Hillary Signed "Islamaphobia" Treaty Last December. It's Done And Now We're Screwed

Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

And they support removing the First Amendment from the Constitution to achieve that end.
That's not pragmatic, that's impeachable.
First of all this is a policy, not a treaty, treaties have to be ratified by the senate and that will never happen, mainly because the OIC is not a nation and has no standing to enter in a treaty. And the policy will go away when Maobama goes away. So wait a few months, things will change.
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

The Muslim world is going to have to learn that you can't blame an entire country for what one asshole says or does.

Far as I can see bigotry is Islam's greatest fault.
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Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

That video is NOT the reason they attacked the embassy.

The liberal's lying rhetoric about that film is what is causing protests though. It's liberals that are inciting more violence.

Oh and the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Is hillary going to apologize for that?

The reason the video was used as an excuse is because this is an election year and as I pointed out, this administration has signed away their right to be critical of the radicals that would violently protest this country.

The Obama Administration has painted itself into this corner with it's policies of appeasement.
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:
Fuck you! This is a free country. Islam doesn't give a fuck who they offend!

They sure don't and the jihadist have no trouble lopping of a head or two on Al Jazera.

What a bunch of bullshit. Muslims are trying to kill us and anyone else they can kill.

They also have no problem killing Christians and burning bibles.

Apparantly whats good for the goose isn't good for the gander in Barrys world.
Fuck you! This is a free country. Islam doesn't give a fuck who they offend!
Having a meltdown junior?? :lol: :lol:

Why is a simple "fuck you" often translated into a meltdown? Islam is the most pompous, hypocritical religious political group on the face of this earth.

You cannot make fun of our "religion"!
We will kill you if you do not believe as we do!

A simple "fuck you" is not out of order in response to that kind of bullshit and is certainly not a meltdown.

Appeasing Muslims to keep from hurting their feelings is ludicrous when one stops to think that they HATE YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU!
Fuck you! This is a free country. Islam doesn't give a fuck who they offend!
Having a meltdown junior?? :lol: :lol:

Why is a simple "fuck you" often translated into a meltdown? Islam is the most pompous, hypocritical religious political group on the face of this earth. Actually catholicism is.

You cannot make fun of our "religion"!
We will kill you if you do not believe as we do!

A simple "fuck you" is not out of order in response to that kind of bullshit and is certainly not a meltdown.

Appeasing Muslims to keep from hurting their feelings is ludicrous when one stops to think that they HATE YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU!

The radicals aren't muslim. Muslims hate them too. Afghanistan used to be a nice place until the taliban fucked everything up. The radicals simply hide behind religion, like the far right.
Having a meltdown junior?? :lol: :lol:

Why is a simple "fuck you" often translated into a meltdown? Islam is the most pompous, hypocritical religious political group on the face of this earth. Actually catholicism is.

You cannot make fun of our "religion"!
We will kill you if you do not believe as we do!

A simple "fuck you" is not out of order in response to that kind of bullshit and is certainly not a meltdown.

Appeasing Muslims to keep from hurting their feelings is ludicrous when one stops to think that they HATE YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU!

The radicals aren't muslim. Muslims hate them too. Afghanistan used to be a nice place until the taliban fucked everything up. The radicals simply hide behind religion, like the far right.

Funny I don't see any "far right" folks lopping off heads or blowing anyone up. Do you??

AS for the radical Muslims. I don't see any Muslims doing anything to curtail what the radicals are doing. Do you?? They certainly aren't putting a stop to anything those dirtbags are doing. Kinda wonder how much hate they really have for folks who cut off heads and kill folks with suicide bombs.

As for Astan being a nice place?? I guess you gotta be there to appreciate just how nice it is.
Both Obama and Hillary are pragmatists who realize that offending 25% of the words population that is muslim so that some nitwits can post pictures and make films defaming Islam is stupid and a bad policy for our country. :cool:

And they support removing the First Amendment from the Constitution to achieve that end.
That's not pragmatic, that's impeachable.

And that can't be done without a new amendment to the Constitution. Some how I don't think that's gonna happen......
Did she ride a black helicopter to the meeting? Were her blue-helmeted stormtroopers with her?

(I wish I thought of that second one myself, but that comes from the NRA's fundraising phone calls.)
Why is a simple "fuck you" often translated into a meltdown? Islam is the most pompous, hypocritical religious political group on the face of this earth. Actually catholicism is.

You cannot make fun of our "religion"!
We will kill you if you do not believe as we do!

A simple "fuck you" is not out of order in response to that kind of bullshit and is certainly not a meltdown.

