Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

How experts determine if Obama others are best presidents

A June 2014 Quinnipiac poll of about 1,400 registered voters had Reagan at the top, with 35 percent ranking him as the best president since World War II. Obama finished in fourth place among the best presidents, but he was also named the worst president by 33 percent of those polls, edging out his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Hmmm, 1,400 from a conservative poll. Wow, didn't see that coming.

Totally hilarious, Obama and Mrs. Clinton are the most admired man and woman in the world.


I wonder if Palin is the most laughed at?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

Friday, June 05, 2015

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 23% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.

POLL Voters don t trust Hillary Clinton - Business Insider

Americans appear to be suspicious of Hillary Rodham Clinton's honesty, and even many Democrats are only lukewarm about her presidential candidacy, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

Is she strong and decisive? Yes, say a majority of people. But inspiring and likable? Only a minority think so.

Clinton's struggles to explain her email practices while in government, along with questions about the Clinton Foundation and Republican criticism of her openness, wealth and trustworthiness seem to have struck a nerve in the public's perception of the dominant Democratic figure in the 2016 campaign. In the survey, 61 percent said "honest" describes her only slightly well or not at all.

Nearly four in 10 Democrats, and more than six in 10 independents agreed that "honest" was not the best word for her.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-voters-dont-trust-hillary-clinton-2015-5#ixzz3cDAa3yej
LMAO Her numbers are horrid among Independents

Gallup found the independent total last year at 42 percent, the highest since it began asking 25 years ago. One-fourth identified themselves as Republicans, the worst showing during that span. Thirty-one percent said they were Democrats, down 5 percentage points from 2008, when President Barack Obama was first elected.

Read more here: WASHINGTON As independent voters 146 numbers rise GOP hurt most Congress McClatchy DC
How experts determine if Obama others are best presidents

A June 2014 Quinnipiac poll of about 1,400 registered voters had Reagan at the top, with 35 percent ranking him as the best president since World War II. Obama finished in fourth place among the best presidents, but he was also named the worst president by 33 percent of those polls, edging out his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Hmmm, 1,400 from a conservative poll. Wow, didn't see that coming.

Totally hilarious, Obama and Mrs. Clinton are the most admired man and woman in the world.


I wonder if Palin is the most laughed at?

Here's a poll for you, Reagan bitch slapped the Democrats twice in national elections now that's a poll.

OH! You mean the way Obama slapped the Reps down for two elections? The butt hurt continues...:badgrin:

Are you honestly going to compare the bitch slap Reagan put on the Dem's with Obama's wins? lol Speaking of epic beatings, the fool lied his way into a 2nd term and when those lies became obvious to the American people they ground pounded Dem's in 2014 to punish him. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find fewer Dem's in congress, that's a beat down.
LMAO Her numbers are horrid among Independents

Gallup found the independent total last year at 42 percent, the highest since it began asking 25 years ago. One-fourth identified themselves as Republicans, the worst showing during that span. Thirty-one percent said they were Democrats, down 5 percentage points from 2008, when President Barack Obama was first elected.

Read more here: WASHINGTON As independent voters 146 numbers rise GOP hurt most Congress McClatchy DC

Doesn't take away the fact the Independent vote isn't behind Cankles, loon
How experts determine if Obama others are best presidents

A June 2014 Quinnipiac poll of about 1,400 registered voters had Reagan at the top, with 35 percent ranking him as the best president since World War II. Obama finished in fourth place among the best presidents, but he was also named the worst president by 33 percent of those polls, edging out his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Hmmm, 1,400 from a conservative poll. Wow, didn't see that coming.

Totally hilarious, Obama and Mrs. Clinton are the most admired man and woman in the world.


I wonder if Palin is the most laughed at?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

Friday, June 05, 2015

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 23% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.

POLL Voters don t trust Hillary Clinton - Business Insider

Americans appear to be suspicious of Hillary Rodham Clinton's honesty, and even many Democrats are only lukewarm about her presidential candidacy, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

Is she strong and decisive? Yes, say a majority of people. But inspiring and likable? Only a minority think so.

Clinton's struggles to explain her email practices while in government, along with questions about the Clinton Foundation and Republican criticism of her openness, wealth and trustworthiness seem to have struck a nerve in the public's perception of the dominant Democratic figure in the 2016 campaign. In the survey, 61 percent said "honest" describes her only slightly well or not at all.

Nearly four in 10 Democrats, and more than six in 10 independents agreed that "honest" was not the best word for her.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-voters-dont-trust-hillary-clinton-2015-5#ixzz3cDAa3yej

Since no one knows who he GOP will field your remarks are idiotic.

But them of course most Obamabots are idiotic.

Never mind.
We need a fool-proof electronic one-person, one vote system that takes the counting away from Democrat Party Bosses.

"First, the system had to use inexpensive, off-the-shelf hardware. Second, voters had to know that their votes were counted accurately and that the election outcome was correct. Third, voter privacy had to be protected — in particular, vote-selling had to be impossible, allowing no way for a voter to show anyone else their vote. And finally, it had to be convenient and practical, requiring few extra steps for voters or election officials."

Building a More Secure Electronic Voting System DiscoverMagazine.com
As long as they lose, Republicans will never, ever believe the election was fair.

As long as Democrat control the vote count, the election can never be fair
We need a fool-proof electronic one-person, one vote system that takes the counting away from Democrat Party Bosses.

"First, the system had to use inexpensive, off-the-shelf hardware. Second, voters had to know that their votes were counted accurately and that the election outcome was correct. Third, voter privacy had to be protected — in particular, vote-selling had to be impossible, allowing no way for a voter to show anyone else their vote. And finally, it had to be convenient and practical, requiring few extra steps for voters or election officials."

Building a More Secure Electronic Voting System DiscoverMagazine.com
As long as they lose, Republicans will never, ever believe the election was fair.

As long as Democrat control the vote count, the election can never be fair

VOTER FRAUD! VOTER FRAUD! You people are pathetic! You lose and you whine....:boohoo::crybaby:
You can tell that Voter Fraud is truly massive when Democrats in Philly are getting busted for it
We need a fool-proof electronic one-person, one vote system that takes the counting away from Democrat Party Bosses.

"First, the system had to use inexpensive, off-the-shelf hardware. Second, voters had to know that their votes were counted accurately and that the election outcome was correct. Third, voter privacy had to be protected — in particular, vote-selling had to be impossible, allowing no way for a voter to show anyone else their vote. And finally, it had to be convenient and practical, requiring few extra steps for voters or election officials."

Building a More Secure Electronic Voting System DiscoverMagazine.com
As long as they lose, Republicans will never, ever believe the election was fair.

As long as Democrat control the vote count, the election can never be fair

VOTER FRAUD! VOTER FRAUD! You people are pathetic! You lose and you whine....:boohoo::crybaby:

Al Franken.

900 'found' felon votes.
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News
They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
“What's happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to the other,” she told students at Texas Southern University, a historically black college in Houston.
Except that its a lie.
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.

So the hildabeas lies and you swallow it gladly. TX hasn't changed it's early voting in the almost 20 years I've been voting here. Polls are open till 7pm and if voting is a priority for an individual they get to the polls, if it's not, screw'em.

Exactly. WTF its not like election night is a secret if you want to vote go vote its not rocket science. Is the Dem base really that pathetic that they need 20 days of government hand holding and coddling to cast a vote good lord.

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