Hillary Spending 53 to 1 over Trump

Sheesh .. all those payoffs from her status quo owners and she's still a loser... :popcorn:


With seven weeks until Election Day, Hillary Clinton and her allies are set to outspend Donald Trump and his allies by wide margins during the homestretch.

A whopping 95 percent of all campaign television ad spending scheduled between today and Election Day — more than $143 million worth — comes from Clinton’s team, according to an ABC News analysis of CMAG/Kantar Media data.

Team Clinton will spend $143.2 million on television ads, versus only $6.8 million for Team Trump.

Team Clinton Future Ads

Florida: $36.6 million
Ohio: $20.9 million
Pennsylvania: $18.8 million
North Carolina: $14.3 million
Nevada: $10.1 million
New Hampshire: $7.3 million
Iowa: $7.1 million
Colorado: $5.8 million
Virginia: $0.5 million
Nebraska: $0.2 million
National: $21.6 million
Total: $143.2 million

Team Trump Future Ads
Ohio: $1.8 million
Pennsylvania: $1.5 million
North Carolina: $1.3 million
Florida: $0.7 million
Colorado: $0.3 million
Iowa: $0.2 million
New Hampshire: $0.1 million
Maine: $0.1 million
National: $0.6 million
Total: $6.8 million

Clinton Slated to Spend 53 Times as Much as Trump on Florida TV Ads

Hillary isn't spending anything except on Parkinson's medication.[/QUOT
Same kind of spending ratios of the other Republican candidates spending in the primary vs. Trump's own spending....

However Trump still HAD MORE advertising during the primaries than all of his opponents combined.... $1.5 billion (dollars) of FREE advertising by the main stream media, was the calculation for the FREE advertising he got during the primary

Donald's advertising, was and still is 'gotten' for FREE by him.

He's a genius with working the press and saying outrageous things, that simply HAVE TO BE covered by the media! :lol:


The question is will the media start to actually worry about something more than ratings and money... At some point someone in a TV station must listen to the economic advisor and go 'Oh Shit'... Ratings are nice but if this idiot tanks the economy we are screwed...

Then the training wheels could be taken off Trump... He is getting away with a lot at the moment.. the closer the white house the fun stops and serious questions have to get answered...

Then again they media could give him the free ride...

You must not listen or read the Hillary's news bobbleheads, they're fully dedicated to screwing over Trump with frivolous charges and innuendos 24/7..

Granted, you may not notice because they're saying and writing what you absolutely want to hear and read....:itsok:
Of course it is filled with outrageous stuff, but that is because this is what Donald wants, it's the only way he can get them to cover him 24/7 and to Donald, any news or reporting on him is GOOD....he has ALWAYS, his entire life, taken that to the limit....ALWAYS...from negative news about his divorce, from is open affair with Marla, before his divorce and marla being at the same hotel as Ivana when Trump was on a family vacation and Marla running in to Ivana on the slopes and a huge scene and tabloid news for at least a month....Donald set it up.... And then there was him planting in the NY POST that story about Marla saying he was the "Best sex she ever had"....she never told the Post that....Donald set up the article and Marla was embarrassed and horrified!

Saying these outrageous things, is WHY he gets the free coverage....yes it is negative, but truly HE DOES NOT CARE about that Lumpy, he really doesn't...even if he says he does, it's all a show, for more FREE coverage. I'm telling ya, as an ex product marketing manager as my last job.....the guy's a marketing genius....even if it is all lies. :p

And he's not wrong, all advertising is good, even when negative, it keeps the Trump name alive!

Well, I wasn't referring to that kinda fluffy girly stuff but it's interesting that you do... :shock:

I was refering to Trumps political views and such and the Hillary news bobbleheads parroting/propagandizing whatever she desires 24/7, regardless of reality.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well....they have been 10 times harder on her... and with Donald, when he says something unAmerican or outrageous, they cover it for about a nano-second, never go in to depth, and that is BECAUSE Donald has created a NEW outrageous thing to say and the press moves on to it.

