Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.
No record to run on?

What have Republicans accomplished in the last eight years?
No record to run on?

What have Republicans accomplished in the last eight years?

Well, some things were "accomplished"...... Boehner got a much richer, darker, orangie tan....and McConnell's jowls have dropped 4 centimeters,
Gallup found the independent total last year at 42 percent, the highest since it began asking 25 years ago. One-fourth identified themselves as Republicans, the worst showing during that span. Thirty-one percent said they were Democrats, down 5 percentage points from 2008, when President Barack Obama was first elected.

Read more here: WASHINGTON As independent voters 146 numbers rise GOP hurt most Congress McClatchy DC

Do we need to explain to R-W'ers that "one fourth" is 6 points LESS than 31%?.....Probably !!!
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
They have no answer? LOL

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican considering a presidential run, accused Clinton on Friday of "demagoguery."

...However, Ohio has an extensive early-voting period of nearly a month. And Kasich noted Clinton's state of New York doesn't even offer that kind of early-voting period.

"Don't come in and say we are trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting," Kasich told Fox News. "And she is going to sue my state? That's just silly."

In a statement, Walker responded to the criticism leveled by the Democratic candidate: "Hillary Clinton's rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic, but the will of the majority of Americans. Once again, Hillary Clinton's extreme views are far outside the mainstream."

Christie, at a stop in New Hampshire Friday, said, "Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey ... or in the other states that she attacked." He said she just wants "an opportunity to commit greater acts [of] voter fraud around the country."

Perry, speaking with Fox News on Friday morning, defended voter ID laws.

"When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday I had to show my photo ID. Now, Hillary Clinton may not have had to show a photo ID to get onto an airplane in a long time," he quipped. "The people of the state of Texas is who she's taking on. Because that was a law that was passed by the people of the state of Texas. She just went into my home state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to either get onto an airplane or to vote."{/quote]

Dividing Americans Potential GOP rivals assail Clinton over fiery voting law speech Fox News
Perhaps you should do some reading before you make idiotic remarks like that.

Yup, maybe a good reason Mitt lost Ohio?
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
They have no answer? LOL

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican considering a presidential run, accused Clinton on Friday of "demagoguery."

...However, Ohio has an extensive early-voting period of nearly a month. And Kasich noted Clinton's state of New York doesn't even offer that kind of early-voting period.

"Don't come in and say we are trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting," Kasich told Fox News. "And she is going to sue my state? That's just silly."

In a statement, Walker responded to the criticism leveled by the Democratic candidate: "Hillary Clinton's rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic, but the will of the majority of Americans. Once again, Hillary Clinton's extreme views are far outside the mainstream."

Christie, at a stop in New Hampshire Friday, said, "Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey ... or in the other states that she attacked." He said she just wants "an opportunity to commit greater acts [of] voter fraud around the country."

Perry, speaking with Fox News on Friday morning, defended voter ID laws.

"When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday I had to show my photo ID. Now, Hillary Clinton may not have had to show a photo ID to get onto an airplane in a long time," he quipped. "The people of the state of Texas is who she's taking on. Because that was a law that was passed by the people of the state of Texas. She just went into my home state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to either get onto an airplane or to vote."{/quote]

Dividing Americans Potential GOP rivals assail Clinton over fiery voting law speech Fox News
Perhaps you should do some reading before you make idiotic remarks like that.

Yup, maybe a good reason Mitt lost Ohio?
Strange, I didn't say anything about Mitt. I did however, prove you wrong with regard to your statement that the GOP has no answer to Hilary's race card failure.

Perhaps you're confused?
So what is the GOP answer for cutting voting hours and making it harder for college students to vote? Why do they continually try to keep voters away from the polls? Do you have an answer or are you just another "bash Hillary" repub?

ANY group that overwhelmingly votes democrat, WILL BE TARGETED by state republicans......

OH RIGHT, like we have special rules just for the commiecrats. Get a freaking life.
Given current demographics and an aging base, can Repubublicans survive without voter suppression?
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
They have no answer? LOL

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican considering a presidential run, accused Clinton on Friday of "demagoguery."

...However, Ohio has an extensive early-voting period of nearly a month. And Kasich noted Clinton's state of New York doesn't even offer that kind of early-voting period.

"Don't come in and say we are trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting," Kasich told Fox News. "And she is going to sue my state? That's just silly."

In a statement, Walker responded to the criticism leveled by the Democratic candidate: "Hillary Clinton's rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic, but the will of the majority of Americans. Once again, Hillary Clinton's extreme views are far outside the mainstream."

