Hillary Spent So Much Time Lying She Goes Into A Coughing Fit

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
No Bush didn`t send any e-mails and it`s likely that he never sent one to anyone. We don`t need any e-mails to prove he and his goons (and 1 goonette) lied 4,500 Americans to their deaths in Iraq. Benghazi? You can`t be serious.

Comparing Hillary's outright dereliction of duty to Bush going to war in Iraq is a definite sign of desperation. So, you're okay with having a president who knowingly lied to the American people about Ben Ghazi?
Did she?

What about Powell? His anthrax vile at the UN.
Voting for Hillary is just a continuation of Obama Administration, where corruption is always going on.....and nobody is ever going to get to the bottom of the corruption if it is discovered. Where lies are better than telling the truth. Where the meaning of the word "IS" is purely objective and up to discussion.

Look, if you want a president that tells you the sky isn't blue....and lies to your face when war is at our doorstep....and purposely relaxes our national security because foreigners who hate America are giving her foundation millions....knock yourself out. I think you're a one issue voter wearing blinders.....and you don't care if the person you support leads us off a cliff. And on the way down she'll be swearing in front of a House sub-committee that it wasn't her fault. She'll say with a straight face that this screw up wasn't her fault and that she feels it all should be left up to professionals......not a leader who's supposed to be accountable for the so-called professionals she hired. It's difficult to believe you actually bought that. Jesus, I didn't know that being gay overrules your sense of reality..or your ability to think rationally..but obviously it does.

In fact I think Hillary is more of a radical than both Obama and Sanders. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing and good at pretending.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?

Is it Arian or Aryan?

Iranian....or racist?


So now that you've been called out on Hillary's health, you want to double down on - what, exactly?
Called out.

In your dreams.

It's clear she's unhealthy. Her poor health led to her concussion....which everyone was wondering was faked....right before the last time she was questioned. She's fat and overweight.....has problems keeping on her feet for long periods of time.....has no spring in her step. She walks like a grandma. Her kankles are twice the size of normal folks. It's like she has a case of Elephantiatis....but it's really just the fact that she doesn't exercise. If she can't stand up to 11 hours sitting on her fat butt answering questions, what makes you think she's going to have the energy and the drive to be a decent president....who has to be on call 24/7/365?

They needed to bring her back a second and a third day.....not just let her off easy with one day of questioning. The purpose of extensive questioning is to draw the truth out of a liar....a hostile witness. They get fatigued and have problems remembering all of their lies. Instead, they let her off easy. They're never gonna get at the truth if they keep letting her dictate to them what is acceptable questioning.
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Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
Her health sucks. I looked online and discovered this isn't the first time she's had one of these:

Well by comparison, she's in Olympic form next to the condition of her virtue.

Bill's wife is a reprobate in a $1500 pant suit.
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Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?

Is it Arian or Aryan?

Iranian....or racist?


So now that you've been called out on Hillary's health, you want to double down on - what, exactly?
Called out.

In your dreams.

Then tell the class what you've learned about hypothyroidism.
I guess if Democrats can make a fuss about Marco Rubio drinking water.....

Republicans should be expected to make a fuss about a coughing incident.

Oh brother....we're doomed
No thanks to you on the left.
If you really want to make a fuss...why don't you get outraged over the fact that Hillary probably farts too?
I don't think she farts all that much because I think she's packed completely full of crap......but you can tell that from fact checking her answers.
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?

Is it Arian or Aryan?

Iranian....or racist?


So now that you've been called out on Hillary's health, you want to double down on - what, exactly?
Called out.

In your dreams.

Then tell the class what you've learned about hypothyroidism.
Sorry....if you want to stay out in the weeds......feel free asshole.
I guess if Democrats can make a fuss about Marco Rubio drinking water.....

Republicans should be expected to make a fuss about a coughing incident.

Oh brother....we're doomed
No thanks to you on the left.
If you really want to make a fuss...why don't you get outraged over the fact that Hillary probably farts too?
I don't think she farts all that much because I think she's packed completely full of crap......but you can tell that from fact checking her answers.
Fact checking politicians is like making homeless people wash their hands.

A waste of time.
She stood by Obama the next morning and lied to the American people. And then eight days later lied to the relatives of the victims when their caskets came home. All of this was of course because of an upcoming election and an effort to hide the fact that Al Queda wasn't on run, and had actually succeeded to assassinate an American Ambassador in a country she promoted a failed foreign policy of bombing and removing it's secular dictator.

And this is the person we want to lead us out of this international and domestic mess we're in?
Sorry....if you want to stay out in the weeds......feel free asshole.

So you've learned nothing. Not surprising.

Now, unless you're describing yourself as a "feel free asshole," you might want to consider the judicious use of commas going forward.
Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
The evidence establishes that the o-cult had established the existence of "the video", by having heavily advertised it across the Middle East days prior to 9-11.

The evidence shows that the o-cult was well aware of critical security risks to US personnel in the Libyan consulate while simultaneously refusing to remove those personnel or increase security measures.

The evidence shows that in the wake of the predicted attack upon the consulate and the just as predictable catastrophic failure of the meager security measures available to those on the ground at the time of the attack, absent a scintilla of evidence that such had occurred, that the o-cult began working what was clearly an already well established planned EXCUSE: of the "Protest Gone Wrong" as the reason for the attack and subsequent murder of US citizens.