No one even knows who Donald Trump really is and here it is, over a year of nonsensical coverage.

the press IS doing a crappy job, not because they are negative, but because they have NOT covered issue on donald that have really needed to be covered.... only now, they are starting to vet him, 15 months after his entrance in the race, and early voting in some states starts in a week....

your bitch may be valid, but the left side's bitch about the press is valid as well.

Careforall, you are a mental case.
Same kind of spending ratios of the other Republican candidates spending in the primary vs. Trump's own spending....

However Trump still HAD MORE advertising during the primaries than all of his opponents combined.... $1.5 billion (dollars) of FREE advertising by the main stream media, was the calculation for the FREE advertising he got during the primary

Donald's advertising, was and still is 'gotten' for FREE by him.

He's a genius with working the press and saying outrageous things, that simply HAVE TO BE covered by the media! :lol:


The question is will the media start to actually worry about something more than ratings and money... At some point someone in a TV station must listen to the economic advisor and go 'Oh Shit'... Ratings are nice but if this idiot tanks the economy we are screwed...

Then the training wheels could be taken off Trump... He is getting away with a lot at the moment.. the closer the white house the fun stops and serious questions have to get answered...

Then again they media could give him the free ride...

You must not listen or read the Hillary's news bobbleheads, they're fully dedicated to screwing over Trump with frivolous charges and innuendos 24/7..

Granted, you may not notice because they're saying and writing what you absolutely want to hear and read....:itsok:
Of course it is filled with outrageous stuff, but that is because this is what Donald wants, it's the only way he can get them to cover him 24/7 and to Donald, any news or reporting on him is GOOD....he has ALWAYS, his entire life, taken that to the limit....ALWAYS...from negative news about his divorce, from is open affair with Marla, before his divorce and marla being at the same hotel as Ivana when Trump was on a family vacation and Marla running in to Ivana on the slopes and a huge scene and tabloid news for at least a month....Donald set it up.... And then there was him planting in the NY POST that story about Marla saying he was the "Best sex she ever had"....she never told the Post that....Donald set up the article and Marla was embarrassed and horrified!

Saying these outrageous things, is WHY he gets the free coverage....yes it is negative, but truly HE DOES NOT CARE about that Lumpy, he really doesn't...even if he says he does, it's all a show, for more FREE coverage. I'm telling ya, as an ex product marketing manager as my last job.....the guy's a marketing genius....even if it is all lies. :p

And he's not wrong, all advertising is good, even when negative, it keeps the Trump name alive!

Well, I wasn't referring to that kinda fluffy girly stuff but it's interesting that you do... :shock:

I was refering to Trumps political views and such and the Hillary news bobbleheads parroting/propagandizing whatever she desires 24/7, regardless of reality.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well....they have been 10 times harder on her... and with Donald, when he says something unAmerican or outrageous, they cover it for about a nano-second, never go in to depth, and that is BECAUSE Donald has created a NEW outrageous thing to say and the press moves on to it.

No one even knows who Donald Trump really is and here it is, over a year of nonsensical coverage.

the press IS doing a crappy job, not because they are negative, but because they have NOT covered issues on donald that have really needed to be covered.... only now, they are starting to vet him, 15 months after his entrance in the race, and early voting in some states starts in a week....

your bitch may be valid, but the left side's bitch about the press is valid as well.

NBC has been tough on Trump, I'm not sure about the other networks because I really don't watch them.

The question is will the media start to actually worry about something more than ratings and money... At some point someone in a TV station must listen to the economic advisor and go 'Oh Shit'... Ratings are nice but if this idiot tanks the economy we are screwed...

Then the training wheels could be taken off Trump... He is getting away with a lot at the moment.. the closer the white house the fun stops and serious questions have to get answered...

Then again they media could give him the free ride...

You must not listen or read the Hillary's news bobbleheads, they're fully dedicated to screwing over Trump with frivolous charges and innuendos 24/7..

