Hillary Spent So Much Time Lying She Goes Into A Coughing Fit

Mudwhistle no doubt has copies of Hillary's medical files, and he'll be happy to post them here.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You must be one of those non-governmental asswipes Cass Sustein dreamed up to confuse and ridicule people on message boards.
Which is why she was spewing human shit out of her mouth. When somebody is full of shit, like Hillary is, and her ass is clenched shut, there's only one place for that shit to go.
Democrats are having premature orgasms because their candidate sat there and lied for 11 hours straight, about something she lied about 3 years ago, that brought about the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans.
Lets see if the voters agree with you. I'm sure you'll stick to your position that she lied and should be in jail, but you're a fool so so what what you think? We already know who you're voting for and we already know you don't like her. Well we love her. And we didn't see her lie yesterday. Did we miss something? Can you provide a video of her lying? Is it up on truthometer yet? Pathetic!

She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
Yes yes yes and yes! Was you on a deserted island from 2000-2008? Holy shit! Where would I even begin? But bush was never prosecuted,or Chaney, rumsfeld, Powell Ashcroft, McClellan, Alberto Gonzalez, boulton,only scooter Libby did. Leaking Valerie planes name.

I can't take you seriously. Bush was so criminal but you impeach Clinton over a bj? Omg! Fu.

It doesn't surprise me though because look at how Bush created the Great Recession and you didn't blame him and Obama has gotten this out and you don't give him credit
Mudwhistle no doubt has copies of Hillary's medical files, and he'll be happy to post them here.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You must be one of those non-governmental asswipes Cass Sustein dreamed up to confuse and ridicule people on message boards.
Name the Republican candidates that are trustworthy
Her health sucks. I looked online and discovered this isn't the first time she's had one of these:

Republicans just realized today they won't get a shot at the white house again until 2024. She's going to be our Margaret Thatcher or Angela Merkel.

You're obviously delusional.

You really can pick em.

She's mean
She's ughly
She can't tell the truth
And she can't cut the mustard.
When's she gonna fall and get a concussion or something?

You can tell she knocked it out of the park based on your weak pathetic thread and reply.

I think Democrats might take back the Senate too.

You guys are giving her lots of air time. Maybe you should stop taking advice from Karl Rove.

Apparently you weren't told about the smoking gun. She admitted she knew it was an attack. The video excuse was a lie. She didn't hit nothing out of the park. MSM decided to lie to their viewers and readers. You fools eat it up.

You idiot something like 7 mega corporations own all the media. They did not tell us the GOP lied us into Iraq. They stay silent calling out global warming corporations, sending companies over seas, not taxing the corporations, shifting the tax burden onto us, breaking unions, right to work.

Please don't confuse the media appearing liberal with social wedge issues like gays with being owned by hard core fiscal conservative mega corporations.

The media helped the corporations screw up obamacare. A liberal media would have exposed the bad actors.

They let wallstreet oil speculators screw us.

They don't report we have an illegal employer problem in this country. Who's hiring 10 million illegals? Only a dumb brainwashed right believes the media is liberal.
Democrats are having premature orgasms because their candidate sat there and lied for 11 hours straight, about something she lied about 3 years ago, that brought about the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans.
Lets see if the voters agree with you. I'm sure you'll stick to your position that she lied and should be in jail, but you're a fool so so what what you think? We already know who you're voting for and we already know you don't like her. Well we love her. And we didn't see her lie yesterday. Did we miss something? Can you provide a video of her lying? Is it up on truthometer yet? Pathetic!

She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
No Bush didn`t send any e-mails and it`s likely that he never sent one to anyone. We don`t need any e-mails to prove he and his goons (and 1 goonette) lied 4,500 Americans to their deaths in Iraq. Benghazi? You can`t be serious.

Comparing Hillary's outright dereliction of duty to Bush going to war in Iraq is a definite sign of desperation. So, you're okay with having a president who knowingly lied to the American people about Ben Ghazi?
I would prefer Sanders over Hillary if it came down to it. At least he's honest about his ideology and isn't a depraved liar like Hillary.
Mudwhistle no doubt has copies of Hillary's medical files, and he'll be happy to post them here.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?
Lets see if the voters agree with you. I'm sure you'll stick to your position that she lied and should be in jail, but you're a fool so so what what you think? We already know who you're voting for and we already know you don't like her. Well we love her. And we didn't see her lie yesterday. Did we miss something? Can you provide a video of her lying? Is it up on truthometer yet? Pathetic!

