Hillary says NRA needs a "rival" organization of responsible gun owners

Ironically, the NRA was one of the first groups in America pushing for gun control and regulation.....that was BEFORE the gun manufacturers took over the group to make it a political tool.

And thank god we have it, or we would have been disarmed years ago

so you would have supported the NRA back when they supported gun control regulations?

You do know that RR was a Democrat then switched to Republican.

And in 1996, Obama stated Americans should not have guns and then just yesterday, he said he supports 2A

Very confusing


Not confusing at all, he was lying yesterday.
27.7% of guns used in crimes were sold by legally licensed FFL's....

I don't see how ANYONE can not view this as a REAL and JUSTIFIED problem?

Crazy PEOPLE are the problem. Not guns.
i agree Dillo, in the cases of mass murders, but the other 8000 murdered a year, not so much...

FFL's are trafficking their guns to the black market....27.7% of the guns used in crimes that were confiscated, traced directly back to LEGAL FFL Gun sellers... that's a problem that needs to be addressed.

and 100% can be traced back to the manufacturer. Individuals must be held responsible for what they do with a gun and anything else for that matter.
and individuals should be held responsible...

AND the FFL's who intentionally sell to gun traffickers need to be held responsible as well...
Owning or selling a gun is not the problem. What is it going to take for liberals to see that ?
Owning and selling guns to individuals is not a problem, I agree....

but it is a problem when 27.7% of guns being used in a crime within 2 years of the FFL selling them, to Traffickers buying them for the black market/criminal distribution IS A PROBLEM.

I don't want to go after law abiding individuals, but only those who are complicit in getting these guns on to the Black Market and in to criminal's hands.

I understand not going after the good guys, what I don't understand is the resistance even if only going after the bad guys?????????????
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I agree! She said this in an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC earlier this evening. I was an NRA member and strong supporter for several years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. I would like to see a "rival" organization like the NRA was before it was hijacked by radicals.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The rebels wore orange-blaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

Much More: How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Hillary has a rival organization of communists...called the Sanders campaign.
Ironically, the NRA was one of the first groups in America pushing for gun control and regulation.....that was BEFORE the gun manufacturers took over the group to make it a political tool.

And thank god we have it, or we would have been disarmed years ago

so you would have supported the NRA back when they supported gun control regulations?

You do know that RR was a Democrat then switched to Republican.

And in 1996, Obama stated Americans should not have guns and then just yesterday, he said he supports 2A

Very confusing

confusing that RR believed in Gun Control and so did the NRA and then Flipped positions???


Got a link that in 1996 Obama said no one should have guns?
There you go again blaming the gun. Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

The gun is the tool The PERSON USING IT IS THE WEAPON. Idiot.

Move to Europe. No one there has a gun. Your prayers will be answered.

There are lots of tools that you just can't use without extensive training and evaluation. licensing, and continuing education. Try climbing into a big crane without certification and see how long you are allowed to stay there.
Try explaining this. We are a shall issue state, yet there is no problem to speak of except in the mind of liberals.

No problem? 90% of the country wants universal checks.

Sure if that's all you say, if you get into the details, not so much.
There you go again blaming the gun. Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

The gun is the tool The PERSON USING IT IS THE WEAPON. Idiot.

Move to Europe. No one there has a gun. Your prayers will be answered.

There are lots of tools that you just can't use without extensive training and evaluation. licensing, and continuing education. Try climbing into a big crane without certification and see how long you are allowed to stay there.

Is operating a "big crane" a specific Constitutional right?

You idiots come up with some stupid shit.

Not specific, but since it is not denied, yes it is a constitutional right. Still doesn't prevent regulation..

The very definition of regulation is an infringement on activity, what do you fail to understand about "shall not be infringed"?
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Vote the bums out or move.
There you go again blaming the gun. Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

The gun is the tool The PERSON USING IT IS THE WEAPON. Idiot.

Move to Europe. No one there has a gun. Your prayers will be answered.

There are lots of tools that you just can't use without extensive training and evaluation. licensing, and continuing education. Try climbing into a big crane without certification and see how long you are allowed to stay there.

Is operating a "big crane" a specific Constitutional right?

You idiots come up with some stupid shit.

Not specific, but since it is not denied, yes it is a constitutional right. Still doesn't prevent regulation..

The very definition of regulation is an infringement on activity, what do you fail to understand about "shall not be infringed"?

Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Vote the bums out or move.