Appeasing Muslims to keep from hurting their feelings is ludicrous when one stops to think that they HATE YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU!

The radicals aren't muslim. Muslims hate them too. Afghanistan used to be a nice place until the taliban fucked everything up. The radicals simply hide behind religion, like the far right.

Funny I don't see any "far right" folks lopping off heads or blowing anyone up. Do you??

AS for the radical Muslims. I don't see any Muslims doing anything to curtail what the radicals are doing. Do you?? They certainly aren't putting a stop to anything those dirtbags are doing. Kinda wonder how much hate they really have for folks who cut off heads and kill folks with suicide bombs.

As for Astan being a nice place?? I guess you gotta be there to appreciate just how nice it is.

Yeah cause in America unjust killings never happend.......

American Lynching [PHOTOS]
The radicals aren't muslim. Muslims hate them too. Afghanistan used to be a nice place until the taliban fucked everything up. The radicals simply hide behind religion, like the far right.

Funny I don't see any "far right" folks lopping off heads or blowing anyone up. Do you??

AS for the radical Muslims. I don't see any Muslims doing anything to curtail what the radicals are doing. Do you?? They certainly aren't putting a stop to anything those dirtbags are doing. Kinda wonder how much hate they really have for folks who cut off heads and kill folks with suicide bombs.

As for Astan being a nice place?? I guess you gotta be there to appreciate just how nice it is.

Yeah cause in America unjust killings never happend.......

American Lynching [PHOTOS]

Lynchings by Democrats no less.

Democrats invented cross-burnings so why would they ever change their spots by not siding with violent relgious radical assholes.
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The Muslim world is going to have to learn that you can't blame an entire country for what one asshole says or does.

Far as I can see bigotry is Islam's greatest fault.

If you don't count murder, terrorism, and misogyny; that is...
Funny I don't see any "far right" folks lopping off heads or blowing anyone up. Do you??

AS for the radical Muslims. I don't see any Muslims doing anything to curtail what the radicals are doing. Do you?? They certainly aren't putting a stop to anything those dirtbags are doing. Kinda wonder how much hate they really have for folks who cut off heads and kill folks with suicide bombs.

As for Astan being a nice place?? I guess you gotta be there to appreciate just how nice it is.

Yeah cause in America unjust killings never happend.......

American Lynching [PHOTOS]

Lynchings by Democrats no less.

Democrats invented cross-burnings so why would they ever change their spots by not siding with violent relgious radical assholes.

Southern Democrats who now associate exclusively with the Repubican Party. Look at the bulk of Red States. All south. Why do you think that is?
Sure. Give us a link. Southern lynching were by whites against opponents. Show us where GOP members did not participate. You can't. Your argument is hollow. End of story.

Funny I don't see any "far right" folks lopping off heads or blowing anyone up. Do you??

AS for the radical Muslims. I don't see any Muslims doing anything to curtail what the radicals are doing. Do you?? They certainly aren't putting a stop to anything those dirtbags are doing. Kinda wonder how much hate they really have for folks who cut off heads and kill folks with suicide bombs.

As for Astan being a nice place?? I guess you gotta be there to appreciate just how nice it is.

Yeah cause in America unjust killings never happend.......

American Lynching [PHOTOS]

Lynchings by Democrats no less.

Democrats invented cross-burnings so why would they ever change their spots by not siding with violent relgious radical assholes.
^^^^^^^ LOL, one meltdown defending another meltdown!! :lol: :lol:

You are simply too quick to pull the trigger in defining a meltdown. I think you do not know what a meltdown is.

A meltdown is when one goes berserk and screams things one doesn't say under mormal conditions. You take what I say under normal conditions and call it a meltdown. That's your mistake. I talk like that ALL the TIME.

:flameth: ALL radical Muslims and their children!
Yeah cause in America unjust killings never happend.......

American Lynching [PHOTOS]

Lynchings by Democrats no less.

Democrats invented cross-burnings so why would they ever change their spots by not siding with violent relgious radical assholes.

Southern Democrats who now associate exclusively with the Repubican Party. Look at the bulk of Red States. All south. Why do you think that is?

I call it living in the past and ignorance on your part.

Things have changed in the South since the 60s. One thing that hasn't changed here is that many of the worst bigots here still vote Democrat exclusively.

Why do I know?

Because they often tell me.

Many have said they can't vote for a Muslim. I told one that being Muslim isn't against the law, at least last time I checked.

These Dems usually vote for Democrats. Our Governor is a Dem btw.
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