She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
No Bush didn`t send any e-mails and it`s likely that he never sent one to anyone. We don`t need any e-mails to prove he and his goons (and 1 goonette) lied 4,500 Americans to their deaths in Iraq. Benghazi? You can`t be serious.

Comparing Hillary's outright dereliction of duty to Bush going to war in Iraq is a definite sign of desperation. So, you're okay with having a president who knowingly lied to the American people about Ben Ghazi?
Did she?

What about Powell? His anthrax vile at the UN.
She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
No Bush didn`t send any e-mails and it`s likely that he never sent one to anyone. We don`t need any e-mails to prove he and his goons (and 1 goonette) lied 4,500 Americans to their deaths in Iraq. Benghazi? You can`t be serious.

Comparing Hillary's outright dereliction of duty to Bush going to war in Iraq is a definite sign of desperation. So, you're okay with having a president who knowingly lied to the American people about Ben Ghazi?
Did she?

What about Powell? His anthrax vile at the UN.
Voting for Hillary is just a continuation of Obama Administration, where corruption is always going on.....and nobody is ever going to get to the bottom of the corruption if it is discovered. Where lies are better than telling the truth. Where the meaning of the word "IS" is purely objective and up to discussion.

Look, if you want a president that tells you the sky isn't blue....and lies to your face when war is at our doorstep....and purposely relaxes our national security because foreigners who hate America are giving her foundation millions....knock yourself out. I think you're a one issue voter wearing blinders.....and you don't care if the person you support leads us off a cliff. And on the way down she'll be swearing in front of a House sub-committee that it wasn't her fault. She'll say with a straight face that this screw up wasn't her fault and that she feels it all should be left up to professionals......not a leader who's supposed to be accountable for the so-called professionals she hired. It's difficult to believe you actually bought that. Jesus, I didn't know that being gay overrules your sense of reality..or your ability to think rationally..but obviously it does.
Mudwhistle no doubt has copies of Hillary's medical files, and he'll be happy to post them here.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?

Is it Arian or Aryan?

Iranian....or racist?

Arian rhod is the same thing as Racist Prick.

Iranians were the first Arians...or Aryans.....and it's strange that you'd pick a handle with a Nazi derivative in it. I know you tools are really into symbolism.....and like Obama, love insulting people without them knowing it.

It's funny how these smart-ass Nazi operatives start popping up on message boards defending Hillary at strategically advantageous points of the campaign.....hang around for a few months....then disappear.....popping back in periodically to reestablish their bona fides.

I wonder why they would do that.
She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
No Bush didn`t send any e-mails and it`s likely that he never sent one to anyone. We don`t need any e-mails to prove he and his goons (and 1 goonette) lied 4,500 Americans to their deaths in Iraq. Benghazi? You can`t be serious.

Comparing Hillary's outright dereliction of duty to Bush going to war in Iraq is a definite sign of desperation. So, you're okay with having a president who knowingly lied to the American people about Ben Ghazi?
Did she?

What about Powell? His anthrax vile at the UN.
Obviously the vile was a
prop. No one in their right mind would bring a glass vile of actual anthrax to the UN.
Democrats are having premature orgasms because their candidate sat there and lied for 11 hours straight, about something she lied about 3 years ago, that brought about the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans.
Lets see if the voters agree with you. I'm sure you'll stick to your position that she lied and should be in jail, but you're a fool so so what what you think? We already know who you're voting for and we already know you don't like her. Well we love her. And we didn't see her lie yesterday. Did we miss something? Can you provide a video of her lying? Is it up on truthometer yet? Pathetic!

She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
Yes yes yes and yes! Was you on a deserted island from 2000-2008? Holy shit! Where would I even begin? But bush was never prosecuted,or Chaney, rumsfeld, Powell Ashcroft, McClellan, Alberto Gonzalez, boulton,only scooter Libby did. Leaking Valerie planes name.