Granted, you may not notice because they're saying and writing what you absolutely want to hear and read....:itsok:
Of course it is filled with outrageous stuff, but that is because this is what Donald wants, it's the only way he can get them to cover him 24/7 and to Donald, any news or reporting on him is GOOD....he has ALWAYS, his entire life, taken that to the limit....ALWAYS...from negative news about his divorce, from is open affair with Marla, before his divorce and marla being at the same hotel as Ivana when Trump was on a family vacation and Marla running in to Ivana on the slopes and a huge scene and tabloid news for at least a month....Donald set it up.... And then there was him planting in the NY POST that story about Marla saying he was the "Best sex she ever had"....she never told the Post that....Donald set up the article and Marla was embarrassed and horrified!

Saying these outrageous things, is WHY he gets the free coverage....yes it is negative, but truly HE DOES NOT CARE about that Lumpy, he really doesn't...even if he says he does, it's all a show, for more FREE coverage. I'm telling ya, as an ex product marketing manager as my last job.....the guy's a marketing genius....even if it is all lies. :p

And he's not wrong, all advertising is good, even when negative, it keeps the Trump name alive!

Well, I wasn't referring to that kinda fluffy girly stuff but it's interesting that you do... :shock:

I was refering to Trumps political views and such and the Hillary news bobbleheads parroting/propagandizing whatever she desires 24/7, regardless of reality.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well....they have been 10 times harder on her... and with Donald, when he says something unAmerican or outrageous, they cover it for about a nano-second, never go in to depth, and that is BECAUSE Donald has created a NEW outrageous thing to say and the press moves on to it.

No one even knows who Donald Trump really is and here it is, over a year of nonsensical coverage.

the press IS doing a crappy job, not because they are negative, but because they have NOT covered issues on donald that have really needed to be covered.... only now, they are starting to vet him, 15 months after his entrance in the race, and early voting in some states starts in a week....

your bitch may be valid, but the left side's bitch about the press is valid as well.

NBC has been tough on Trump, I'm not sure about the other networks because I really don't watch them.

Meghan Kelly of FOX was BRUTAL on Trump.....................sheesh the dumbness of pot smokers.
Same kind of spending ratios of the other Republican candidates spending in the primary vs. Trump's own spending....

However Trump still HAD MORE advertising during the primaries than all of his opponents combined.... $1.5 billion (dollars) of FREE advertising by the main stream media, was the calculation for the FREE advertising he got during the primary

Donald's advertising, was and still is 'gotten' for FREE by him.

He's a genius with working the press and saying outrageous things, that simply HAVE TO BE covered by the media! :lol:


The question is will the media start to actually worry about something more than ratings and money... At some point someone in a TV station must listen to the economic advisor and go 'Oh Shit'... Ratings are nice but if this idiot tanks the economy we are screwed...

Then the training wheels could be taken off Trump... He is getting away with a lot at the moment.. the closer the white house the fun stops and serious questions have to get answered...

Then again they media could give him the free ride...

You must not listen or read the Hillary's news bobbleheads, they're fully dedicated to screwing over Trump with frivolous charges and innuendos 24/7..

Granted, you may not notice because they're saying and writing what you absolutely want to hear and read....:itsok:
Of course it is filled with outrageous stuff, but that is because this is what Donald wants, it's the only way he can get them to cover him 24/7 and to Donald, any news or reporting on him is GOOD....he has ALWAYS, his entire life, taken that to the limit....ALWAYS...from negative news about his divorce, from is open affair with Marla, before his divorce and marla being at the same hotel as Ivana when Trump was on a family vacation and Marla running in to Ivana on the slopes and a huge scene and tabloid news for at least a month....Donald set it up.... And then there was him planting in the NY POST that story about Marla saying he was the "Best sex she ever had"....she never told the Post that....Donald set up the article and Marla was embarrassed and horrified!

Saying these outrageous things, is WHY he gets the free coverage....yes it is negative, but truly HE DOES NOT CARE about that Lumpy, he really doesn't...even if he says he does, it's all a show, for more FREE coverage. I'm telling ya, as an ex product marketing manager as my last job.....the guy's a marketing genius....even if it is all lies. :p

And he's not wrong, all advertising is good, even when negative, it keeps the Trump name alive!

