!

Why should I have to move to exercise my rights?

Segregation was "the law" as well, I guess MLK just should have deferred to the government and let them get away with it......

You haven't answered the question either, why should I have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to get a pistol permit?

OK, so be like MLK and start making speeches and get thousands of others who believe as do you to march on DC. A million gun owners at the mall singing we will overcome, and you making an I have a dream speech where one day my little children can bring an AR-15 to second grade show and tell.

Go for it, be a leader!

Apparently you can't read. Nowhere did I state that hunters would lose any rights. Do you have these spells of dementia often?

Post 118, "I cannot fathom why Hillary even opened her mouth. Doesn't she realize that many of the Democrat party are NRA members and avid hunters?"

The implication being that hunter's are effected by the EO. Why would you include them if it were not an effort to pass on propaganda?

No. I simply stated a fact. You can't accept the fact that many Democrats are gun owners? I hate to break it to you but they really are. Now, since you brought it up and I didn't, many hunters do sell a firearm or two every now and again. A hunter, Democrat or Republican, might own a .243 and is not happy with it and wants to sell it to another hunter, Democrat or Republican, so he can then purchase a .270 or another rifle. It happens. Get real.

Fine, but how does one hunter know that the gun he sells to another hunter is not intening to kill his wife/SO or a dozen strangers eating at a McDonalds'?

Of course no one can be certain, but if everyone who wanted to own a gun was licensed, and therefor vetted, the odds are better that the hunter simply wanted to hunt legally, not poach or murder.

Well, for that matter my intelligent friend, how in the hell would a hunter with a license who sells a gun to another hunter with a license, know that the hunter with the license wasn't going to use the gun to kill his wife or a bunch of people at McDonalds? Does that license of yours automatically prevent someone from using the gun to murder others. We have had police officers murder their wives.
I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

So now we have government dictate what an organization ought to be or look like? Perhaps a candidate might feel a need to establish a rival AFL-CIO, those truly seeking to improve working conditions of the individuals they represent according to the candidate's perspective of the organization? They could argue the organization is corrupt, primarily out to fill their own pockets through a primary goal of acquiring more union paying due members ... and not actual true representation of the workers needs they represent. Just like our healthcare we have a government that "thinks" it knows best for the people, enticing voters with promises they have trouble living up to.

Sorry but I laughed out loud at this sentence: "Perhaps a candidate might feel a need to establish a rival AFL-CIO, those truly seeking to improve working conditions of the individuals they represent according to the candidate's perspective of the organization?


Congress of Industrial Organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


American Federation of Labor [ushistory.org]

If you knew this i apologize, if not it is history worth knowing.

With regard to my last response, I was stating in "likewise manner" to Hillary's own position, replacing one organization with a view towards another. A candidate may interject their own "view" (just as Mrs Clinton did) upon another organization, I simply chose the AFL-CIO. In case you missed it, I will reiterate it a second time, we are talking about a "candidate's" own personal views of an organization. They may in fact indeed believe the AFL-CIO is corrupt, and lost its way from what it once was. They may feel that the unions primary goal appears to in fact BE acquiring more union paying dues members, over reinvigorating their foundational purpose of finding new ways of improving working conditions in the 21 century. If you happen to be of the position where its not about union dues over working conditions and the financial distribution of union benefits - Do you know the salary of Lonnie R. Stephenson? Do your homework, if you don't happen to have a clue as to who the gentleman in question is and what role he plays.

Incidentally I was once a traveling union member, for 10 years. I sat in their meetings, know about Henry Miller, and participated in their local union elections.

I'd simply like to challenge your vast knowledge.What specific NEW working condition has the union improved on within the last EIGHT years, that has transpired to the benefit of ALL workers as a whole in this new century? For someone as knowledgeable as you brag to be, it shouldn't be hard at all to include this within your next response. I await your response, to see if you can indeed provide an answer to this.
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"Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners"

Actually, NRA members – the vast majority of whom are responsible gun owners – need to demand the Association get out of politics and focus instead on guns and support of appropriate, responsible, and Constitutional gun measures.

Folks like you are the very reason I joined the NRA last month, first time in my in my life. I will encourage them to stand fast against every one of your regressive measures. Here's an idea, how about actually enforcing the current laws on the books and actually hold criminals accountable. Of course that would cost the regressivecrats some votes so you can't have that.
So the NRA is just a political organization, as you spelled out.....

Then fine, there should be a group like the NRA for others that differ, so that it has their ear, and the same type of political slush fund to politician's pockets as the NRA....

Gosh, she's right.....that is what the opposition to the NRA should do, if they really want to muster up a "voice", and be heard.

No, protection of our 2nd A rights are only one function of the NRA, unlike at least 4 regressive organizations, that I can think of, that are dedicated to the destruction of the Constitution.
27.7% of guns used in crimes were sold by legally licensed FFL's....

I don't see how ANYONE can not view this as a REAL and JUSTIFIED problem?

It is a problem and the seller should be given life in prison if the crime that resulted from their illegal sale caused a death...

It will make a dealer think twice before illegally selling a gun or a purchaser would also think twice if they are buying the gun legally and then selling it illegally to someone that is not allow to own a gun...

Oh goody!! We need to go our and arrest all the car dealers for murder.

The FFL that sells to the guy trafficker who distributes the guns to criminals on the street, (the Black Market), and who comes back time and time and time again, buying more guns from the FFL should make the FFL in the least, suspicious, you would think???

I don't know, but it would seem to be that way...?
"Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners"

Actually, NRA members – the vast majority of whom are responsible gun owners – need to demand the Association get out of politics and focus instead on guns and support of appropriate, responsible, and Constitutional gun measures.

Folks like you are the very reason I joined the NRA last month, first time in my in my life. I will encourage them to stand fast against every one of your regressive measures. Here's an idea, how about actually enforcing the current laws on the books and actually hold criminals accountable. Of course that would cost the regressivecrats some votes so you can't have that.
So the NRA is just a political organization, as you spelled out.....

Then fine, there should be a group like the NRA for others that differ, so that it has their ear, and the same type of political slush fund to politician's pockets as the NRA....

Gosh, she's right.....that is what the opposition to the NRA should do, if they really want to muster up a "voice", and be heard.

You have it in Bloomberg


That's only one, they also have the Brady group, Giffords group and the regressivecrat party elite. They will find out soon enough that the rank and file regressives don't support any of them.
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Ironically, the NRA was one of the first groups in America pushing for gun control and regulation.....that was BEFORE the gun manufacturers took over the group to make it a political tool.

No that was before regressives started taking their BS too far.

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