I can't take you seriously. Bush was so criminal but you impeach Clinton over a bj? Omg! Fu.

It doesn't surprise me though because look at how Bush created the Great Recession and you didn't blame him and Obama has gotten this out and you don't give him credit

Bush Derangement Syndrome still? Name just one single prosecutable "crime" Bush has committed. And just to get you off on the right foot, military actions you don't like are not "crimes". I await your response.
If the cough last 4 hours she's suppose to call her doctor.
Democrats are having premature orgasms because their candidate sat there and lied for 11 hours straight, about something she lied about 3 years ago, that brought about the death of our Ambassador and three other Americans.
Lets see if the voters agree with you. I'm sure you'll stick to your position that she lied and should be in jail, but you're a fool so so what what you think? We already know who you're voting for and we already know you don't like her. Well we love her. And we didn't see her lie yesterday. Did we miss something? Can you provide a video of her lying? Is it up on truthometer yet? Pathetic!

She clearly knew it was a terrorist attack based on her own words in her emails, and not only did she get on TV and lie to the American people about it being because of a video, but she did the same with the families of the victims. Obama and her need to be tried for treason. I truly don't understand how a person that has betrayed the American people to this extent is running for president. The current Democratic party and it's leadership have no morals left.
See what happens when you lower the bar? You let Bush delete emails, remember? Or do you NOT RECALL?

That Time The Bush Administration Lost 5 Million Emails...And Nobody Batted An Eye

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms - Washington Times

You're confused, it's not only the emails. Did Bush send an email about a terrorist incident and then went on TV and called it a protest? That's what it's about. Did George Bush or any other candidate have their own SERVER inside their home that allowed him to DELETE govt emails on his own?
Yes yes yes and yes! Was you on a deserted island from 2000-2008? Holy shit! Where would I even begin? But bush was never prosecuted,or Chaney, rumsfeld, Powell Ashcroft, McClellan, Alberto Gonzalez, boulton,only scooter Libby did. Leaking Valerie planes name.

I can't take you seriously. Bush was so criminal but you impeach Clinton over a bj? Omg! Fu.

It doesn't surprise me though because look at how Bush created the Great Recession and you didn't blame him and Obama has gotten this out and you don't give him credit

I am not a fan of Bush but he has more integrity on his toenail than Hillary has in all her body.

Bush didn't cause the Great Recession it was caused by idiot Democrats who forced the banks into giving shady loans to people who weren't qualified. Notice how Barney Frank has disappeared from the radar for the last 7 years? Bush is only to blame because it happened on his watch, that I will give you.

It's interesting how you even bring up "the recession" as an excuse for Hillary's lack of morals and character. In my opinion anybody who votes for her isn't a patriot.
Mudwhistle no doubt has copies of Hillary's medical files, and he'll be happy to post them here.
Well...she seems to have a condition that makes her forgetful....and cough uncontrollably at times called hypothyroidism. They're covering the condition up....

But it will come out eventually.
No, they aren't. It's common knowledge. Not common enough to have trickled down to your stratum of the food chain, though.

Let's see if you're smarter than that other nimrod who started a whole separate thread about some Drudge rumor:

Hypothyroidism - Mayo Clinic
Coming from the nimrod who thinks Hillary is trustworthy.

You do? Based on what?

Was the article on hypothyroidism helpful?

Is it Arian or Aryan?

Iranian....or racist?


So now that you've been called out on Hillary's health, you want to double down on - what, exactly?
I would prefer Sanders over Hillary if it came down to it. At least he's honest about his ideology and isn't a depraved liar like Hillary.
Or ...so far...a murderer.
She has zero ethics, knowingly lying to the Ben Ghazi victims relatives about their loved ones dying because of the video. I bet you the bitch came home after that day and was laughing about the stunt she just pulled.
She has zero ethics, knowingly lying to the Ben Ghazi victims relatives about their loved ones dying because of the video. I bet you the bitch came home after that day and was laughing about the stunt she just pulled.

Ben Ghazi? Good actor, died much too young.

I guess if Democrats can make a fuss about Marco Rubio drinking water.....

Republicans should be expected to make a fuss about a coughing incident.

Oh brother....we're doomed

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