Which informs us that the o-cult, including Bill Clinton's wife... Were not only aware that an attack was imminent, but took overt actions to assure the success of that attack, thus they were AT THE VERY LEAST: COMPLICIT IN THE ATTACK, if not: ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE ATTACK UPON THE UNITED STATES... .

Odds are that Stevens was in possessions of a LARGE cache of US CASH. Which needed to be provided to those represented by the ISLAMIST ATTACKERS, but which the o-cult could not be on record in the funding of such....

Funds which were likely taken from Libya's former rule Muammar Gaddafi, or which was taken from the any other of the Trillions of unaccounted for dollars spent by the US Government since the o-cult came to power.

That is what the latest hearing established.
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Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
It's strange how the "Tax & Spend" crowd keeps harping about the expense....when everything they do is designed to increase the burden on the tax-payer through ever increasing deficit spending and ever increasing taxes. All of the free tuition promises...which will cost billions.....the health care and benefits for illegals and for refugees we don't need to bring here.....funding for Planned Parenthood so they can sell baby body parts. And pretty soon Obama will be demanding to raise the debt-ceiling once again....so he can spend more than any president in our history....and never be held accountable for it. Yet they whine incessantly about an investigation that has been ongoing for 3 years and yet the guilty parties continue to stonewall and delay, hoping we'll get tired of it.

For people with the attention-span of a teaspoon.....you guys sure like to complain alot.

"Are we there yet????"
Sorry....if you want to stay out in the weeds......feel free asshole.

So you've learned nothing. Not surprising.

Now, unless you're describing yourself as a "feel free asshole," you might want to consider the judicious use of commas going forward.
Oh....not only are you a mind-reader but also an English teacher.

Why don't you go sit on a box of thumbtacks.
Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
It's strange how the "Tax & Spend" crowd keeps harping about the expense....when everything they do is designed to increase the burden on the tax-payer through ever increasing deficit spending and ever increasing taxes. All of the free tuition promises...which will cost billions.....the health care and benefits for illegals and for refugees we don't need to bring here.....funding for Planned Parenthood so they can sell baby body parts. And pretty soon Obama will be demanding to raise the debt-ceiling once again....so he can spend more than any president in our history....and never be held accountable for it. Yet they whine incessantly about an investigation that has been ongoing for 3 years and yet the guilty parties continue to stonewall and delay, hoping we'll get tired of it.

For people with the attention-span of a teaspoon.....you guys sure like to complain alot.

"Are we there yet????"
Republicans and Democrats all tax and spend.

That's how government works. We pay taxes, they spend them, and lot more than we give them.

Tea Party congresspeople and senators tax and spend
Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
The evidence establishes that the Obama cult had established the exist nice of "the video", by having advertised it across the Middle East days prior to 9-11.

The evidence shows that the Obama cult was well aware of critical security risks to US personnel in the Libyan consulate while simultaneously refusing to remove those personnel or increase security measures.

The evidence shows that in the wake of the predicted attack upon the consulate and the catastrophic failure of the meager security measures available to those on the ground at the time of the attack, abscent a scintilla of evidence that such had occurred, that the O-cult began working what was clearly a well established plan to cite a "Protest Go e Wrong" as the reason for the attack and subsequent murder of US citizens.

Which informs us that the O-Cult, including Bill Clinton's wife... Were not only aware that an attack was imminent, but took overt actions to assure the success of that attack and to avoid accountability for their treason, through the pre-planned excuse regarding the would-be video.

That is what the latest hearing established.
Yeah.....but it was just a platform for Hillary.

Oh.....and btw......didn't she look presidential?

The election is over cuz she's the best.....just give the White House to the bitch.
Bottom line, she can chew gum, fart, and cough while lying calmly for 11 hours. And that's who the Democrats want as president.
There is a difference between lying, and misunderstanding.

I believe the whole bunch of them wanted the cause to be the film, as opposed to terrorism, to limit Obama's exposure to foreign policy criticism during the election.

That's not worth 2 years and millions of tax payer dollars to know. We already know that.

The rest is fluff, smoke, and mirrors designed to make Hillary's numbers go down at the polls
It's strange how the "Tax & Spend" crowd keeps harping about the expense....when everything they do is designed to increase the burden on the tax-payer through ever increasing deficit spending and ever increasing taxes. All of the free tuition promises...which will cost billions.....the health care and benefits for illegals and for refugees we don't need to bring here.....funding for Planned Parenthood so they can sell baby body parts. And pretty soon Obama will be demanding to raise the debt-ceiling once again....so he can spend more than any president in our history....and never be held accountable for it. Yet they whine incessantly about an investigation that has been ongoing for 3 years and yet the guilty parties continue to stonewall and delay, hoping we'll get tired of it.

For people with the attention-span of a teaspoon.....you guys sure like to complain alot.

"Are we there yet????"
Republicans and Democrats all tax and spend.

That's how government works. We pay taxes, they spend them, and lot more than we give them.

Tea Party congresspeople and senators tax and spend
Another liberal tactic. Totally detached from reality.

Attempt to attach both parties at the hip.

FYI, the only reason the deficit is shrinking is because the GOP put a stop to a large portion of the spending that Democrats did the first 2 years Obama was in office.

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