Christie, at a stop in New Hampshire Friday, said, "Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey ... or in the other states that she attacked." He said she just wants "an opportunity to commit greater acts [of] voter fraud around the country."

Perry, speaking with Fox News on Friday morning, defended voter ID laws.

"When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday I had to show my photo ID. Now, Hillary Clinton may not have had to show a photo ID to get onto an airplane in a long time," he quipped. "The people of the state of Texas is who she's taking on. Because that was a law that was passed by the people of the state of Texas. She just went into my home state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to either get onto an airplane or to vote."{/quote]

Dividing Americans Potential GOP rivals assail Clinton over fiery voting law speech Fox News
Perhaps you should do some reading before you make idiotic remarks like that.

Yup, maybe a good reason Mitt lost Ohio?
Strange, I didn't say anything about Mitt. I did however, prove you wrong with regard to your statement that the GOP has no answer to Hilary's race card failure.

Perhaps you're confused?

If the GOP could get away with it, they would restrict voting in the poor and minority areas. Still no answer on GOP voter suppression, huh?
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
They have no answer? LOL

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican considering a presidential run, accused Clinton on Friday of "demagoguery."

...However, Ohio has an extensive early-voting period of nearly a month. And Kasich noted Clinton's state of New York doesn't even offer that kind of early-voting period.

"Don't come in and say we are trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting," Kasich told Fox News. "And she is going to sue my state? That's just silly."

In a statement, Walker responded to the criticism leveled by the Democratic candidate: "Hillary Clinton's rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic, but the will of the majority of Americans. Once again, Hillary Clinton's extreme views are far outside the mainstream."

Christie, at a stop in New Hampshire Friday, said, "Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey ... or in the other states that she attacked." He said she just wants "an opportunity to commit greater acts [of] voter fraud around the country."

Perry, speaking with Fox News on Friday morning, defended voter ID laws.

"When I got on the airline to come up here yesterday I had to show my photo ID. Now, Hillary Clinton may not have had to show a photo ID to get onto an airplane in a long time," he quipped. "The people of the state of Texas is who she's taking on. Because that was a law that was passed by the people of the state of Texas. She just went into my home state and dissed every person who supports having an identification to either get onto an airplane or to vote."{/quote]

Dividing Americans Potential GOP rivals assail Clinton over fiery voting law speech Fox News
Perhaps you should do some reading before you make idiotic remarks like that.

Yup, maybe a good reason Mitt lost Ohio?
Strange, I didn't say anything about Mitt. I did however, prove you wrong with regard to your statement that the GOP has no answer to Hilary's race card failure.

Perhaps you're confused?

If the GOP could get away with it, they would restrict voting in the poor and minority areas. Still no answer on GOP voter suppression, huh?
You live in some strange world. The GOP has no interest in restricting the vote of anyone. You should stop taking drugged out talking points to heart and learn to face reality.

Have a nice night.
Say what? First of all you have to be from Mars to think that the arcane definition of "fear mongering" translates to "voter suppression". It doesn't even make sense.
Any independents will probably be going with libertarian party or Bernie Sanders.

Just like I shouldn't have to go through a bunch of shit in order to exercise my right to bear arms, I shouldn't have to go through a bunch of shit in order to exercise my right to vote. Voter ID falls under that.
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.
No record to run on?

What have Republicans accomplished in the last eight years?

WAIT! They shut down the Government a couple times! That was front page news.
Given current demographics and an aging base, can Repubublicans survive without voter suppression?

Probably not....at least under the current GOP policies' platform....

By 2040 or so, 35% of all eligible voters will be blacks and Hispanic/Latinos.....Keep your eye on Texas who will turn purple even before that 2040 time period.....If the GOP loses Texas, gaining the WH is almost an impossibility in electoral votes.
Say what? First of all you have to be from Mars to think that the arcane definition of "fear mongering" translates to "voter suppression". It doesn't even make sense.

No, not really from Mars......

Christie "clever" response to Hillary's claim is that she (Hillary) is promoting voter fraud....which, to many right wingers, is a dog whistle call that elections are stolen; ergo..FEAR-MONGERING !!!

If I had the platform, I'd gather up ALL the incidences of voter fraud and clearly show that, statistically, its like allowing Martians to also vote.
You libs need to come to grips with the facts, Hillary is no Bill Clinton and Hillary is no Barack Obama. She is JV at best.

Dems are obviously hoping for the same winning combo from the past 2 prez elections ... a first timer (woman this time) and disdain for Repub bumbling.

Lets be honest without virtually the entire MSM flying cover for Obama and their epic display of bias the clown never would have been elected or re-elected.

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