Well, I wasn't referring to that kinda fluffy girly stuff but it's interesting that you do... :shock:

I was refering to Trumps political views and such and the Hillary news bobbleheads parroting/propagandizing whatever she desires 24/7, regardless of reality.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well....they have been 10 times harder on her... and with Donald, when he says something unAmerican or outrageous, they cover it for about a nano-second, never go in to depth, and that is BECAUSE Donald has created a NEW outrageous thing to say and the press moves on to it.

No one even knows who Donald Trump really is and here it is, over a year of nonsensical coverage.

the press IS doing a crappy job, not because they are negative, but because they have NOT covered issues on donald that have really needed to be covered.... only now, they are starting to vet him, 15 months after his entrance in the race, and early voting in some states starts in a week....

your bitch may be valid, but the left side's bitch about the press is valid as well.

It's nice that we can disagree and remain friends.. :wink_2:
Jeb wasted a lot of other people's money running against Trump too.

The only consolation I can get from a Trump win is that Hitlery loses. A lot of wasted democrook bourgeois cash is frosting on the douche bottle I suppose.


The question is will the media start to actually worry about something more than ratings and money... At some point someone in a TV station must listen to the economic advisor and go 'Oh Shit'... Ratings are nice but if this idiot tanks the economy we are screwed...

Then the training wheels could be taken off Trump... He is getting away with a lot at the moment.. the closer the white house the fun stops and serious questions have to get answered...

Then again they media could give him the free ride...

You must not listen or read the Hillary's news bobbleheads, they're fully dedicated to screwing over Trump with frivolous charges and innuendos 24/7..

Granted, you may not notice because they're saying and writing what you absolutely want to hear and read....:itsok:
Of course it is filled with outrageous stuff, but that is because this is what Donald wants, it's the only way he can get them to cover him 24/7 and to Donald, any news or reporting on him is GOOD....he has ALWAYS, his entire life, taken that to the limit....ALWAYS...from negative news about his divorce, from is open affair with Marla, before his divorce and marla being at the same hotel as Ivana when Trump was on a family vacation and Marla running in to Ivana on the slopes and a huge scene and tabloid news for at least a month....Donald set it up.... And then there was him planting in the NY POST that story about Marla saying he was the "Best sex she ever had"....she never told the Post that....Donald set up the article and Marla was embarrassed and horrified!

Saying these outrageous things, is WHY he gets the free coverage....yes it is negative, but truly HE DOES NOT CARE about that Lumpy, he really doesn't...even if he says he does, it's all a show, for more FREE coverage. I'm telling ya, as an ex product marketing manager as my last job.....the guy's a marketing genius....even if it is all lies. :p

And he's not wrong, all advertising is good, even when negative, it keeps the Trump name alive!

Well, I wasn't referring to that kinda fluffy girly stuff but it's interesting that you do... :shock:

I was refering to Trumps political views and such and the Hillary news bobbleheads parroting/propagandizing whatever she desires 24/7, regardless of reality.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well....they have been 10 times harder on her... and with Donald, when he says something unAmerican or outrageous, they cover it for about a nano-second, never go in to depth, and that is BECAUSE Donald has created a NEW outrageous thing to say and the press moves on to it.

No one even knows who Donald Trump really is and here it is, over a year of nonsensical coverage.

the press IS doing a crappy job, not because they are negative, but because they have NOT covered issues on donald that have really needed to be covered.... only now, they are starting to vet him, 15 months after his entrance in the race, and early voting in some states starts in a week....

your bitch may be valid, but the left side's bitch about the press is valid as well.

It's nice that we can disagree and remain friends.. :wink_2:

No good American can be friends with a Hillary supporter who wants to destroy America like Hilburt wants too.
I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well...

Horse shit.

First of all what is there positive to cover about her? They damn sure don't get deep into her negatives or you would know she lied to congress. She's lied to grieving families, she lies to the faces of everyone who could tolerate looking at her face on TV or can't reach the volume to shut her off. You cannot possibly believe that if the media was REALLY doing it's job people wouldn't be in the streets of DC destroying the place.

It's utterly inconceivable to me how anyone can be a rational, thinking person and want this authoritarian sociopath to get elected.