Good luck with voting them out in NYC. our only hope is the courts.
There you go again blaming the gun. Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

The gun is the tool The PERSON USING IT IS THE WEAPON. Idiot.

Move to Europe. No one there has a gun. Your prayers will be answered.

There are lots of tools that you just can't use without extensive training and evaluation. licensing, and continuing education. Try climbing into a big crane without certification and see how long you are allowed to stay there.

Is operating a "big crane" a specific Constitutional right?

You idiots come up with some stupid shit.

Not specific, but since it is not denied, yes it is a constitutional right. Still doesn't prevent regulation..

The very definition of regulation is an infringement on activity, what do you fail to understand about "shall not be infringed"?

Ask Justice Scalia. Even he says the 2nd Amendment is not unlimited - and he's a NaziCon fruitcake.

No right is unlimited, however when government decides to curtail the right, it has to 1)have an overriding need to do so and 2) use the most non intrusive methods of curtailing the right.

There is no overriding need to make me wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to keep a 6 shot revolver in my house, and it sure as hell not a non intrusive method of trying to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Why? Because it's the law. Move to Texas if this upsets you so. There you can parade around the streets with your beloved gun on your hip & be free from the law you oppose.

This whole damn thread exist because you are trying to take that right away from everyone. Why don't you fucking regressives move your asses to States that have laws you support and leave the rest of us alone? Thank for showing you true face, hypocrite.
Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

Are there any moderate gun owners, are all they all Texas rednecks?

It strikes me all gun owners are right wing madmen

Hmmm, I am a right wing mad man?

No, I live in Texas and own two shotguns, and I am a responsible gun owner. One Shotgun is for hunting Duck, Boar, and wild game and the other is for land protection.

My one shotgun is in a locked closet and come out during hunting season while the other is on a rack where i can grab it quickly.

My shotguns are never loaded but both have a sleeve to hold shells that can be loaded quickly.

So what part of what I have is not reasonable to you?

Do you believe someone like me should not be allow to hunt?

How about protecting my land against wild dogs?

I find it strange that those like you believe there is no reasonable gun owners and believe everyone that own a gun is some lunatic...

Most of us who support gun control measures do not see gun owners as you self report to be the problem. And most of us responsible supporters of rational gun laws do not support the repeal of the 2nd A. We want people properly vetted.

I for one want to see all gun owners licensed and all guns registered on a State by State basis. Let Texas do what they want, and allow California citizens to vote to license and register or not.

In fact I'd grandfather in all current gun owners and not require that they be licensed or register their guns, the only restriction being they could only sell their gun to a licensed person or dealer, and could only buy an additional gun or guns if they became licensed and registered their new gun along with those already owned by them.

So someone gets more rights than me because they got there first?

Again, I don't trust any more gun control legislation while my rights in NYC continue to be infringed.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $1000 to get a handgun permit for my own home?

Why? Because it's the law. Move to Texas if this upsets you so. There you can parade around the streets with your beloved gun on your hip & be free from the law you oppose.

This whole damn thread exist because you are trying to take that right away from everyone. Why don't you fucking regressives move your asses to States that have laws you support and leave the rest of us alone? Thank for showing you true face, hypocrite.

We don't want anymore of them either.
The National Rifle Association is doing exactly what its members want it to do - defending the American People in their Right to Bear Arms.

Integral to that defense is opposition to each and every attempt by Big Government to curtail or impede or strip away such rights, or to make them more difficult to exercise.

The idea of a National Gun Club Comprised of Members Who Think Like Hillary Does is (a) doomed to failure and (b) residing only in some weird Alternate Universe.

Only one of a vast number of ideas - each as useful as a screen door in a submarine - likely to flow from the fevered brow of the HildaBeast, if we are foolish enough to let her.

There are a number of things that the NRA does, to try to impede forward progress on reasonable gun-control, that Americans should probably not let them get away with.

But that's on us, not them.

Reasonable to who, fucking idiot regressives?
The Left has actually tried this numerous times. It always fails. Because the NRA represents responsible gun owners.
The Left is terrified of them because they are the most effective lobby in Washington.
Not the left, just the Democrats.
The NRA is a responsible gun ownership association. They sponsor more courses teaching people how to use guns than any other association or government program. How come we can't teach kids about guns in school? The anti-gun people think that is to dangerous. IT is better to let kids find out on their own. Trial and error...ooops...little tommy just shot his best friend because he didn't know what to do when he saw a gun.

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