I can hold out hope that since the annoying orange is an outsider (sorta) that he just might curtail some of the globalist bullshit and stop the march to collectivism.

I (very briefly) held out hope the meat puppet queer would curtail the big money insider bullshit since I figured he might be an actual true believer like crazy Bernie. Who I would vote for over either Hitlery or Trump. Instead Jarret's puppet did what it was supposed to do and enriched his fellow sociopaths while increasing poverty across the country. Riots are more frequent than ever before, there's a general malaise and no sign of leadership.

Unless you take the world's richest professional clown or or Eva Braun's reincarnated ghost animated in Hitlery as serious leaders.

Personally I have more faith in Vermin Supreme, but he ain't going to keep the her from her precious.


I'm sorry, the press has done a crappy job in covering her...every bit of her coverage is always negative as well...

Horse shit.

First of all what is there positive to cover about her? They damn sure don't get deep into her negatives or you would know she lied to congress. She's lied to grieving families, she lies to the faces of everyone who could tolerate looking at her face on TV or can't reach the volume to shut her off. You cannot possibly believe that if the media was REALLY doing it's job people wouldn't be in the streets of DC destroying the place.

It's utterly inconceivable to me how anyone can be a rational, thinking person and want this authoritarian sociopath to get elected.

I can hold out hope that since the annoying orange is an outsider (sorta) that he just might curtail some of the globalist bullshit and stop the march to collectivism.

I (very briefly) held out hope the meat puppet queer would curtail the big money insider bullshit since I figured he might be an actual true believer like crazy Bernie. Who I would vote for over either Hitlery or Trump. Instead Jarret's puppet did what it was supposed to do and enriched his fellow sociopaths while increasing poverty across the country. Riots are more frequent than ever before, there's a general malaise and no sign of leadership.

Unless you take the world's richest professional clown or or Eva Braun's reincarnated ghost animated in Hitlery as serious leaders.

Personally I have more faith in Vermin Supreme, but he ain't going to keep the her from her precious.


It would have been nice for the Outside to be an outsider like
I don't see Hillary as an evil person, but I have not spent the last decade being bombarded by the vitriol in the right wing media echo chamber. She will be a good president...her legacy relies on it.....the legacy of the first woman as President of the USA relies on it. And she's not a quitter...she has worked harder than any person I've viewed in government the past 20 years.... is she perfect? No/ no one is perfect but Jesus Christ.... She's not this evil person out to hurt us....that meme is just utterly ridiculous imo

Donald has no experience in any form of running a govt, and a complete buffoon on Stage, even though I do believe it is an act, for his crowds and the free publicity....I wish he could have been an outsider like Kevin kline in the movie DAVE...instead we've got, the Orange man
I don't see Hillary as an evil person, but I have not spent the last decade being bombarded by the vitriol in the right wing media echo chamber. She will be a good president...her legacy relies on it.....the legacy of the first woman as President of the USA relies on it. And she's not a quitter...she has worked harder than any person I've viewed in government the past 20 years.... is she perfect? No/ no one is perfect but Jesus Christ.... She's not this evil person out to hurt us....that meme is just utterly ridiculous imo

Donald has no experience in any form of running a govt, and a complete buffoon on Stage, even though I do believe it is an act, for his crowds and the free publicity....I wish he could have been an outsider like Kevin kline in the movie DAVE...instead we've got, the Orange man

Oh, Hillary has experience alright. Look what she's done with it so far.

My cousin is a big lib, but she expressed some disappointment in Hillary. Oh, she would love to see a woman President, but the first woman President should be somebody with integrity, not a list of lies a mile long and more scandal than the last five Presidents combined.
Hillary Spending 53 to 1 over Trump

...and Trump is steadily gaining on her. As of yesterday they were basically tied in the RealClearPolitics average, and Trump is turning state after state from a Hillary state to a Trump state.

If they maintain this rate, Trump will win by 15% in the popular vote, and 70+ electoral votes.

Basically, the old pattern is re-asserting itself: The more Hillary talks, the less people like her. She just won't take the hint, I guess.

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